Note: I've posted variations on this theory, but this is it in its most eveolved form...
Okay, so this is my theory. Be warned; it’s long. But bear with me and I’ll try to get through it as quick as possible...
Whatever your beliefs, religion is key to any civilisation...
With that in mind, we should kick off this theory by asking the question...
... What is the Island?
Well, first of all, to try and answer this scientifically would be impossible, not to mention stupid. However, the Island’s PURPOSE can be summed up with this simple analogy...
Imagine the world as a super-computer – the Island functions as the world’s portable hard-drive; its purpose to store important information, or, “files” should anything happen to the world.
Meaning... if the world were to end tomorrow, the Island would remain safely intact with all relevant information; law, religion etc, required to start over.
However, depending on WHO controls the Island at the time, that person would have a CHOICE. They could choose EITHER to start again using the information contained in those “files” thus ensuring that thousands of years of “progress” are not “Lost”... OR... they could choose to start a NEW civilisation with their OWN laws, and maybe even their own religion... one in which THEY are God!
Now both Jacob and MIB are aware of this end-of-the-world scenario, and part of what we are seeing on the show is a battle for control of the Island in preparation for this great doom.
So now that we’ve laid down the broad strokes, I'll get to specifics.
Let’s start with the main conflict in the show, or, as it’s referred to; “The War”. It’s important to remember that there are THREE sides to this war... There’s Jacob’s side, there’s MIB’s, and then there’s everyone else i.e. the Others, Losties etc... Some of these characters will ally with Jacob, some will ally with MIB... and some may even choose to side with neither. More on that later...
But let’s start with Jacob...
Jacob is very unique in that he both DIED and RESSURECTED before he was actually born. The first time he died was in the womb of his mother when her plane crashed on a tropical Island. His resurrection came when his survived mother ate from the food of the Island... an Island which houses mystical properties. The second time he died came several thousand years later and a trip through time when his Nemesis discovered a loophole.
To cut to the chase, Jacob is Aaron from the future who travelled back in time and was granted eternal life in order to fulfil a great task.
His goal is to prevent the self-destruction of all human life on this earth from nuclear annihilation. He is aware of this great doom via a numerical calculation known as the Valenzetti Equation (the numbers) discovered in the 60’s by scientists who later became the Dharma Initiative. His task is to change the core numerical value and thus prevent the outcome i.e. the end of the world. But to do this, he must go back to the very beginning of civilisation to set his task in motion, weaving a very intricate thread, which involves bringing people to the Island. But unfortunately for Jacob, things aren’t going to be that simple as... someone not too happy about these people showing up, is planning to put a stop to it...
Next; MIB/Smokey and The Others...
Note: I’ve taken the most liberties with this section of my theory, and though this may not be what’s going on, it may still work as fun reading...
Smokey was first created many, many years ago by a technologically advanced race of humans that we know as the “Others”. Both the Others, and Smokey, are from a place called “Home”; a dimension that exists parallel to our own. They arrived on the Island in the distant past during a trans-dimensional “shift” when a volcanic eruption, fused with the Island’s mysterious properties, tore a hole in both dimensions, causing them to bleed into one another.
Originally, Smokey was designed as a kind of mobile “police unit”. Its purpose, to uphold the law as it is on “Home”. It works via a simple SCANNING process, followed by a prompt “arrest” should any crime be detected. On “Home”, there were many of these “police units”, all programmed with the same purpose. But when one of them inadvertently spilled onto the Island during the “shift”, the mysterious properties, found deep underground, inter-mingled with the alien technology and gave it life of its own!
A small group of “Homians”/Others were also stranded, but without their technology, they were forced to begin life anew, building Temples and scribbling their laws all over the walls. Later, some of these people would leave the Island and begin a civilisation of their own. These ancient people would come to be known as the Egyptians.
Meanwhile, back on the Island, the Others, much to their displeasure, soon learned that one of their police units had been stranded on the Island along with them, and is now able to think for itself, taking its law-upholding characteristics to the extreme, and dishing out its own brand of justice. Powerless, the Others could do nothing but carve warnings on the walls; warning to anyone else who finds the Island that... they better be good, or else! This is how the Smoke Monster eventually got to its God-like status and was assigned the befitting name; SAMAEL by the Others, who in Biblical terms was known as the Accuser, Seducer, and Destroyer.
So... how is Smokey planning to return home? Well, in the beginning, Smokey had most of the Others under his rule, and he used them to create a machine that would do that very thing. This machine became the Frozen Donkey Wheel. And when it didn’t work, Smokey had them seal the wheel off, and start work on a different machine. But then something happened...
...People... started to show up inexplicably on the Island. At first, Smokey didn’t know how these people were finding it. That is until he began to hear the name; Jacob spoken in hushed whispers. Who was this Jacob, he thought? And why does he keep bringing these pathetic mortals to my Island? Smokey soon developed a keen distaste for Man and his corrupt nature. And no matter how he punished them, they still came...
This went on for a while until one day, Jacob and Smokey finally met face to face as it were. And a great conflict was born. Up until now, Jacob has kept his plans a secret from MIB, who thinks Jacob is only there to convince him of the “Goodness” of human nature. And though MIB’s ultimate goal is to return home, he is secretly hatching a plan to eliminate Jacob by manipulating the very people he keeps bringing to the Island.
But unknown to MIB, Jacob has a plan of his own... a plan that begins with his own death...
So, this is about where we’re up to. Where we go from there is anyone’s guess.
But I expect that in the coming episodes, each character will be presented with a choice; will they side with Jacob and try to save humanity, or will they figure it’s pointless to save a corrupt world, and choose to help MIB return “Home” and possibly buy themselves a ticket to go with him?
My own romantic idea is that this CHOICE will be presented to our Losties via having to CHOOSE one of two different coloured stones; one black and one white. This will determine which character is playing for which side. So what if Rose and Bernard were presented this choice at different times, and they each chose a different stone? I think they’d ultimately decide, sod it, and not side with anyone, which, if you throw in a little more time travel, is how they end up as Adam and Eve!