LOST Theories - DarkUFO

I came up with this after we had discussed the things behind the work of Vergil, the Aeneïs, in Latin class. We have also seen a part of the Iliad in Greek class, and soon the Odysseia, but this will mostly talk about the comparison between Lost and the Aeneïs.
(I will only shortly tell what's it about, so maybe you better read some stuff about Vergilius (Vergil in English) and the Aeneïs on wikipedia :)

So, enough for the introduction, let's get serious:
To shortly summarize, the Aeneïs was written by Vergil because of Augustus, first emperor of Rome, to form some sort of counterpart for the Iliad and Odysseia of the Greeks. It tells about the hero Aeneas who escapes from the burning Troy to sail around for a long time ('Aeneas Odysseia') and after all kind of adventures (and after he has met queen Dido in Carthage) he lands in Italy, and there fights like a hero to take up his place in Italy ('Aeneas Iliad') and grand, grand, grand children (Romulus and Remus) are later the founders (well, founder, Romulus killed Remus) of Rome.
This all isn't so important to the comparison with Lost, but it's pretty vital to be able to follow. So:
We saw in Latin class, that the story of the Aeneïs is driven by two counterparts:

the fatum <--> the wrath/grude of Juno

The fatum can be translated as destiny/fate (though translating is hard, it contains a wide range of details). But just keep in mind that fatum=destiny=fate. (fate, fatum, see the resemblance?)
Juno is the Roman name for the Greek Hera, the wife of Zeus(Greek)/Jupiter(Roman). The ruling god.

Now, in the Aeneïs, it is said that the fatum was already determined, and you CAN NOT change the fatum. In the Aeneïs, the fatum was that via the Trojan Aeneas, the city of Rome would be founded. (and Rome would destroy Carthage, but this can be discussed. People who know this stuff, are you following?)
So in whole the Aeneas we know that no matter what, Rome will be founded thanks to Aeneas. No matter what: it will happen!
(WHH, what happened happened, anyone?)
The godess Juno operates on another level, a lower level.
Actually, there are three levels of operating (best way I can say it ^^ ) in the Aeneïs:

1) the fatum
2) gods
3) man

As said, the fatum is solid, Rome will be founded and nothing can change that, it stands above everything.
The gods their part is of how the fatum will be fulfilled.
Juno is against the Trojans=Aeneas= later the Romans, and for the Greeks. (+she is protector of Carthage, which she knows will later be destroyed by the Romans, one of the reasons why she's against Aeneas) (I won't talk about all the reasons why she's against Aeneas, not important here)
And Venus (=Afrodite in Greek) is against the Greeks and for the Trojans. (again, reasons not important)

In class I said "why does Juno make it so hard for Aeneas, if she knows she can't stop him? It only glorifies him, and has no benefit whatsoever for anyone she wants a benefit for"
And a (quiete good IMO) anwser of a fellow student was:
"But if Aeneas and Rome are glorified, her city Carthage will be destroyed by brave glorious people, not by some stupid lucky ass guys" (well, not her exact words, but you get it ;) )

Now the third level, the people, their part in it is also how to fill in the fatum a bit, and CHOICES. (our Latin teacher actually made us encircle that :p )
(remember Faraday's speech about choices?)
Aeneas choices which make him a hero, Dido's choice to kill herself (read wikipedia?) although that last one can be discussed whether her suicide was completely self chosen or the gods/fatum interfered?

Anyway, during Latin class I couldn't believe my ears and really saw continuesly resemblances to Lost, I hope you already made up the main line yourself by reading the previous part, I hope I succeeded in that :) (tell me if I didn't, then I can give extra comment)

For me, the main line is the resemblance with the time travelling (WHH, or past can be changed?) and the Jacob-MIB stuff.
I saw the same disccussions coming back in class (and in my head) as there are here about those two subjects (and Lost in general)
I think Lost may be somewhat the same, and there is some sort of fatum, fate, destiny (everything happens for a reason, one or more things just have to happen) and also stuff that don't necassarily have to be the same. Ofcourse, the fatum-god(s)-humans level can change, and I'm not completely sure yet about the tasks of Jacob-MIB (do they get the parts of the gods, and is there a bigger force? or is Jacob=fatum and is MIB a counterpart?) nor about the tasks of the people (can they change something? how big a things can they change? can they change destiny?)

So there can be ofcourse more or less levels, other levels and so on, but I hope you get what I'm trying to say :)

To me, this resemblance was clear and I think S6 will also be about these contradictory elements like Jacob-MIB, WHH-past can be changed, and etcetera.
I'm very curious, not only for the end, but also if the writers are really going to make a choice? Are they really going to say a) you can change the past or b) you can't?
I think it will be something in between or they won't anwser I don't know.... But I think they will be smart enough to not just make a choice.

(if anyone wants it, I can always go deeper into the comparison of roles between Aeneïs and Lost. I'll need to think it through though :p)


ps1: as you probably know, there are some things pionting at the Odysseia of Homer in Lost:
1) Desmond's boat stuff for the father of penny
2) Penelope was the name of Odysseus, she waited for him for 20 years and didn't love anyone else until he returned.
3) the Greek on the carpet Jacob is weaving is a quote from the Odysseia.

ps2: I also find it clear that opposing sides are widely used. (you probably know a few, I'm not gonna start to name them)
but a lot of problems between opposing sides from out of Lost are also taken; like fatum-wrath of Juno, Jacob-Esau,....
But also, which I find very important: Kaïn and Abel!!!
Because with Jacob and Esau (in the bible now people) they stop arguing and become friends/good brothers again, while with Kaïn and Abel, the one actually kills the other!!!!!
So maybe the name Jacob is diverting us to much.
(I can also write something about the resemblance Jacob-Esau, Kaïn-Abel of anyone wants it?)

ps3: I just have to say one resemblance:
Kaïn, the eldest, was farmer; while Abel was a sheep herder.
Kaïn offered grain to god, Abel meat.
God didn't accept the grain, he did accept the meat. Then Kaïn killed Abel.
Now, Jacob was eating fish (=meat?) so you could say he's Abel.
While MIB came out of the jungle. Is this a direction that he ate some fruit from the trees or something? He did refuse the fish, so maybe he's Kaïn?
After all, MIB(=Kaïn?) did kill Jacob (=Abel?)

ps4: also notice that Kaïn was marked afterwards so no one would kill him. (the bible doesn't say what mark)

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