This is a theory I posted on the TheoriesONLOST page...It is VERY long, apprx… 15-20 minutes worth of reading... It connects everything that I see as being Lost to what I believe will occur... If you dont agree with everything or anything...I am sure you will at least enjoy my story...
I’ve been trying to think of a logical way to tell what I think is going on in Lost…and realized the difficulty in trying to bring logic…to the illogical.
Every scenario, every theory has another way to go…another direction…a better option when things are perceived so very differently, by so very many people. And right now, I’m going to push your perception to its limit…a test if you will… I’ve read and written theories… And I have discussed, debated, and some may argue fought over them…all of which is true. I understand and respect a good heated debate, because when we are telling our theories, we are telling a little about ourselves. Lost punctures the outer layer of what we know and believe. From religion and faith, to science and technology… to history, mythology, psychology, and philosophy.
These are things that are built to create not only the Lostie’s characters, but our own. I love doing this so very much, and regret that although I will obviously continue to interact, comment, and even post theories…this is the last preseason theory that I will probably write with any serious intention barring some under a rock, new discovery in the Lost universe…
So regardless of how this theory turns out, what has happened in the past, and what will come in the future and end of Lost…I just want to say that this has been a blast, and I never in a million years would have thought I would care about a television show, a theory site, or for that matter, the opinions, feelings, and people themselves that post here…If I have offended you in any way, I apologize here, and If I didn’t, I hope you at least enjoyed my theories, even if not agreeing…
They get out of control sometimes in topic, comments, debating, and just plain crazy ideas that seem ridiculous at the time…and every once in a while make sense…I intend this one to be no different.
If you enjoyed my past theories, you will probably enjoy this one…if not…thanks for reading any way.
Well, enough of the semantics and boo-hoos, it’s just a theory site after all :,[
Let’s get down to brass tacks…
Question, pry, present, or debate, I am open to options, suggestions, advice, or scrutiny… but I think that we are at the end of the rope, and I want to get my real theory of what is going on out before the beginning of the end truly begins…right or wrong… This is some ideas based on fact, some on logic, some on debating…and some just of my own imaginations, predictions, and of course…hope. It’s more than just a theory…
Before you read this, you need to ask yourself how much you trust Eloise Hawking…if you trust her, and believe her words…then you are not going to believe mine. She is wrong. I don’t know if she has been manipulated, it’s very likely, or if she is lying, but regardless of the reasoning, this is the truth in my opinion.
I believe what happened to Desmond after he turned the failsafe key is the very same thing that is happening to the Losties who were near the Incident zone. I believe whole heartedly the Desmond Hume had the ability to change the past when he “flashed” back to his past and spoke to Hawking in and out of the jewelry store in “Flashes Before your Eyes”.
I think that a small scale demonstration is when we know the first time he was there, Jimmy Lennon hits the bartender in the head with the bat.
The second time after turning the failsafe key, he travels back to his past via “flashes”, and due to knowing this knowledge, tells the bartender to duck, being struck in the head himself. This is the first time we see an event off island, in the past, have any sort of effect on someone who in my opinion, time traveled via conscience travel… and are meant to see the difference.
The most important part, is when Desmond wakes up after the “memory”, just like he does upon remembering Dan’s words, he remembers it the way it was different…and even rubs the back of his head as if he can still feel the blow.
I know, I know…What happened, happened …to the island.
But I believe that when Desmond flashed and Hawking told him he had to do everything exactly the same…she either lied, or was told by someone to tell him this and convince him to return. I have made allegations in the past, some may be false, some may be true…I think that the specifics of it were incorrect, but the ideas were in the right place…
I believe that what occurs on the island, occurred…it’s done for now, and there was no visible change up to this point…slightly (shut up Highbrow) different than what I said last season…Ok, completely different… But as everyone knows… as we are given more episodes….ideas change.
But I would like to think of this idea as a mutation. I still believe in the things I did, I’m just applying them to different situations based on the finale and obviously info that ABC hands us such as character returns in promos on television. Hey, no one here can say I’m not honest. I admit my faults and research information, and will continue to do so until the very end. Change, I believe very much still exists. The question of how does something change, and the events still occur from the entire show lead us to the ever popular alternate timeline option.
What I believe resembles change, and creates this alternate timeline of sorts that everyone is talking about, is what occurred OFF of the island.
Highbrow mentions a very good point in his recent post that Libby goes from being your run of the mill people, to a loony bin with an interest for Hurley. She gives Desmond a boat. Dan’s crying… they are both good points.
It has been mentioned, by myself and others, that Desmond’s words to Jack in the stadium could have come from his conscience travelling adventure of reliving his life…”What if you DID fix her?”. I’m sure there are many other examples of this…but time is of the essence…no, no…it is the essence.
I believe that what we see occur off the island is created from what occurs on the island at this point, beginning the new season.
