It's me again :)
I was thinking. I want to get the general idea of Lost. I want to figure out the method they used. This is just an addition to number of theories I posted these last few days, Season 1, Christian an Other etc.
I am thinking that the Others are in fact a secret society, like Masons of some sort. I think they have a higher purpose and access to a loads of money, like we already heard few times. Richard with Mittelos Bioscience, Mr. Paik, Charles Widmore..a lot of money.
The way they resolved Widmores story was the biggest shock for me. I always thought (based on what I have seen on the show) that Widmore left the island sometimes after the incident in the early 80s. I also thought he pushed the wheel and that's how he got exiled. BUT I was so wrong..Widmore had an affair with an outsider. He got Penny or perhaps someone third we are not aware of yet, who knows. And he was kicked out in the 90s. Alex was at least 4 years old, so I am guessing 1992/1993. By 1994 he is very powerful and rich. Yes it is possible that's the main reason of his leaving the island...but somehow I feel there is more to it. He uses his own money to keep the island a secret, perhaps for his own personal gain, but I don't know..
My guess is that they, The Others off the island, are working just for the island. They protect it. They act as some sort of time police. They are making sure certain crucial pieces are where they are suppose to be and when. Desmond, Locke, Daniel, Miles, Jack, Sawyer etc.
So who are these Others off island?
Charles Widmore, Eloise Hawking, perhaps Christian Shepard, perhaps Mr. Paik, brother Campbell (I am sure about him)..who else? Richard Alpert, as the only one who still lives on the island but he leaves it very often in order to recruit some people and bring them back to the island.
It is very confusing. I think we are missing something very important here. Because above I listed people who are probably The Others working off island but a certain number of DI members became, with time, Others, and their children play a big part in unfolding of these events...
Pierre Chang DI member, a scientist, man who changes his name for no obvious reason??? Man who possibly saw the chamber with FDW, perhaps used it? (remember the jacket Ben put on before going down? It said Halliwax). He has a son. His name is Miles Straume. Miles who will play a bigger part in season 6. I wonder how come his mother knew his father, Pierre, is dead? She left the island in 1977 with a baby Miles..she had no contact with Chang, right? She knows he is dead and that his body is 'somewhere where you can never go'. So she knows his body is on the island, dead. How is that possible?
Horace Godspeed and Amy. Both DI members. He is the leader of DI. He brought Benjamin Linus to the island. His wife Amy is probably Amelia we saw in ATOTC. They have a son. His name is Ethan Rom. Ethan was an Other, since he was a little kid. He grew up to be an Other surgeon and a very good one. he was the one who recruited Juliet, the same woman who delivered him 27 years ago. I like to ask questions while writing about Lost in a blind hope that someone will give me an answer. So here it goes regarding Ethan.. why would he and his mother leave DI and join the Others? Why would they leave Horace behind? How is it possible that Amy, who was portrayed as such a caring mother, had no idea her son is not in his bed in the middle of the night? Hm...
Radzinski who survived the purge, so it seems and got stuck in the Swan, drawing plan and asking questions to which he knew the answers since he is the one designing it. It just doesn't make any sense.
Charlotte Lewis. Her parents were members of DI. She was born on the island too. Or was she?
We know that Miles was 3 months older than Ethan. We also know that Ethan is the only baby born on the island. Is that the reason why he had to be a part of the Others? Why he was so strong, so strong that he could take two people, male and female who is btw pregnant? He took Charlie by a neck and lifted him up as if he is light as a feather.
So all these people are the members of DI. Yet they are all connected to the Others. One way or another. AND WHY DI WOMEN LEAVE THE ISLAND TO GIVE BIRTH? (because they have only one doctor on the island, who is often absent? Or because thats one of the rules they have to follow in order to stay on the island, like the rule of not crossing to the other side? Is that the reason why Ethan became an Other? Because by birth he is in fact an Other. Is that why Amy, loving mother, decided to leave her husband behind? Perhaps Richard, once he found out that Ethan is born on the island became one of them.."he will never be the same, he will always be one of us"..and even if he lives with DI he is still one of them..and when time came they had to warn or save Ethan and Any decided that she belongs with her son so she too joined the Others. She had no other choice. Just look at her behavior regarding Sayid who she believed was an other...she voted for his death with no hesitation. Why ! on earth would she become one of them later?? Because of her son. That's why.
The only one who was always an Other in common sense is Daniel Faraday (whats up with these last names?? Remember when he first came to the island and Jack asks him his name, he pauses..he pauses and then he says Faraday, my name is Daniel Faraday is original Other, genuine Other.
