I was thinking last night about how the present day timeline and the flash sideways could be connected or come together then the image of the island underwater came to me, is it possible do you think that the incident they caused back in 77 actually allowed Smokey to somehow escape the island in the alternative timeline maybe just maybe he had to sink the island to set himself free, and what if Smokey is actually alive and well off island in the flash sideways still plotting....
This leads to me my theory that we will actually see the two timelines come togeater in one all mighty battle one on island present one off island alternative all with Smokey/Floke, as we said no one knows what happens if you die in the alternative timeline and what that does to your body on the island maybe Smokey will need to start taking out people off island in the flash sideways to help cause their demise on the island we all know they are mirroring the two, it would be pretty cool to see the same battle on two fronts and from two complete separate points of view that really would be falling through the mirror. Could that mean that present day island Smokey/Floke will need to sink the island to escape is that his big plan seems funny team Floke have all of a sudden decided to relocate to the Hydra Island, something to think about guys and girls........