LOST Theories - DarkUFO

Frank's Candidacy by Kevin

In the Season 5 Finale "The Incident", we learn from Bram and Ilana that Frank could be a 'candidate'. A candidate for what, we never learn. But a few clues from Season 5 lead me to believe that what Frank is a candidate for is being Jacob's successor.

The evidence begins in Season 3, before Frank even arrives on the show. The Others are building a runway. Until the episode Namaste, we have no idea what the runway is for, and it seems that they don't either. But in that episode, Frank uses it to land 316 on the Hydra Island, saving many lives in the process (possibly including Sun and Ben's).

Now, it was revealed in a Lost audio podcast that Jacob had ordered the runway to be built. If it's true that Jacob does have control over time and space, and can see the future, past and present all at once as it's been suggested, then he should have known that the landing of 316 would ultimately lead to his death. He seemed to be anticipating his own death, as he did not struggle or attempt to fight during the pivotal scene in The Incident. Jacob was prepared to die. I think he wouldn't be so willing to end his own life if he wasn't certain that power over the island wouldn't immediately be handed off to MIB. And to prevent this from happening, he needs a successor. And who is a 'candidate' for this position? Frank, the pilot of the plane Jacob more or less ordered a safe landing for.

As it's been pointed out me a few times recently, Frank is essentially the "best" character on the show, morality-wise. Perhaps it's just because we've seen so little of his life before the island, but he doesn't seem to have any baggage...at least not Kate-sized baggage. This would make him a prime candidate for becoming leader of the Island.

Another clue that leads me to this conclusion is the identity of Jacob himself. Until The Incident, it was pretty much assumed that Jacob was some sort of deity, not having a real physical form of his own, but in the episode, what he truly is is revealed -- just a man, like Frank.

If I were to also bring up the idea that Frank is turned into a Jacob-esque deity against his will (which could be considered likely), the cabin incident from The Man Behind The Curtain could make some more sense. I mean, it's obviously not Jeff Fahey, but the flash of 'Jacob' that we saw does bear a resemblance.

Obviously, it's impossible to know the specifics of how Frank would be given immortality and whatever other powers Jacob has, but this could be easily covered throughout Season 6.

Thanks for reading!

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