He was probably born on the island (unless Ellie left the island a month or two after the incident, I doubt). His mother is an Other. His father is an Other. They were both leaders at certain points in time. Leaders of the Others. Yet Daniel along with DI children came back to the island. WHY?
There is always two of everything. Always. In each period of time.
Once upon a time we had Jacob and MIB (they call him Jacob's enemy, but I disagree, he is not his enemy, they just have different points of view). They talk about the nature of mankind. Jacob believes there is hope. That man can change. Can be useful. Can be good. MIB thinks there is no help for human race. They are corrupted. They lie. Kill. So Jacob in this case is man of Faith. He believes in change. MIB is realistic. He too loves people but he simply gave up on them, because like he always ends the same.
I said he loves them. Yes. He wants to save people from their suffering, the suffering they need to go through in order to change at the end. The suffering provided by Jacob. Who pushes them. Pushes them to change so he could prove MIB wrong. Neither one of them is good or bad. They just have different approach and point of view. For some reason I side with MIB.
So this was then. After that we have the Others and DI. The Others are people who embraced nature. They live in the woods. What do they do? None knows. On the other side we have DHARMA folks. Scientists. Two opposite societies.
Later on we have Oceanic 815 people. Again a group of people on the island. And two leaders. One is Jack Shepard. The other one is John Locke. They both love people they live with. But they both have different idea whats best for these people. Jack thinks its best for them to leave the island, and go on with their lives, like they were suppose to. John Locke thinks they should stay on the island, because this island is the best thing that happened to them. Two of them clash heads. Man of science and man of faith.
Let's go back a little.
On a global map we had two societies on the island, The Others and DI. They coexisted on the island. In one moment they couldn't do that anymore. So The Others for unknown reason purged DI. So 'Man of Faith', Jacob via Widmore, got rid of the 'Men of science'..Now we have one group. BUT again, within this one group we have different men. Men with different point of views on the same thing.
What it is the island wants.
Alex dead or Alex alive?
To live in the woods or move to the barracks?
So one of them had to go. Charles Widmore left the island. The group continued to live happily ever after. BUT now we have again two men who have different point of view on the same things.
One of them want to focus on fertility issues and the other one thinks it's a waste of time. He thinks there are more important things to deal with.
So the hole is getting bigger and bigger until the Other one sees his promised leader, John Locke. The one with the fertility issues has to go.
So it is always the same story over and over again. Clashing heads. Different point of view. Who is right and who is wrong. There will not be the usual good and bad conflict we saw in Harry Potter or Lord of The Rings. None of them wants to rule the world and none will raise an army from hell to take over the humanity.
What we see here is one man fighting his demons.
I am not suggesting that everything we saw so far is just one man debating with is a general debate within a man...
"A clever fella"
This clever fella found the island. He created a Lamp Post in order to find the island. How can you find something if you are not looking? So it is imperative that you look. He knew about the island. That's why he was looking for it.
Every single module of this show is already presented to us through a various characters and their goals. This one through Charles Widmore. So if this clever fella knew about the island there are two possible explanations for this..either he was told about the island by someone or he already lived on it before and like Charles wanted to get back.
Since we know that Jacob is one who was always bringing people to the island, what if he had something to do with this clever fella? Telling him about the island..and how exactly does he bring people to the island? By touching them? We already know he left the island...we know he visited our losties. We know DI built the entire village over the hidden tunnels that were being used by the Others in the past. We also know none has ever seen Jacob. Except for Richard, who talks to him. We've seen Jacob. We know it is Mark Pellegrino who plays him. So we know that Ben killed him. So what if Jacob left the island at some point in the past and he couldn't come back, if that's even possible? And then he did it via DI. How else did they know where to built the village? Over Smokies chambers? They designed various of hatches all over the island..they constructed the Swan..they kept on drilling at the Swan site even they knew it is a dangers thing to do..why would Radzinski act irratio! nal? He is a scientist..unless he knew, knew the incident had to happen..and Swan has to exist in order to get Losties to the island 30 years from now.
Or maybe he gave them just a little push. :)
Richard Alpert is an adviser. He had this job for a very long time. He doesn't age. Jacob is the one to blame.
I think that Richard acts rather odd. I believe he is a double agent..:)
He works for both Jacob and MIB. Lets remember certain things.
