Just a brief theory on two topics....they are both incidental in terms of the show as a whole but I figured they may be interesting to some...I apologise if these theories have been hashed out before.
SPOILER BELOW (related to the Dark Tower Series)
The numbers have played a part in the Lost mythology since season one but I don't think they are as mysterious as they appear. The Numbers only trouble Hurley as a rule (there were the two fellas who freaked out at the listening post but I'll get to them) but I don't think they hold any mythical power other than being the numbers that make up the Valenzetti Equation. Everyone has a Destiny and the Numbers are Hurley's
Brief Number History
-Numbers are written on the side of the Hatch as a bar-code
-Numbers are incorporated into the failsafe code of the Hatch
-'Someone' uses the Numbers in the distress call
-Sam Toomey and Leonard, stationed in the Pacific to monitoring long-wave radio transmissions (static), hear the numbers.
-One kills himself the other ends up in a psych ward where Hurley hears him repeat them and then uses them for the winning lottery numbers.
My theory is that Hurley is the 'someone' who sends the distress call containing the numbers. Assuming that he is still stuck in the past and Jacks plan does not work...sometime down the line he will get to the transmission tower and send the signal.
Why would he do that if he knew that it would ultimatley lead to him winning the lottery ticket and induring the bad-luck that follows? I'm not sure....
My own theory is that he will see his friends die (as Richard claims they do).However there may have been a chance to save them that Hurley didn't take. So taking up the banner of ALT rather than WHH he sends the numbers in the hope that perhaps the next time round he can save them(much like Roland in the Dark Tower). Hurley is an extremely loyal person so such a scenario is not to far fetched (or maybe it is). Or perhaps he is guided/pushed to do so by someone like Jacob.
AS for the numbers appearing throughout the show, it's just an artistic metaphor for the Island cycle (birth/death). The Valenzetti Equation is an equation that predicts the exact number of years and months before humanity extinguishes itself. Everything has a begining and an end.
As for the static listeners? I think being stationed out for years listening to static would send anyone loopy (its a weak answer but it'll do)not all answers are complex.
Alot has been made of the dead bodies on the Island. The others take care in burning their dead. The show likes to point out which bodies are buried (like Rousseua and Karl...I find it hard to believe that the mercenaries would take the time to bury them and not just dump them in the bushes...but anyway). Is this because they worry that something would take their form?
Let's look at those who have not been buried:
ALEX-we see fake Alex
YEMI-we see fake Yemi
CHRISTIAN- we see fake Christian
LOCKE- we see fake Locke
So assuming that those who are not buried or cremated can become a fake version, where else are bodies not buried?
-The Dharma Pit
-The Black Rock prisoners.
Could one of these bodies be say Richard or Jacob or MIB? Just a thought. My money would be on the Black rock prisoners because the taking of other forms is restricted by time...ie. Christian has only be seen post crash, never pre crash.
Since Richard has been around since Black Rock days my money is on him. Also notice how Richard and Jacob have never have been cited together in the same room?
Thanks for listening to that ramble,