I believe that the Losties who were in the 70s, and the other people such as Miles, Juliet, etc, that were not ORIGINALLY part of that time period (meaning if they time traveled there) will be “conscience travelled” to the plane as it lands in LA, or to their appropriate locations at that time.
Things will obviously not be the same if this happens.
So I am attempting a compromise here of “What happened happened” actually cause “change” to occur. What happened happened, on the island, but its consequences affect the past off the island.
I do not believe that the plane landing in LA is the beginning of a new/alternate timeline, I believe that it was the incident. The plane landing was occurring already. Things changed in 1977. We just won’t be shown that part. The losties in range of the incident will be sent via conscience travel to themselves in that new timeline on the plane.
I think that the link between the peoples conscience in the two…or however many timelines/loops/alternate time period selves is the key to actually doing something different than that which was done before off of the island. Because technically…they would have done nothing off island. Hence, someone travelling back in time, entering at a place that never existed, because in the past…they were not there, creating the alternate time line. But it does not originate from that, it originates from the source…the incident. If all the Losties from the incident are in the timeline that the plane lands…if it lands…is proof that there is an alternate timeline… hence…my explanation in FUN, “Alternate Timelines 101…”.
If this occurs, I believe that it would be conscience travel that would return them to their past selves in what we all like to call an alternate time line. The reason I think we say timeline is because it is caused by something in the past changing on the island…that causes change only off island. Creating a new iteration branching from where the old one ends or technically continues to allow the timeline we have been following all along to exist as well…in this case it ends in 1977 for them, but it does not affect the Losties in range of the “flash” that I imagine will occur…they just get plopped right in the middle of the new reality/timeline via conscience travel. I think that from here, we will see them find a way to get back to the island.
*...When the Losties flash to the plane after the incident....that conscience will be flashed to the isalnd from the opening scene of the entire show...and there is your pilot clue...*
I would like to believe that John Locke, Claire, Sun, Frank, or anyone else that is where they are will not be on the plane.
My initial thoughts are that Desmond Hume and Daniel Faraday are also returned to their time period/line I believe that with their help, and the resources of Charles Widmore, they will find a way, whether time travel, plane or…boat ( I always pictured Des and the Family, Charles, The kids …Walt, Aaron, and possibly Ji Yeon returning via “Our mutual Friend”, back to the island and back into the time period of the 2007 Ajira/Richard and others/Jacob and Flocke time period… I know… But the more logical choice would be some sort of conscience travel to another version of themselves…the possibilities leave SEEMINGLY those two options…physical and conscience… And at this point, if they go back as some believe, to a timeline where 815 does not crash, the children would cease to exist…both options have their flaws, and both make sense in different ways…Are they really going to get on a plane again? What would they conscience travel into… they have no bodies on the island at that time that we are aware of?
Could this be where we get to see someone travel TO the island in the manner that Ben and Locke left…because that would be fun…
They must now return and take with them new variables to affect a new timeline, which I assume will occur on the island that we have always known and loved in 2007. Which is the same that we see play out with Jacob, Flocke, and Ben in the incident. And as I said before, I believe that the hatch, Charlie’s Ring, Alex’s room, and Richard and the others are enough for me to believe that the island went unchanged…So what did change then?
The people… Their knowledge… The people are a way of communicating. Dan tells Desmond to find his mother, Desmond awakes retaining thins knowledge even though it didn’t happen before…no world ending paradox, not even an alternate timeline at this point. Just plain old thoughts being transferred from one existence of you in the past, to one in the future. Desmond didn’t do this because it had not happened yet. There are two timelines playing out at once for this scenario.
One off the island, one on the island… Don’t think of it as the past and the future… where it would look like this….
—-I—————————————————————–I—————– Dan tells des Des Remembers
Think like this…
——————–I————————- Dan tells Des
——————–I————————- Des remembers
…2 lines…running parallel…
They will leave as Desmond did, back to “replay” a part of their lives…but they will do things differently this time. They will have to find their way back…they are supposed to be there…but they just don’t know it yet. I think that we may lose some of the people such as Juliet and Miles before the others return…it would be fun if they were all on the plane or at least met…I would have liked to believe that Juliet and Sawyer will meet before she dies…but how? After all Jacob didn’t bring her there…Ben did.
This fate will be a catalyst for return.
I believe the island, is the “original” time that exists on the planet, possibly from time travel, likely from the incident …
This is the part that may be difficult to understand or believe…
I believe that the island timeline, is the only timeline that is real…
I believe that ALL off island timelines…are not real in a sense…that they can be changed and manipulated. They are there, but not there…they existed in the past…before the TRUE time that exists on the island. They play out all of history, the first being the only real iteration. Every time someone travels off the island from a different coordinate than they should, it could affect all reality in that time period. They can be reached at any point by different “windows” in the islands “radius”. Which is why it was so important that Michael and Walt, the chopper and the boat all leave at specified coordinates… not so they wouldn’t become sick as Desmond did in the constant…but so they wouldn’t pop out a minute before they actually left.
