LOST Theories - DarkUFO

Between Realities by Kastrato

Alternative timeline and original one.

These two timelines are mixed from the begining of Lost.Some times both exist inside the heads of the losties as dreams and some as visions,strainge events on and off the island.

Locke in season one has the dream of the nigirian airplane.In this dream he saw a past-time event(the crash of the plane) which he will see originaly at season five during the time-flashes,but also had a future warning.He saw Boone covered with blood right after a jar break (the Mary statue).

Thats kind of a future event and it did came true too a few hours later.

That Jonh Locke was in the middle of things.His vision was a mix of future and past events.
We can easyly explain the past part of his vision (he travels back to time ,and the island projected
that memory to his mind as its his own memory even if he hasnt experiences it yet)
The future part of his dream is more complicated though .
But what if the opposite thing existed too!
What if a past Jonh Locke traveled in future time.He could see the original event memorize it so the island also reprojected that memory .
Right ,but who is that Jonh Locke.
I believe he is the one some named Flocke.And where he was ,how he enters the story.
Is he from the alternative timeline?Because if he is and he somehow didnt paralized then HE being
on a future timeline can effect this timeline and make the present version of him stands on his feet again.
Here is a strainge thing that kind of proves that conection of two Lockes.
In the nigirina airplane scene season's one Locke cant walk when he arrives there with Boone.In the time-flash Locke gets shoot there by Ethan
and also cant walk .Its cause and effect.Somehow the island can save and reload elements because of the two versions that exists on it.As we saw at season 5,
CAN exist(even for a while).The island tries to undone that wrong, that paradox.And Smokey is the system for that.Smokey tries to drag season's one
Locke into the hole because the future Locke on time-flash appears in that timeline for a while (season 5 timeflash).Smokey detects two Lockes that
time and thats why it acted that way.Later he had no reason to keep on hunting Jonh because the timeflashed Locke is gone.
The question remains though.Who is that Jonh Locke,the one who remembers
-tha compass that gave to Alpert 50 years ago
-recalls the first time he meet Ben at the hatch
-remembers dieing

What if Lockes body didnt sent on Adjira 316 to the island for just a proof to Alpert and the others.What if the body sent there for an other reason.
To be scaned.

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