LOST Theories - DarkUFO


Id like to say this is not a spoiler... as it is still speculation on a comment made by DL, and is not the be all end all. I am from the uk and have recently bought the dvds. Because You Left, the season premiere, has a commentary from DL and CC and in it DL explicitly makes a joke that "Locke is a very very different person when he gets back to the island". Also, in the scene which Locke is told he has to die by Richard - which we later see from the other point of view, that Flocke gave these orders, DL also makes a comment to the effect of how important it is that Flocke is so explicit in his orders, and that the ramifications (the fact that he can take Lockes form) are very relevant to the final season. I think this is definately a clear hint that MIB has taken his form... and the endless theories of the fact that Flocke could be Locke from another timeline or time... is just making things overly complicated i! think.

please leave your thoughts, i think it would be nice to get an early clear up on this point so that we can look forward to the fact that MIB is now in control of the island, and our losties have to deal with that. At least we still have Terry O Quin. And Lockes memories are still intact, maybe there is a bit of Locke still left inside, which has a chance to fight back, who knows.

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