Remember the episode when they found the doctor from the freighter dead with his throat slit… before he actually was killed by Keamy…yeah…something like that.
This was allowed because Desmond turned the failsafe key, thus un-anchoring the island from where the Dharma Initiative left it, allowing it to kind of roam very slowly throughout time…like the many example given of a ship floating through space, the island floats through time.
I see off island as something of a “vacation” to all the stresses of the “real world”. If the island is SO meaningful and necessary, why does Widmore chance it to leave and go off island…because
a) He can be normal…
b) To gain knowledge and power from history.
He cannot get from the island, with all the power in the world, the same kind of life he can have off island.
Do you remember the scene with Tom and Michael off island (after John blew up the sub and only way off island) in season 4…Tom is there having drinks with his “friend”?
He is living a life he cannot get on the island no matter how much power the islands energy can give him…he is happy. He has options. He can do whatever he wants…this will be the first, only, and last time I reference this movie with Lost, but do you remember the scene in the Matrix when the guy who is trying to turn on Morpheous is having dinner with the agent…eating steak… enjoying life in a world that he knows is not real…that’s what that scene reminds me of. Not a world run by machines, etc…but a vacation away from reality.
Widmore did the same thing, but became power hungry from knowledge, and addicted to a life on the outside, all the while, not wanting to relinquish his position at the top on island. He learned more than we think, and couldn’t have predicted Alex’s death any better. His “nightmares” are the very same as the “dream/memory” Desmond had remembering Dans words.
I have thought before that maybe Charles reinstated the Dharma Initiative off island, after learning from one of them that he brought them on island…but that’s just crazy…
Back to the Losties…
I think it will be their job, to not only return to the island…but return to the island with everyone…
Or “all of them…” as Hawking put it.
Here is the thing about the off island alternate timeline idea…
You can leave the island and pick out the variables needed for the original, and bring them in to help solve the equation.
There WAS a timeline that went as it does in the flashbacks….and there is a timeline that went as it was in the flash forwards. But I think that the scenes we see off island now, as real as they are to the characters, aren’t all that real at all. They are living out their lives in the time period off island as if it is real…because they think it is…But the truth is, it is just a past iteration of a scene in history, that is so very important to the fate of the world, due to the people that are in it that are supposed to be on the island…for all we know, this could be true from every flashback we have ever seen. And no, I do not care what the producers have said at this point.
The island has existed forever, and is the only thing left. It “jumps” in and out of time periods when its energy is utilized. All the technology and equipment in the world, and the Dharma Initiative couldn’t figure out how to do what a simple wheel was capable of…controlling the island. These people deserved what happened to them. They wanted to change the world…I’m surprised they could change a light bulb.
Why can’t MIB kill Jacob… I’m going with one of two options. It has to do with some Holy doctrine of sorts…no, I don’t think that is correct…Or the ever popular “they are from different time periods” theory. Why doesn’t it make sense?
MIB or Jacb travels back from the past or future. We can’t change the past right? Did I just say that? We cant change the past that we were not in.
What we can change is the present. We can change the future in the sense that it hasn’t happened yet. We watch the Losties try and try again to change the past…to no avail in my opinion… But why? Because THEY ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE THERE! They are not able to use their hand to change something that they are not part of. So what happened when they set off the bomb…nothing. The island time continues on through its timeline, and a past iteration of the original Lostie flashes away. It affects the people. The outcome stays the same.
This is all one big equation, and the variables are brought in from off island to help Jacob solve it. That is why I think MIB needed Ben to kill Jacob…because Ben… is now MIBs variable in the equation.
More variables can be added as the timeline is manipulated by the people who “loop” back with knowledge of the future, or present time line(…the island)…as I feel Jacob did of Locke and the rest of the Losties…as Charlie, Christian, possibly Eko did to Hurley and Jack…and now Jack and the “Incident” causers themselves will do it too.
This is where I feel Walt will come into play. I think he is special because he can see time as Jacob, and I imagine MIB can…without limits…without walls or lines. He carries the same abilities that Desmond had during his flashes, except controlled. He is also special because he is the only one who was neither conceived or born on the island, arrived there, and left…learning and retaining information from other time periods…especially one he belongs in…was it not Jacob that supposedly wanted Walt to stay? Is there ANY possibility that Walt turns out to be MIB…popping up where he doesn’t belong…being special…absolutely not…
But what I do believe is possible, is that MIB is not…MIB. Meaning the man we saw on the beach with Jacob was being used just as Locke and whoever else…MIB may not even have a form…
Although the timelines off island go on, and life seemingly exist normal, they are past iterations entered by people from the island to change and manipulate the off island timelines in order to bring specific individuals to the island to help them in their objectives.
I see a change in the numbers. I think it would be fun if instead of 815, it was 714…or 819… something to that nature…this could occur everywhere…and for some reason, the numbers would haunt Hurley yet again.