Richard: "I don't answer to them!" WHATEVER HAPPENED HAPPENED
Richard: "We all answer to someone." JUGHEAD
Richard: "Jacob wanted it done!" DEAD IS DEAD
I don't answer to them!
So lets look at these sentences.. He is the one who works for the leader of the Others..he follows their orders, but like we saw few times he disobeyed these orders or let me rephrase this he sort of decided to act on his own. With Locke, handing him files on Sawyer and with Ben, taking him to the Temple..
And once Charles asked him: "What have you done Richard?" his answer was a lie..JACOB WANTED IT DONE...what Jacob? It was Richard who wanted it this a good thing or a bad thing? I have no idea. But he lied to Charles, and probably Ellie. He lied to his leader. He took the member of the Temple??? He saved his life. He brought him to the MIB. Oh, yes this is my opinion. I believe that Jacob resides as we saw inside of the statue and MIB inside of the temple or perhaps under it...So Richard took Ben to Smoke or MIB who are obviously opposite to Richard. Perhaps that's why Jacob was as cold as hell..what about you? Indeed who is this Ben??
I know a lot of people think Ben lied to Locke and Ben will turn out to be good. And we are all hoping for this to happen...but 3.5 seasons have passed and Ben is still not a good guy..still selfish..doing everything the way he wants to do it..for his own personal gain. How can't you see that? Watch Dead is Dead, when you know that Locke is MIB. Listen careful things he asks Ben, the way he talks to him.
So two times Richard went against the rules.
1. He saved Bens life
2. He made leadership possible for Locke
He interfered with destinies of two characters who made a loophole possible for MIB.
We all answer to someone.
At the time we thought he answers to Jacob. He probably does, since he is the one who goes and talks to Jacob. But I also believe he answers to MIB without anyone knowing. I also think that he is doing stuff for MIB in Jacobs name. So for example, if MIB wanted purge to happen, he would say it was Jacob who wanted it done. He already lied once, whats keeping him for lying again. Nothing.
Many times Richard seams strangely confused for an adviser..for a man who lives on this island for many many years. Hm..clueless adviser..or a very cunning one.
So what I want to say here is this..Richard is playing his own game. What is his goal I have no idea. But he seems different each time we see him. And lets not forget we have no idea who is he and how he ended up on this island so everything i am saying here is pure speculation.
So lets try to sum this up.
I believe that the Others are some sort of secret society who works for a greater good. Those who live off the island are doing everything to protect it. Sacrificing their children and loads of money for the island.
DHARMA INITIATIVE found the island with a little help of Jacob. He brought them to the island. Why? Because he wanted to prove MIB wrong. Perhaps each time he is doing the same thing with different profile of the people. But always people who reflect certain period of time.
In 19th century a slave ship..with slaves and slave owners...
In the 50s a military who was doing tests in the pacific, testing a hydrogen bomb... right after WWII..and we know how that ended, right?
In the 70s bunch of scientist, flowers and drugs..reflection of that age..
in 21st century...bunch of f+cked up people..criminals, pregnant girl who was careless, cop who took advantage of her position, a drug dealer who poses as a priest, a heroin rock star, spoiled barbie doll with her stepbrother who is in love with her, wannabe actress, a lottery winner, millionaire who has no idea how to deal with his new life...a girl who was abused by her stepfather/ Iraqi soldier, a married couple who cant have kids..wife who wasn't faithful to her husband..a sad pathetic man who wants to be something he is not...etc. What a reflection of our society. 21st century indeed.
There is no good or bad. Only different opinions and a different approach to the same thing. So neither one of them is good or bad. They are just different. Jacob and MIB are like Jack and John. Man of science and Man of Faith. And it's something that goes on and on on this island. Always the same. And It always ends the same.
MIB is tired of this game and he wants out. The only way to get out is to kill the man who keeps prolonging the game. It's Jack and John again. Jack says "You are done keeping me on this island!" and he even pulls the trigger. Man of science wants Man of faith dead. Jack wanted John dead. MIB wanted Jacob dead. But then Jacob said : They are coming...I guess they are either Illana and Bram or 815ers. I guess 815ers. And that's a hint to MIB that everything is about to repeat. He failed, again.
Richard is working for both Jacob and MIB. He is sort of a referee.
What is the final goal of the game. I have no idea.
After the purge, MIB was somehow contained in that cabin and he was the one Locke heard in 2004.
I also believe the final scene of Lost would be Jack waking up in the jungle, in 2004. In that moment we will realize nothing can be changed and they will stay in this loop forever.
