Apologies if this has already been mentioned but I believe that I have stumbled upon the governing theme of LOST!
I’ve just started to read the first few chapters of Dan Browns new book “The Lost Symbol”. I won't go into any details but I was reading a particular chapter early on in the book and came across the topic of Noetic Science and almost ever word of that chapter fitted perfectly with the weird and wonderful things we have been witnessing in LOST.
I decided to Wiki Noetic Science to learn a bit more about it and discovered that essentially it looks into the very real science of Intent. In other words the untapped potential of the human mind. It also refers back to numerous ancient texts ranging from the Egyptians and Romans to Jewish Mysticism and Pagan beliefs. All of these texts believed in universal connections and atonement (at-one-ment!).
It draws a very fine line between Science and Spiritualism which couldn’t be more prominent in the themes of LOST. We have Dharma who are hippy scientists and who I now firmly believe were studying Noetic Science. And then we have all the Egyptian scripts and references to spirituality that seemed to be out of place in the context of a Scientific group. If you read up on Noetic Science though, you will find that they go had in hand and share a lot in their theories and beliefs.
The list below is from the Institute of Noetic Science official website and it summarizes the areas that they are researching:
Extended Human Capacities
* Creativity
* Meditation
* Psi Studies
* Wisdom Capacities
* Subtle Energies
* States of Consciousness
* Death, Dying, and Beyond
Integral Health and Healing
* Biofields
* Distant Healing
* Global Medicine
* Integral Medicine
* Mind Body Medicine
* Extended Survival
* Placebo Expectancy Effects
Emerging Worldviews
* Integral Intelligence
* Science of Wisdom
* Gaia Theory
* Transformative Practices
* Cultivating Spiritual Awareness
* East/West/Indigenous Practices
If you’re like me, when reading that list a lot of them jump out at you as we have seem the very same phenomenon on the island. In particular States of Consciousness, Death, Dying, and Beyond, Extended Survival and Transformative Practices all ring very loud bells.
* Extended Survival – Richards immortality
* Transformative Practices - MIB/Smoke becoming Loche
* Death, Dying and Beyond – Numerous characters appearing after death
* States of Consciousness – Conscious time travel
With this all in mind I am leaning heavily toward the theory that Jacob and MIB are Noetic Scientists from the future who have learned to master the disciplines of their studies. It would explain a lot of the abilities they seem to have without them having to be Gods or Aliens. Perhaps in the time they originate from humans learned these abilities but it was too late to save our world as we had already gone to far towards destroying it. Maybe the unique properties of the island help to unlock the human mind so Jacob traveled back to the dawn of humanity and has been bringing people to the island to see if they can develop these skills and become enlightened sooner rather than later.
So far he has been unsuccessful and they just end up coming, fighting over the powers the island possesses and destroying each other. But as Jacob said “it only ends once, and everything before is just progress”. So maybe with each attempt humans have been getting closer to enlightenment, some already having these abilities by nature i.e. Walt, Miles, Hurley.
Anyway, that’s enough of me rambling for now. Obviously there is a lot more to be explained in LOST but I genuinely feel like I’m thinking in the right direction and would love to here your thoughts on my musings.