I also believe that through this device, we may very well see Geronimo Jackson in a real Lost episode…lol…not likely, but we can dream. Nothing would make me happier to have everyone be so happy to see Charlie, and have it turn out to be Keith Strutter, lol…again…not likely, but who knows…
…back to the tacks…
The conversation at the beginning of the incident when what seems to be Black Rock appear… which I don’t really have much of a clue on, except that I imagine it ends up on the island by travelling thru one of the windows I spoke of above. I think that although it came from the 1800s, it could have entered into the islands bubble at any point of its timeline.
I think that some way, the wheel of the ship is going to be used as the wheel of the island. I wrote a theory long ago that explained the similarities, and posted a link to the picture…
I do NOT think that Richard is from Black Rock…it seems a bit too obvious now doesn’t it. I do think there is a possibility of Widmore actually being from the ship, along with Hanso. I think that there may be more to that relationship than we realize. Richard is a mystery. All the talk last season of him being of Egyptian decent does make the most sense to me…but Black Rock is an obvious number two.
I think that what we see between MIB and Jacob, is a debate between MIB possibly believing in a “religious/godlike” destined plan (please, interpret that as loosely as possible….no specific religion), and Jacob believes that he can fix what happened thru the use of Losties, Alternate/PAST timelines…basically what is most likely the original cause of the end of humanity… humanity itself.
This is the conversations meaning…in my opinion of course...
It reminds me of Jacob wrestling Michael the Arch-angel .
From Wiki…
“He is viewed as the field commander of the Army of God. He is mentioned by name in the Book of Daniel.”
“Daniel experiences a vision after having undergone a period of fasting. In the vision, an angel identifies Michael as the protector of Israel . Later in the vision, Daniel is informed that Michael will stand for Israel during the time of the End .”
“Michael appears as “one of the chief princes who in Daniel’s vision comes to the angel Gabriel’s aid in his contest with the angel of Persia , and is also described there as the advocate of Israel and “great prince who stands up for the children of your people”.
“At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise.”
Does this not remind you of the little prince title?
The odds of this MIB being Michael, an archangel are about as good as Esau or whoever else…so we’ll see what happens…there’s no way he could be Aaron could he…Aaron was not supposed to be on the island….Hair color makes the opposite make more sense…probably too crazy a thought anyway……? Kind of makes you wonder what would have happened if Jacob would have won their (possibly and likely, metaphorical) wrestling match…
Michael was a field commander of the Army of God…God loves you as he LOVED Jacob…is Jacob not only trying to change the hands of fate…but of a higher source as well…
Did we all really just rule out an option that “faith” could make a return and possibly trounce science in the end?
There is too much stock put on the side of “faith” from the beginning of the show, and subtly throughout to rule out any option, and connection of religion/faith in the final season.
Taking notice of the building that The Lamp Post and the Pendulum are in is to me a direct relation that we have not seen the last of the hand of god, in an un-cheesy, non specific, Lost type way. Im sure anyone reading this has not only dug up some clue pointing to the “faith” side of Lost, but at some point before the island disappeared or Des conscience travelled, thought faith/religion would be the main catalyst in the end…even if just for a second.
I think that we may learn, that the religion of the world that we know, from a Lost perspective, will be summed up in a matter that will directly relate faith and religion to the scientific properties that exists from the island that possess the energy to heal people, reincarnate people, allow the dead to roam, and whatever else kind of craziness that comes about.
I think that we will learn, that people such as Hawking, and possibly Brother Campbell are in on the charade of teaching and preaching religion…all the while hiding the truth from the world, that it is not real…That it is a ploy to…
a) Keep mankind in its good graces, having rules and consequences for its actions…
b) Helping to protect the islands power and properties from being discovered by any more people.
I believe it’s possible that Hawking left the island willingly to fulfill her role as “Mother Time” and keep the balance that she thinks or says is necessary to exist. She learns this is her fate from….dundundun…Dan’s Journal.
I also think Richard Malkin could be a Hawking Like protector as well. He is a supposed “psychic”, who wouldn’t allow a priest to examine or even talk to his daughter, knowing that she” miraculously” rose from the dead. He knows it was science. He knows he is on one of the many “vortices” of sort, that Hawking states are placed around the world by the Lamp Post, and connected with the island in some way. I think he is in on the whole thing, and even has a hand in Claire making it to the island from the beginning. He even tells her he is a fake. He tells Eko that Charolette was never actually dead…he lies…just like Hawking. I imagine that he had his daughter given a second chance, on the possibility that upon receiving this gift…he had to get Claire and maybe Eko on 815…and to the island…
I think that these people serve a purpose. I think that they also are supposed to blend in, making the idea of using “spiritual” masks to hide the most powerful scientific knowledge in the history of the world so ironic I could just cry from happiness….I love irony. They are there to make sure the world we know…stays in balance…and continue to exist. And not JUST exist…but exist the way they want it to, to protect what is truly important…the island, which in turn…is the real world. They are the world’s first and only secret society, making different versions to fit the times that exist in the world off the island. Churches and religious groups, Psychics, Templars…Illuminati…?
