This is my first theory post on here but here we go...
There have been a lot of theories popping up as to who the "good guys" really are. After really thinking about things way more than I probably should have, I am beginning to that MIB may in fact be the "good guy" after all.
After watching and re-watching the season 5 finale numerous times, something hit me. What if the "they" that MIB and Jacob were talking about wasn't human beings as a whole? What if the "they" that they were referring to was merely outsiders, or rather those not native to the island?
Now to delve even deeper into the conversation, there's the line about things only ending once. I think that that ending is not mere on island, but more significantly the end of the world. It just seems to me that the situations where outsiders have been introduced to the island have resulted in near catostrophic circumstances, i.e. jughead and the incident.
So back to MIB. I believe that he was at one time leader of the Others. I think that somewhere down the line, the Others were deceived by Jacob and he was able to assume control of them and more importantly, the island, and I think that Richard helped him do it in exchange for Jacob making him the ageless wonder that we all know him as now.
I also think that Widmore learned the truth, and that is the true reason that he was subsequently banished. I'll expand on this later, but my mind is literally spinning...