LOST Theories - DarkUFO

Locke is the son of.... by Neil-EL

First and foremost I love reading these theories! Each and every one of them is fantastic. Everyone here has a creative mind. So let me get on with my theory and if this has been said before I apologize.

Emily gave birth to John, he was not the Jesus child that his she eventually tried to tell him. My theory is this John Lockes father is Charles Whidmore.

Charles Whidmore was banished from the island for having a child with an off islander. We assume this is Penny. What if it was John Locke?

When the Losties were timeskipping and ending up in 1954 he was what... in his 20's? He probably had an off island trip met Emily and had a child. Little did he realize that it would be John Locke.

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