LOST Theories - DarkUFO

I have no idea if anyone has mentioned anything on this already, but I was just re-watching season 1 and noticed something about the comic book Walt is reading in the Pilot episode part 2. (Yes, Hurley's spanish comic book). Aside from the polar bear in it which I think distracted us all, Walt flips open to a page for just a second where 3 characters are speaking to each other (in spanish, obviously). I paused it at this point. 2 of the guys look like super-hero types. The third guy looks creepy and his back is to us, but he is speaking. And he's standing next to what LOOKS like a contraption which is very very similar to our very own donkey wheel which moves the island.

I do not speak spanish but I tried to use a translation program online to find out what they are saying. This translation is very very rough because I couldn't input any accents that would ultimately change the meaning of some words, but this is what they're saying:

The first guy is saying:

"As they are now your plans. In which it affects to you anyway we are your puppets."

The second guy is saying:

"We understand as you feel what we did half century ago was bad and what they did since then this to you beyond any class of pardon but they ... has to pay for that reason"

The guy standing next to the donkey wheel (who I believe to be Jacob) is saying:

"my plan is to die. because of...and of you I am plagued of diseases but compartire my pain."

I believe this is a huge clue that we missed in the first season. I think the writers were telling us what was going on in the beginning, but we completely missed it. (Or I'm the only one who did and everyone else already knows about this.)

I believe that Jacob is not the "good guy" as we all assume and the Man in Black is the bad guy. I think the concept of white and dark is what's throwing us off. We're assuming too much. I think Jacob's plan was to always be killed by the Man in Black- for what reason I'm not completely sure yet. But I think the Man in Black wants him dead because he's NOT GOOD. The 'red herring" that Jacob is cutting up in "The Incident", I think, is pointing to the fact that one is "light" and one is "dark". We assume the man in black is evil because he's dark and wants to kill Jacob. But what if Jacob needs killing?

Just some thoughts. Trying to look at it from another angle. And if everyone in the entire world has already known about the comic book, please don't yell at me.

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