LOST Theories - DarkUFO

I know why babies and children are important. First let me tell you my assumptions. Since we see Locke's physical body, we must assume that the MIB doesn't need a body; he can transform into anyone. He cannot physically influence the future; he can only influence the future by conning and manipulating people with words (eg he cannot help Locke get up after he suffers the compound fracture before turning the wheel, only by manipulating him with words is he able to bring John to his destiny. Example 2, the compass). The MIB does need an influential form to transform into to manipulate people (Locke, Christian, Walt, 'still have work to do'). These factors are supported by tons of evidence.

Not supported by a ton of evidence is this: Jacob, unlike MIB, needs a surrogate AKA a body to host his spirit. This would be Locke. Not sure how Frank fits into the process of transferring Jacob's life into Locke's body.

Now to the baby issue and why children were fought over...

We have seen a pattern with the way children have been born.

1) There is a problem conceiving and giving birth on the island.
2) There is no problem with a separation of either of these processes. Claire conceives off island, Sun gives birth off island.
3) The only babies we do see naturally conceived AND born on the island are inside the protected sonic weapon fence (Ethan).

Children are also very important (Walt, the two from the back of the plane whose names escape me, Aaron, Alex). Whoever is young and innocent on the island is fought over.


Babies and children are risky. Jacob orders for all children to be taken by HIS people, the Others. This is an important clue as to why they are special. They are all candidates for the MIB. Think about it. Children and babies are the first priority of any faction. They will be protected under any circumstance. What better host for the MIB than a child? Someone whom he can hide under until the moment arrives, a moment which he has been waiting for long enough that twenty years wouldn't matter, even if he had to live as a different person.

An argument I'm prepared to defend myself against: why would Christian, who is the MIB in different form, take Claire and not the baby? The MIB successfully manipulates Claire away from the baby, but, remember, he cannot physically touch Aaron. The MIB is unsuccessful though. He didn't expect Sawyer to find him. The MIB actually wanted Aaron to die laying there so he could take Aaron's form.

Aaron was a significant battle that is now over. People were manipulated to get him, and the Others were ordered to have him. He was significant because he was the first baby to be born on the island since Alex. Also, Jacob knew he would be able to be born because Alex's situation is the exact same scenario. The battle for Aaron is over. He is safe. But he was a target of the MIB, the loophole that the MIB later found in Locke.

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