The Pendulum in the Church/Lamp Post is eerily similar to the one described in the book “Focault’s Pendulum”… something Dabs and I conversed about…which seems so long ago… a book based on the idea that a secret society hid something very powerful somewhere in the world…
There are also some clues towards the idea of a secret society, in my opinion loosely based on the Illuminati.
It is a word that is synonymous with “enlightenment”, which right away reminds me of the spoken of battle between “light versus dark”. So many things point to light being important…The Lamp Post, The Flame, FLASHES before your eyes, the light from the frozen donkey wheel chamber, the fire pit Jacob meets his demise…they are all VERY important and relevant scenes, clues, devices on the show that scream the possibility of this being true…not enough…
Take Dr Pierre Chang’s alias…or …pseudonyms…Wickmund, Haliwax, and Candle…simple and likely unimportant, or clues simply pointing to an object that produces light…
Ekolocation reminded me about the sun in the tapestry…which reminds me of the eye in the tapestry
If none of these examples mean anything, and the Illuminati references are nothing more than ideas in my head…of course that would also mean that Juliet explaining “Others 101” that Latin was meant for “the enlightened” as nothing more than wordplay…we still don’t believe in coincidences do we…?
There is a book that I and at least a few others here have read, Achalli I know has, and see comparisons to Lost.”The Illuminatus Trilogy” One of the many things you get from it, is a story about the Illuminati originating from an island with special properties (non specific). The race is branched from a tree that history left destroyed. One of the basics that I got from the book is that they lived freely, without real law or evil on the island…until someone with all too human instincts. It took one person to open up the curiosity in his mind, and wonder what more could be obtained than simple existence. Advanced technology was pushed to the forefront, and in turn, destroyed all but a piece of the island they called home.
The survivors left before it was too late, and assembled randomly around the world assuming the identity of normal people, watching…making what they want to happen…happen….in every sense of the word.
Also in the book, there is reference to an OURBOROS—which is the sign of continuous life…or a new beginning…If you look very closely at the necklace that Hawking sports during her conversation with Desmond during “Flashes”…it is the very same symbol around her neck… conveniently placed off island…where life continues on, possibly with new beginnings. The island also has its own local monster as well…The Yog Sothoth…I see a resemblance between the two, but nothing worth doing a cartwheel over…well…maybe the shape shifting abilities would be a handstand. This is my take on the monster…
I believe it is made of elements, regardless of whether a person transformed, a demon, a yog- sothoth (Some Like It Hoth?), a worker of good or evil…or just a pissed off monster… We know it can float and move through the air. We know it can materialize, have contact, and move through the earth. We know it can be summoned by unplugging a puddle of dirty water, and most importantly, we know that it can produce “flashes” (fire?). I cant get it out of my head now. An elemental moster with the capability to cause flashes…but why flashes?
I think that these flashes allow two things…
1)To be able to be or have a relationship in terms of a constant with the island regardless of the time frame…(thank you Dabsi)…
2) Be able to read peoples conscience and soul through use of the flashes…just as Desmond conscience travelled every time he saw a flash, and the failsafe key, and the incident.
I think its flashes are its way of communicating/understanding. It reads peoples souls or conscience. I’m not sure if it’s from the past, present, or future…but its purpose does indeed seem to point to protecting the island.
It has had several opportunities to destroy Locke…and not yet done so…It has to mean something. It judges, it tries, and it executes…all in the purpose of protecting the island. I believe that it is also a monster of science, created in some way from the islands properties…but that doesn’t mean we will not learn it has a relationship to the faith side either…but that will be something we will not learn until the very end (if at all)…but I truly feel that the monsters hands will be the ultimate fate of MIB… … … … …if they are not one in the same…very possible…just not in my story…
I believe that we will continue to be shoved a reasoning of science, to explain many of the issues show, as we have the last season and a half…making us believe that faith is all but dead.I believe this thought may be pushed again early on in the season, in yet another attempt to blind us from believing that Faith will make its return.
In the end, I think it will be a faith/religious/miraculous act; unexplainable by science, led by none other than John Locke, who may be the reincarnation of MIB…most likely “assisted” by jack (and maybe Aaron or Walt, that will cause what is ultimately…the Lostie’s true destiny…helping “the team that’s going to win”…win.
There is more to this than just science…or science fiction for that matter…there is destiny…why does it have to be science that means destiny? I always perceived destiny to be more of a matter of a spiritual journey.
I think that is why these characters have such a connection. I think the convenience of destiny is due because as these people are the ones to have really lived, and been a main part of the islands timeline…fate always brings them back no matter where or when they go…once you are on the board…you have to finish the game.
I questioned the shows morals in terms of the soul. How does one travel back in time, change the past, or even have an alternate timeline and still be able to allow a possibility that a faithful, religious soul exists. If they’re in a loop or alternate reality…when does it arrive at a final resting place? Can it? Is that possibly the reason for all this…to free those who are stuck in this endless, looping, and/or infinite alterable existence?
