I don't know about you guys, but when I watched that first encounter between Ben and Widmore back in season 4(I think), when they talked about changing rules and not being able/allowed to kill each other, I had a sudden revelation and thought 'this must be it!' - two main players in the context of the island..we don't know that much about either one..leading a quite deep conversation...- I was convinced that this was what it was all about...something between them two...the point being that now, one season later, I'm having the same feeling about Jacob and that other guy. Now, I'm not saying that this isn't it, that these two are not the most important players on the island...I'm just saying they are...but only for now. 100 episodes and it's AMAZING how the last one just changed the entire picture..through two characters and maximum 20 lines. So what I'm saying is that when it comes to LOST, one should always expe! ct the unexpected and double-analyze what is obvious. From the same final episode, what is almost too obvious is that Locke is talking the same way the dude from the beginning is..so it's safe to say it's obvious that he is actually the MIB. But what is also obvious, yet not that obvious is this: the ep. starts, Jacob and MIB are introduced...they know each other...for a long time...they have a chat...10feet away from the STATUE. 40 minutes later...Locke, in search for his target, Jacob, is staring at the right foot of it ... and makes no connection-he wants to know where J. is not what the foot stands for. Another thing that is obvious, but not that obvious is that so far...of all the physical manifestations of MIB/Smokey/?/.. the only one of whom we have actually seen a corpse is John. I mean...have we seen Yemi's corpse after Ecko got killed? or Christian's body? or Alex's body after Ben's "judgment" ? I think it's rather obvious that revealing Locke's corpse was a premi! ere and at the same time an obvious hint to something that wil! l later pull an "A-HA So that's why...!" out of all of us. So...what about it?
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