And I wonder, why would Richard and the rest of his people leave the barracks? Why would they start wearing Those ancient cloths again, once Ben left? Have everyone noticed this? I mean once purge happened they became civilized. Living in the houses, with electricity, eating food from fridge, having bathrooms etc. And then once Ben left they moved to a camp on the beach..what happened to their old cloths? Books? Why this sudden change?
At the end..I know I was on and on about how there is no good or bad guys..but if I had to chose somehow I think I would choose MIB and Locke.
I know this is not a theory..this is more a way of thinking. I want to know what you think. I wanted to sum certain things up. I am almost positive I left many things out, things I wanted to say..hell I will do it in another one...;)
Thanks for reading
I was thinking. I want to get the general idea of Lost. I want to figure out the method they used. This is just an addition to number of theories I posted these last few days, Season 1, Christian an Other etc.
I am thinking that the Others are in fact a secret society, like Masons of some sort. I think they have a higher purpose and access to a loads of money, like we already heard few times. Richard with Mittelos Bioscience, Mr. Paik, Charles Widmore..a lot of money.
The way they resolved Widmores story was the biggest shock for me. I always thought (based on what I have seen on the show) that Widmore left the island sometimes after the incident in the early 80s. I also thought he pushed the wheel and that's how he got exiled. BUT I was so wrong..Widmore had an affair with an outsider. He got Penny or perhaps someone third we are not aware of yet, who knows. And he was kicked out in the 90s. Alex was at least 4 years old, so I am guessing 1992/1993. By 1994 he is very powerful and rich. Yes it is possible that's the main reason of his leaving the island...but somehow I feel there is more to it. He uses his own money to keep the island a secret, perhaps for his own personal gain, but I don't know..
My guess is that they, The Others off the island, are working just for the island. They protect it. They act as some sort of time police. They are making sure certain crucial pieces are where they are suppose to be and when. Desmond, Locke, Daniel, Miles, Jack, Sawyer etc.
So who are these Others off island?
Charles Widmore, Eloise Hawking, perhaps Christian Shepard, perhaps Mr. Paik, brother Campbell (I am sure about him)..who else? Richard Alpert, as the only one who still lives on the island but he leaves it very often in order to recruit some people and bring them back to the island.
It is very confusing. I think we are missing something very important here. Because above I listed people who are probably The Others working off island but a certain number of DI members became, with time, Others, and their children play a big part in unfolding of these events...
Pierre Chang DI member, a scientist, man who changes his name for no obvious reason??? Man who possibly saw the chamber with FDW, perhaps used it? (remember the jacket Ben put on before going down? It said Halliwax). He has a son. His name is Miles Straume. Miles who will play a bigger part in season 6. I wonder how come his mother knew his father, Pierre, is dead? She left the island in 1977 with a baby Miles..she had no contact with Chang, right? She knows he is dead and that his body is 'somewhere where you can never go'. So she knows his body is on the island, dead. How is that possible?
Horace Godspeed and Amy. Both DI members. He is the leader of DI. He brought Benjamin Linus to the island. His wife Amy is probably Amelia we saw in ATOTC. They have a son. His name is Ethan Rom. Ethan was an Other, since he was a little kid. He grew up to be an Other surgeon and a very good one. he was the one who recruited Juliet, the same woman who delivered him 27 years ago. I like to ask questions while writing about Lost in a blind hope that someone will give me an answer. So here it goes regarding Ethan.. why would he and his mother leave DI and join the Others? Why would they leave Horace behind? How is it possible that Amy, who was portrayed as such a caring mother, had no idea her son is not in his bed in the middle of the night? Hm...
Radzinski who survived the purge, so it seems and got stuck in the Swan, drawing plan and asking questions to which he knew the answers since he is the one designing it. It just doesn't make any sense.
Charlotte Lewis. Her parents were members of DI. She was born on the island too. Or was she?
We know that Miles was 3 months older than Ethan. We also know that Ethan is the only baby born on the island. Is that the reason why he had to be a part of the Others? Why he was so strong, so strong that he could take two people, male and female who is btw pregnant? He took Charlie by a neck and lifted him up as if he is light as a feather.