I have been thinking about all the off island “visions” that people have seen…all the things that pop up that remind them of the island…random memories…they are all there, because as much as these people are not on the island…it is still a part of their main timeline…which they are not in anymore, but they still belong to.
Take Des and Dan’s memory/dream/de ja vu type experience…Dan told Desmond to find his mother on the island…in the past…on the island.
Desmond was awoken in the night off the island by the memory, because I feel that the time that is running off island, although a different time period/line, still runs parallel with the line the island is running.
Kind of like “If its 8pm in California and 11pm in New York, whoever wins the super bowl in Miami still wins at the same TIME in both places, just not the same time on a clock we all know. Apply this to Lost, and Dan tells Des something he never learned before while time travelling to Desmond’s past of say 2001…Des not only learns that in 2001…he retains it and remembers it in 2007…for the first time.
Two differnt timelines…
That’s why I think that Michael cannot pull the trigger, or John Locke cannot die…because they are simply not supposed to there or then. There could be a point where reincarnation could explain this in the sense of being reincarnated into an alternate timeline or reality.
Hurley’s ability to talk and see the dead, Miles to read them… Maybe they are technically “Dead, but here…”… Sound familiar? I think Hurley’s ability is special, and he is able to use it more than he believes, as Miles does. He just chooses not to because he feels that its actually his craziness. I think that when he realizes, he will be able to use it to talk to Jacob, as I say in my “Ring Around the Rosies…” theory…and/or possibly even John Locke. I can just hear that all too familiar voice from nowhere…”Hello Hugo…”…camera pans to John Locke. I believe
Hurley will eventually be the one who plays the numbers over the radio signal. This has been theorized long ago, and something I adhere to.
Jack has an ability to fix people. He can perform almost miracles…didn’t Jacob seem to have brought Locke back to life after the fall? More on him in a minute…
Christian Shepard is the Smoke Monster. Christian Shepard is MIB. Both of these things make sense…but I am not here to make sense today, and I completely disagree. I believe that he is neither of the characters. Was he speaking on Jacobs behalf…I say yes. I think that he is trying to help our Losties. I believe that when he told Locke to turn the wheel, he meant it. And when Locke let Ben do it, it was a mistake. I think he was trying to help Locke find his son, and bring him to the island…which is why I mixed him in with these characters to define. I believe he is none other than Christian Shepard himself. I know there are other ways to view this, but this makes sense to me. I think everything he said to Jack that bothered him was in his best interest. I believe that Christian knows more than we do, and is prepping his son for greatness. Jack has trouble telling the difference between his father helping him, and treating him like a child. He also has trouble understanding that above all, most of the things Christian tells Jack is not only normal of a father to tell their son…but necessary. Don’t get attached to patients…Bedside manner… Hope. I think that this is not only what a father should say, but what a “boss” should tell their employee when they are not following the rules…something Jack does well…I think that Jack will learn that Christian was on his side the whole time, and that he will be until the end…or at least until Jack starts believing, and “lets go”.
I believe MIB had Richard tell John he had to die so he could us his form to get to and kill Jacob... I believe Christian told him to do it for a reason coming up, just know that MIB is not the only trickster on the island...
Sayid has the ability to be a heartless torturer and killer when necessary. It seems his sole purpose is to destroy. Every time he tries to heal or help, destiny steps in and taketh away… Shannon, Nadia, Ilana, Elsa, leaving him with nothing left but his personal skills and a life of regret. I believe Sayid will make one last important kill, before his time is up…and will be the first of the Losties we know best to leave us.
Sawyer is a conman. He talks fast, and thinks before he acts. He learns early on how it works, and even though he knows what can come of it, he still does it…do you think if he now had the opportunity to do things differently off island, he would…maybe at least see his daughter? Regardless of what he can or gets to do, I believe in the end he will meet his end at the hands of Kate. I think regardless of their feelings, Kate will not stray from jack…he is a shepherd after all.
Kate is one of the more mysterious people on Lost, hiding in plain sight…she is one of the biggest mysteries to me. So much about her… So much background… SO much importance for a character who is not theorized to play any sort of role other than the bottom of a TRIANGLE on the show. I can’t help but feel there is a million things she would do differently, too many to name here. But there are certain things about her character that point to importance. The single most important to me being that she killed her father, which seems to be a must on the islands leader application.
Ben killed his father…and I believe after what happened between he and Jacob, he will either sacrifice himself once he begins to believe, or have his final judgement rain down. Ben killed his Dad, John killed his dad, and don’t hold it against me, but I always thought it would fun if Desmond’s son Charlie turned out to be Charles Widmore, and they returned to the island, which at some point would travel back in time. From there, Charles kills his father, raised on the island by his mother Penelope Widmore, hence the last name…yes, it is ridiculous, not part of my theory… I just think it would be fun…
I think as stated above Kate will kill Sawyer for reasons I do not know. I could only speculate he feels that they were wrong for doing what they did, and attacks Jack for having not to only see Juliet die once, but possibly because she dies again off island, and blames Jack…but the man who wanted to live in a time period thirty years in the past should not point fingers for trying to rewrite history. “It will come back around”…Yes, it most certainly will.
