LOST Theories - DarkUFO

I believe that the Locke we saw in the Incident is actually Locke from the FUTURE. I also believe that we've only witnessed the end part of the loophole and haven't witnessed how the loophole first initiated.

(just bare with me here, all of this is just speculation. I really don't have anything to back this up. And I'm sure it may violate some facts that we've learned.)

To start, let's begin by ignoring what happened at the end of The Incident (because it hasn't happened yet relative to the main timeline). Let's say that flight 316 semi-crash landed, there was only ONE Locke (in the guarded case) and Bram and Illana took Locke's body to the literal "shadow" of the statue. The shadow of the statue is where the light casts a shadow...the same area where MIB is walking towards when he leaves Jacob on the beach.

Let's now speculate that Locke's body was placed in the shadow somewhere and then resurrected, making him the one "who saves us all." Other (unknown) things happen Locke gains much knowledge about what needs to happen and why. (This is where the loophole starts) Locke then timetravels back to the beach where the survivor's of flight 316 are. Hence the two Lockes, one dead, one from the future.

Locke then proceeds to change the past (all the events that happened on island in the Incident is the new past). This is the loophole. What we saw was future Locke changing the past from what actually happened (Bram and Illana taking Locke to Jacob & the shadow). Locke does seem to have some special knowledge of what's going on. Trippy isn't it? Future Locke then goes on his quest to have Richard take him to Jacob.

Let's jump to the scene of Jacob's murder.

Locke plays mind games with Ben. Gets Ben to kill Jacob, Jacob falls to the ground dead/dieing. But Locke doesn't stop here, he kicks Jacob into the fire. We know that the Others burned their dead to eliminate any chance of MIB taking their forms. Locke kicked Jacob into the fire to stop MIB from taking Jacob's form. He time traveled to the past to do this. Probably by Jacob's wishes. What happens after this? No clue.

I still am thinking that Locke is FLocke, but I had this idea and wanted to share. How likely is it that this will come true? Probably not likely at all.


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