So all these people are the members of DI. Yet they are all connected to the Others. One way or another. AND WHY DI WOMEN LEAVE THE ISLAND TO GIVE BIRTH? (because they have only one doctor on the island, who is often absent? Or because thats one of the rules they have to follow in order to stay on the island, like the rule of not crossing to the other side? Is that the reason why Ethan became an Other? Because by birth he is in fact an Other. Is that why Amy, loving mother, decided to leave her husband behind? Perhaps Richard, once he found out that Ethan is born on the island became one of them.."he will never be the same, he will always be one of us"..and even if he lives with DI he is still one of them..and when time came they had to warn or save Ethan and Any decided that she belongs with her son so she too joined the Others. She had no other choice. Just look at her behavior regarding Sayid who she believed was an other...she voted for his death with no hesitation. Why ! on earth would she become one of them later?? Because of her son. That's why.
The only one who was always an Other in common sense is Daniel Faraday (whats up with these last names?? Remember when he first came to the island and Jack asks him his name, he pauses..he pauses and then he says Faraday, my name is Daniel Faraday is original Other, genuine Other.
He was probably born on the island (unless Ellie left the island a month or two after the incident, I doubt). His mother is an Other. His father is an Other. They were both leaders at certain points in time. Leaders of the Others. Yet Daniel along with DI children came back to the island. WHY?
There is always two of everything. Always. In each period of time.
Once upon a time we had Jacob and MIB (they call him Jacob's enemy, but I disagree, he is not his enemy, they just have different points of view). They talk about the nature of mankind. Jacob believes there is hope. That man can change. Can be useful. Can be good. MIB thinks there is no help for human race. They are corrupted. They lie. Kill. So Jacob in this case is man of Faith. He believes in change. MIB is realistic. He too loves people but he simply gave up on them, because like he always ends the same.
I said he loves them. Yes. He wants to save people from their suffering, the suffering they need to go through in order to change at the end. The suffering provided by Jacob. Who pushes them. Pushes them to change so he could prove MIB wrong. Neither one of them is good or bad. They just have different approach and point of view. For some reason I side with MIB.
So this was then. After that we have the Others and DI. The Others are people who embraced nature. They live in the woods. What do they do? None knows. On the other side we have DHARMA folks. Scientists. Two opposite societies.
Later on we have Oceanic 815 people. Again a group of people on the island. And two leaders. One is Jack Shepard. The other one is John Locke. They both love people they live with. But they both have different idea whats best for these people. Jack thinks its best for them to leave the island, and go on with their lives, like they were suppose to. John Locke thinks they should stay on the island, because this island is the best thing that happened to them. Two of them clash heads. Man of science and man of faith.
Let's go back a little.
On a global map we had two societies on the island, The Others and DI. They coexisted on the island. In one moment they couldn't do that anymore. So The Others for unknown reason purged DI. So 'Man of Faith', Jacob via Widmore, got rid of the 'Men of science'..Now we have one group. BUT again, within this one group we have different men. Men with different point of views on the same thing.
What it is the island wants.
Alex dead or Alex alive?
To live in the woods or move to the barracks?
So one of them had to go. Charles Widmore left the island. The group continued to live happily ever after. BUT now we have again two men who have different point of view on the same things.
One of them want to focus on fertility issues and the other one thinks it's a waste of time. He thinks there are more important things to deal with.
So the hole is getting bigger and bigger until the Other one sees his promised leader, John Locke. The one with the fertility issues has to go.
So it is always the same story over and over again. Clashing heads. Different point of view. Who is right and who is wrong. There will not be the usual good and bad conflict we saw in Harry Potter or Lord of The Rings. None of them wants to rule the world and none will raise an army from hell to take over the humanity.
What we see here is one man fighting his demons.
I am not suggesting that everything we saw so far is just one man debating with is a general debate within a man...
"A clever fella"
This clever fella found the island. He created a Lamp Post in order to find the island. How can you find something if you are not looking? So it is imperative that you look. He knew about the island. That's why he was looking for it.
Every single module of this show is already presented to us through a various characters and their goals. This one through Charles Widmore. So if this clever fella knew about the island there are two possible explanations for this..either he was told about the island by someone or he already lived on it before and like Charles wanted to get back.
Since we know that Jacob is one who was always bringing people to the island, what if he had something to do with this clever fella? Telling him about the island..and how exactly does he bring people to the island? By touching them? We already know he left the island...we know he visited our losties. We know DI built the entire village over the hidden tunnels that were being used by the Others in the past. We also know none has ever seen Jacob. Except for Richard, who talks to him. We've seen Jacob. We know it is Mark Pellegrino who plays him. So we know that Ben killed him. So what if Jacob left the island at some point in the past and he couldn't come back, if that's even possible? And then he did it via DI. How else did they know where to built the village? Over Smokies chambers? They designed various of hatches all over the island..they constructed the Swan..they kept on drilling at the Swan site even they knew it is a dangers thing to do..why would Radzinski act irratio! nal? He is a scientist..unless he knew, knew the incident had to happen..and Swan has to exist in order to get Losties to the island 30 years from now.