I had it wrong before I think. I couldn’t stop saying about change because to me it is so obvious that one way or another…it’s coming. So yes, maybe I had it wrong. But redemption plays too much of a role, maybe the whole time it wasn’t changing the island that would help them…it was changing themselves…
This is one of my more jumbled theories…I do apologize for that, but I really have no other way to explain EVERYTHING that I think may happen other than this.
I believe that as Desmond was a variable in “Flashes”, the Losties will be variable x…in LA…X and a new and alternate timeline that will not only break them from the loop once they make their return, but also allow them to have their shot at redemption before the final chapter of Lost is closed.
I see the island as nothing more than a glorified time machine in relation to the time travel aspects on the show..a device to distract us…a red herring…if you will…
But in “reality”…it is much more than that…I think the energy of the island will never be fully explained. I do not think it’s a spaceship. I do not think it’s a dream. I do not think that everybody is dead. I think that we will be given a reason to believe that it has properties that are beyond what science is or will be capable of.
The island is the constant that this world has to the universes true reality. Without it we will not exist…”We will all die…” as Hawking puts it to Des.
I believe that there is a metaphorical game being played, which is more of an equation than it is an actual game. Maybe pretend that the losties are numbers, and it is imperative that they be changed in order to fit their positions in the equation itself. I imagine all the talk of the Valenzetti Equation and saving the world are not actually saving the world…it’s a way to revive the world, and clear it from the dangers of the alternate timelines themselves…Valenzetti knew…Hanso knew..what they had to do…they just couldn’t put the pieces together…they were not able to “fix” that which was not meant to be fixed…they are scientists…they cannot perform miracles. This game…this battle of wits…
One side believes that one cannot change the past…cannot go against the will of god.
“God loves you as he loved Jacob”
The other believes that making a change can one way or another, through alternate timelines or another method…stop the end of life from occurring….
MIB…Nemesis…could very well have caused something to occur… so that he becomes reincarnated thru John…
Chief16 got my mind going on this, and I could not have this ideat without his thought…
I like the idea of a different Locke. My only problem is that it would mean that it is sort of Locke on the beach with Jacob from the beginning…Now I am not against that idea…not at all. It all makes sense when you throw in the word “reincarnation”.
Now I think if this goes this direction, MIB has set up to ENSURE he is reincarnated through Locke via time travel…or at the very least science. With all the jumping and alt timeline possibilities, there is no reason to not believe that he has this ability…again, science and a thought of religious act being smashed together to create something insane.
But due to alt timelines, we may have a Locke that is just plain Locke…who is dead at the moment as well.
MIB thinks he found his loophole by incarnating Locke as himself…but in reality… this is part of Jacobs plan…
He wants MIB to do this. He wants to sacrifice. It is necessary…
He apologizes to John earlier in his life…I would assume John accepts now.
MIB thinks he pulled a fast one. A way to change the equation and gain the ability to ultimately kill Jacob…In doing so, he changed something else…he changed the way it ends.
I imagine from the conversation, Jacob knows how it ends…therefore, if he is dead for the ending… something must be different…progress possibly…
His own death may be a chance, it may be crazy…it may be faith in mankind…
Maybe instead of a resurrection, John is allowed to be seen and heard by Hurley and is used to guide the Losties to their correct path…hence…WHY HE NEEDED TO DIE!!! NOT to be a proxy, or help MIB, but to help the Losties now that they are in a different timeline (if that happens) and/or upon the return to the island. I believe this is the real reason Christian tells him he is going to hae to die...
I believe in the end, we will learn the alternate realities serve as loopholes.
I believe that we will learn in the end, that there is a way to right your wrongs by making up for them…we just see an excessive length be taken to do so. But I also think that we will see the true plan play out…
I believe we will see science lead the way for faith, and change, to somehow prove consistency.
I believe this will occur after many of our characters sacrifice in an effort to save everything.
This is the writers and producers idea of time travel and its effect on mankind…and dare I say God.
Please understand when I use that word, I mean no disrespect, or worship. I speak it in a sense that I cannot help but see the element in the show. I am not a religious person in that manner. So it is not attributed to that in any way. It’s just that most religion is based on sacrifice. You give things up. You sacrifice what you want…sometimes what you need. We have seen John do that in the name of the island and the people. He didn’t know what was going to happen. Whether you believe me that he will play a vital role on whatever side closest to good actually is, or he is done, and we now have MIB, he was told that he had to die to save everybody. He was told he had to be a martyr of sort. And he complied, for once not for himself. Not to find his Dad, or get Helen back into his life.
He didn’t do it because he thought he would somehow come back to life.
