LOST Theories - DarkUFO

ALT à là "Dark Tower" by Teo O

Hi everyone,

It seems to me that we will see on the show something very similar to what happens in Stephen King's "The Dark Tower".


In the book, the main character is able to influence his past by changing events that had already happened. More specifically, he stops a chain of events that ultimately leads to a boy entering his quest for the Dark Tower (sounds similar?)

The main character and the boy start to hear voices inside their heads that disagree on what actually happened - something like: "Event A happened... No, event A didn't happen because otherwise I wouldn't be here!"

Also, that "duality" of realities start to drive both of them mad, as the internal fight between reality A and reality B start to tear apart their sanity.

My theory is that something very similar will happen in LOST. Our characters will be in flight 815 traveling from Sidney to LA and, at the time the accident would happen, they will have a kind of "forward memory", something like a dejá-vu. I wouldn't be surprised if, in the first episode, we see Jack holding tight to his seat in anticipation for the turbulence that never occurs.

That will continue to play as time goes by, and the Losties will probably even recognize themselves at the airport, even though they were strangers just a few minutes before. They (or some of them) will start to have some kind of problems dealing with those two realities in their minds and will somehow know that to close that gap that widens more and more, they will have to bring those two realities together.

In the book that happens is that the main character has to find a way to bring the boy back to his world/quest for the Tower. In our LOST parallel, the losties will have to find a way to go back to the Island (again!).

Those are my thoughts. It would be nice if you guys could comment on it, specially those who read the books. I find the stories so similar in so many different ways! Lost is really inspired by it, the symmetries are numerous: a strange company / organization (DHARMA), voices (whispers), time travel, strange objects placed where they weren't supposed to be (Black Rock), etc.

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