LOST Theories - DarkUFO

WHH vs ALT….A neutrals Perspective by Mark

I’ve read on numerous threads the ongoing and quite comically heated debate about whether WHH is true or whether it is possible to change the past aka ALT. Personally I don’t mind either way as whichever way it turns out I’m confident that Darlton will make it work and I’ll love it.

However….if you held a flaming arrow to my head I’d have to say that I don’t believe WHH to be true as there are far too many instances that contradict it. I’ll list a few and if any WHHers would like to prove them wrong in the comments section I’ll be more than interested.

A – We have been told WHH is a definite fact by Hawkins if WHH was unquestionable then why did she feel it necessary to influence Desmond when he mind jumped? If WHH was true there would be no need for this, she was worried he might change something.

B – We have also been told repeatedly by Faraday that WHH yet when Sawyer tries to get Desmond’s attention in the Hatch he virtually pleads with him to stop, stating that its impossible. So why doesn’t he just leave him to it? Again I think Daniel is worried sawyer might contact Desmond and change something.

C – Following on from point B, Daniel then proceeds to bang on the door and talk to Desmond which cannont of happened previously as he would have remembered this when he met Daniel on the island not have the memory pop into his head while asleep on his boat.

D – The main champion for WHH (Daniel) even changed his own mind about his theory stating that things could be changed by the “Variables”. Granted after saying this he still died, but he was not aware of his fate so had no way of changing/avoiding it. Had he know it was going to happen he probably could have avoided it. In fact it’s a nice little irony that despite changing his opinion on WHH it effectively had no benefit to him and his fate.

E – There have also been several other subtle hints that things can change, like the pictures on the wall in Miles’ flashback and the state of the Dharma buildings after 316’s crash.

For me it’s the first two points above that are the most convincing. Had Daniel or Hawkins been less frantic in there actions I’d be more incline to believe them but to my mind actively trying to ensure that WHH happens is a total contradiction to their belief that it was going to happen regardless. To try to ensure it happens suggest a concern that it may not happen and therefore the theory becomes null and void.

What I believe is when Daniel and Hawkins say WHH and “You can’t change the past” they don’t mean that you literally CAN’T they actually mean you MUSTN’T. Their concerned behaviour is because they are worried about the outcome of messing with the past, in a “it could cause a paradox and end the world type of way”.

Hawkins even tells the O6 that they were never meant to leave the island, which again means in leaving it they changed something, and instructs Ben to get them all back on flight 316 or “god help us all” i.e. they’ve got to correct what’s been changed or the world might come to an end. She’s not sitting by waiting for WHH or course correction to step in, she is genuinely worried.

Anyway, like I said I’m happy with whatever Darlton decides to do and if someone has an explanation for all of the above I’m more than open to it.

Why do I get the feeling this theories either gonna get a 5 star or 0 star rating from each person. lol



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