Desmond is the connection between the two time lines. We've seen him on the plane in the alternate time line and suddenly he has disappeared to the other time line .I believe he is shifting between those two time lines to assure the constancy of the variables of those two time lines. Having Desmond shifting between those two time lines is essential to keep them existing (any variable will need a constant which it can relate to so that it can exist).It's also important to note that when somebody dies in the island he dies in the island's time line and reunites with his subconscious in the alternate time line ,apparently this process takes few seconds in which we've seen juliet talking about going dutch and charlotte not being allowed to eat chocolate.
At the end I think Desmond is going to be the main key that leads the losties in the alternate time line to be connected to themselves in the island's time line which is going to be the major encounter between having choice(alternate time line) and destiny (the island's time line).