He did it because he had faith that if he obliged, and served his purpose, that he would save everyone on the island.
Jacob’s whole story is one that I could almost see as being biblical, the way he is worshipped without ever even being seen…That is something science cannot give you. People believe and have faith that Jacob is real, and that he will protect them and the island…and they are willing to devote…even give their lives to follow his word. It is not out of fear, want, or even need…its simply out of faith. This couldn’t be a more religious story that we see take place…and the question is….will we learn that spiritual acts are explained by science, or that science is ultimately produced by something more divine?
I believe him to be someone that in the end will have a mother of human decent, and a father who is viewed as he by the others. Someone capable of giving life, where there should be none… someone who is capable of being a leader and a great man. Someone who is capable of performing miracles.
I DO believe Jacob is on the Losties side. I do believe that MIB is on the side of gods/fate…what happened, happened. He tries to make gods plan play out…to have what happened…happened. But I believe that Jacob is against him…and before I say this next part, remember…it’s a theory site. I believe Jacob is not only trying to prove MIB wrong, but God as well. I think that he realizes that there is a way to save mankind. But he has to put his hand in the cookie jar to do so. It’s not that he wants to do this…but it is his destiny to sacrifice himself for the island and the people because he wants to prove to God that he is not only willing, but that he believes it that much.
With his sacrifice, I see a return of John Locke somehow. John will be the catalyst for the event I speak of above, making the next leader and great man of the island…Jack Shepard…our hero from the very beginning. Jack will sacrifice himself as John and Jacob have. I believe that in doing so, he will stop what happened…from happening.
In conclusion…I feel that the Losties will enter an alternate timeline off island… return to the very same island we have been on through the entire show….no change, no Alt timeline there…but we will have LOSTIES…PEOPLE from an alternate timeline that should not exist off island, who have conscience travelled…redeemed themselves…changed… and finally…return to the rightful place in history…which is on the island….saving the world in the game that is ultimately decided through an equation…They will restore the ability to conceive and give birth on the island. And I think that we will see the ultimate ‘reset’ button get pushed…not by science, although it was necessary…but by something that science could never explain…a miracle.
Whatever it is that Jack is able to do, I believe it will involve the smoke monster…I don’t know why…There is no way for me to detail something when I have no idea what COULD be thrown into the pot anymore. I just will not let go of the spiritual relationship Lost has with religion….Dharma for crying out loud…All the names…if I’m wrong, I just hope they at least cover something from my thoughts on the reversal, being religion being explained by science…but not in my story…here…we go the opposite route…
I think at this point, after the ending on “our” island… there will be a flash and we will be shown a “new” island…
In my story we see the statue resurrected. We see people rebuilding life…we see children, familiar children…
We will see a woman, with brown hair, and a face full of freckles standing on the beach looking out at the ocean…with child…I believe conceived off island ,from a place that no longer exists… being a person who is technically crossbred through timelines or realities. And in the absence of the father…she will now play the role of single mom yet again…but for REAL this time…and I mean that in so many ways.
I believe she will have a son…and she will name him Jacob, after his father…better known to us… as the man who could perform miracles…who could bring life where it is not meant to be.
The man who was prophesized as a leader and great man…better known to us…as Jack.
And with the understanding that I have NO idea or even guess of what it will be, the scientifically unexplainable “spiritual” act will be something that leaves us wondering still…did the island change, is it an alternate timeline, is it the past, present, or future, or did what we see happen… just happen?
…and we will be as LOST as we ever were on that subject…
The creators of Lost wanted to give us their perspective of what would occur if time travel was possible…they researched, they went to the depths of the minds of some of the greatest writers in the world. They scoured the pages of the bible, they reincarnated Buddhism. They poked around in Steven Hawking’s library. They played mind games with the greatest philosophers in the known history of the world. They wrote a story about the lives of survivors of a plane crash on an island, and came up with nothing short of genius for an answer…only giving us small pieces and clues to decipher and decode at a time…
Leaving us …scrambling to solve the equation before they write the final answer on the chalkboard…to what is in my opinion, the single greatest science fiction plot device ever invented for a story…
Which is what all this really is…my opinion…my theory…my story…
They convinced me…all of us, to research…to explore, to study, to search….to learn… all the very same subjects they researched, explored, studied, searched, and learned….
We had to go through the same thing to truly understand…
It is the very same question that they are answering themselves…
How would time travel play a role in history if it was to exist…and to me, their answer… is the greatest theory I have ever seen.
You didn’t think I would actually entitle my theory something like that in vain did you? We know each other better than that by now. I have spoken of perception for a very long time on this site… and as I told you from the beginning of this theory, that I would test yours.
We have been given a gift with this show, after studying all the subjects we have, we have had to acquire and gain the ability to understand our own perception a little better, something that gets LOST from us now and then. I hope if you do not agree with me, you at least enjoyed my story…because in the end, before we have any answers… that is all a theory really is to me.
Thank you all so much for taking the time to read this.