LOST Theories - DarkUFO

MIB and Locke are the good guys by Carole Anne

Most of us have been speculating that Jacob is the good guy. So just for the sake of argument I’m going to speculate why Mib could be the good guy.

For starters, he wants to protect the island from “invaders”, the ones that Jacob brings. The island is a beautiful, magical place with special powers and is hidden from humanity.

Maybe the island was Mib’s for a long time. Then this guy Jacob shows up and wants to experiment to find out if humanity could inhabit the island, or he wants to prove something to MIB that MIB doesn’t believe is possible. Why, I don’t know. Best guess is that Jacob he can save some of humanity on the island, he can save the human race, the world or the universe. Take your pick. Not a bad motive, but really, couldn’t it be done someplace besides MIB’s home? Has Jacob ever really tried to find an alternative?

BUT, rewatch the first scene between Jacob and MIB and look at it from the point of view of MIB being the good guy. I just did and to me he sounds very sad about what’s happening. Jacob says, “It only ends once, everything else is just progress.” Maybe this “progress” isn’t toward something we might think of as good. And MIB looks very dejected. MIB’s got to get going on a plan, find a loophole, to save the island or something more important.

It could be that the island was never meant to be a place for most humans. It’s like a “snow globe” and exists outside of normal space and time. There must be a reason for this that we don’t know yet.

Actually, Jacob is like an annoying little brother. Always bringing new “toys” to mess up your room.

It’s not that there aren’t people already on the island. There are the “others” who may be those who have learned to live in peace with the island and not disrupt things. Cindy comes to mind. So do Bernard and Rose.

The worst thing that Jacob did was to bring the U.S. Army, which was a really bad idea. Of course it’s possible that the Army found the Island by accident. But I think Jughead was the last straw for MIB. When an enormous weapon is sitting on your front lawn and spoiling the view and maybe the universe, you need to do something.

MIB had to come up with a plan to nullify it. So he figured out a way that would get rid of the bomb and Jacob once and for all.

He knew Jacob would be bringing more people to the island so he just had to sit back and wait until he figured out a way to use those people to complete his purpose. He studied them all, maybe with the help of Richard and/or Ben and Smokey. He used Smokey to get rid of the ones that couldn’t help or they killed each other off. It wasn’t until our Losties came to the island that he found what he needed most. Locke.

Or, maybe he was able to get off island, father Locke, and nudge him through Richard, Widmore and Abbadon toward the Island. (I just can’t give up on that idea)

I think it’s possible that both MIB and Jacob could use the wheel to leave the island whenever they wanted.

Mib realized that once he saw it, he understood the damage that Jughead could cause. I’m going to assume here that if he is smart enough to use the properties of the island, he’s smart enough to figure out Jughead. If he is from the future he may know what havoc Jughead could cause so he knows he has to make a counter move.

But then Jacob brings Dharma in to really disrupt things. At first they seemed harmless enough, they were really trying to do good. But then Radzinsky started building the swan, risking the disruption of the island’s magnetic energy.

There was an incident. Maybe not huge, but still a problem, so MIB made sure that pregnant Elle left the Island asap. She took with her the Brother from the Monestary, Abbadon and the Psychic, all others. These people were given the task of making sure that this incident never happened again. Could be that the release of the swan’s magnetic energy caused a rift in space and time creating an alternate, reflecting universe. What a mess Jacob caused! And I’ll bet he was in big trouble with his superiors.

Eventually Elle gave birth to Daniel off island and saw he had a genius for physics (and music). She groomed him to try to solve the problem of Jughead and destroy this other universe. Eventually Widmore was kicked off the island. He was getting in Jacob’s way. And, Jacob had to stop him.

By the time Jacob brought the losties to the island Daniel was old enough to be part of the plan to fix things. By then Elle and Daniel had figured out the coordinates and how to get back to the island. Daniel made his first attempt to fix things. I’ll bet he met Jack and Desmond on his first visit. I’m not sure about the rest of the losties. But he must have tried several times to affect change by creating the first time loop, only to discover that he needed to create another one.

Meanwhile MIB is working on a plan to get rid of Jacob. He planned that Locke could be the key to accomplishing this. He had Richard visit him several times as a child to see if Locke was up to the task. (Alternate theory: Jacob had Richard visit Locke to see if he would be a problem.) When Jacob visited Locke after he was pushed from the window, he saw Locke was still alive and not wanting or being able to kill him, paralyzed him with his touch. Now even if Locke came to the island he would pose little threat.

Of course MIB had a better plan and made sure Abbadon got Locke to go on this walkabout to get to the island. Once there MIB healed him and Locke was ready for action. Locke felt immediately in touch with the island and felt like he was home. He knew instinctively what to do although it was not smooth sailing for him.

You could equate Locke’s journey to the Hero’s Journey of Joseph Campbell, Jesus’s time in the dessert, or Moses’ journey in the dessert with the Israelites.

And so the losties, Locke, Desmond, Daniel and Dharma stumbled through several time loops until Daniel and Elle finally figured out what was necessary to set things straight and preserve the island and the purpose it fulfilled in the universe.

I think this time they got it right. They used part of jughead to counteract the release magnetic energy of the island and stabalize it. Maybe this starts a process that gets rid of this alternate universe that was created earlier. Locke has finally come into his own and has no compunction about having troublemaker Jacob murdered. After all his mission was to preserve and protect this very special place and all Jacob brought was destruction.

But Jacob hasn’t given up. His people led by Bram and Illana are outside the foot of the statue with a casket carrying dead locke, a force supposedly worse than what’s been in the cabin. Not sure about dead locke. Maybe Jacob will reincarnate into his body. So there may indeed be 2 Lockes. Or maybe Jacob wants to use the body to prove that live Locke isn’t who he says he is at all. But we will be rooting for MIB”s Locke by the end of season 6. And Jacob will no longer be a threat to the island.

So will Jacob be able to prove his point which I am assuming is that humanity is worthy of the Island? I’d say no. Instead, though the eyes of our losties we (the audience) will come to understand the need to live in our own world and keep striving to be better without Jacob’s help Meanwhile our remaining, Losties will be given a choice of living in peace on the island (like Rose and Bernard) or returning to the real world, taking with them the knowledge they gained in the time they spent there. That will be a gut wrenching decision for all to make.

And MIB, the island and those who stay will be able to return with it to it’s appropriate place as an important part of the universe.

And they all lived happily ever after.

What do you think?

p.s. I’m sure there are plenty of examples of how MIB could be the good guy, but this has gone long enough. I just thought it would be fun to play devil’s advocate.

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