Or maybe he gave them just a little push. :)
Richard Alpert is an adviser. He had this job for a very long time. He doesn't age. Jacob is the one to blame.
I think that Richard acts rather odd. I believe he is a double agent..:)
He works for both Jacob and MIB. Lets remember certain things.
Richard: "I don't answer to them!" WHATEVER HAPPENED HAPPENED
Richard: "We all answer to someone." JUGHEAD
Richard: "Jacob wanted it done!" DEAD IS DEAD
I don't answer to them!
So lets look at these sentences.. He is the one who works for the leader of the Others..he follows their orders, but like we saw few times he disobeyed these orders or let me rephrase this he sort of decided to act on his own. With Locke, handing him files on Sawyer and with Ben, taking him to the Temple..
And once Charles asked him: "What have you done Richard?" his answer was a lie..JACOB WANTED IT DONE...what Jacob? It was Richard who wanted it this a good thing or a bad thing? I have no idea. But he lied to Charles, and probably Ellie. He lied to his leader. He took the member of the Temple??? He saved his life. He brought him to the MIB. Oh, yes this is my opinion. I believe that Jacob resides as we saw inside of the statue and MIB inside of the temple or perhaps under it...So Richard took Ben to Smoke or MIB who are obviously opposite to Richard. Perhaps that's why Jacob was as cold as hell..what about you? Indeed who is this Ben??
I know a lot of people think Ben lied to Locke and Ben will turn out to be good. And we are all hoping for this to happen...but 3.5 seasons have passed and Ben is still not a good guy..still selfish..doing everything the way he wants to do it..for his own personal gain. How can't you see that? Watch Dead is Dead, when you know that Locke is MIB. Listen careful things he asks Ben, the way he talks to him.
So two times Richard went against the rules.
1. He saved Bens life
2. He made leadership possible for Locke
He interfered with destinies of two characters who made a loophole possible for MIB.
We all answer to someone.
At the time we thought he answers to Jacob. He probably does, since he is the one who goes and talks to Jacob. But I also believe he answers to MIB without anyone knowing. I also think that he is doing stuff for MIB in Jacobs name. So for example, if MIB wanted purge to happen, he would say it was Jacob who wanted it done. He already lied once, whats keeping him for lying again. Nothing.
Many times Richard seams strangely confused for an adviser..for a man who lives on this island for many many years. Hm..clueless adviser..or a very cunning one.
So what I want to say here is this..Richard is playing his own game. What is his goal I have no idea. But he seems different each time we see him. And lets not forget we have no idea who is he and how he ended up on this island so everything i am saying here is pure speculation.
So lets try to sum this up.
I believe that the Others are some sort of secret society who works for a greater good. Those who live off the island are doing everything to protect it. Sacrificing their children and loads of money for the island.
DHARMA INITIATIVE found the island with a little help of Jacob. He brought them to the island. Why? Because he wanted to prove MIB wrong. Perhaps each time he is doing the same thing with different profile of the people. But always people who reflect certain period of time.
In 19th century a slave ship..with slaves and slave owners...
In the 50s a military who was doing tests in the pacific, testing a hydrogen bomb... right after WWII..and we know how that ended, right?
In the 70s bunch of scientist, flowers and drugs..reflection of that age..
in 21st century...bunch of f+cked up people..criminals, pregnant girl who was careless, cop who took advantage of her position, a drug dealer who poses as a priest, a heroin rock star, spoiled barbie doll with her stepbrother who is in love with her, wannabe actress, a lottery winner, millionaire who has no idea how to deal with his new life...a girl who was abused by her stepfather/ Iraqi soldier, a married couple who cant have kids..wife who wasn't faithful to her husband..a sad pathetic man who wants to be something he is not...etc. What a reflection of our society. 21st century indeed.
There is no good or bad. Only different opinions and a different approach to the same thing. So neither one of them is good or bad. They are just different. Jacob and MIB are like Jack and John. Man of science and Man of Faith. And it's something that goes on and on on this island. Always the same. And It always ends the same.
MIB is tired of this game and he wants out. The only way to get out is to kill the man who keeps prolonging the game. It's Jack and John again. Jack says "You are done keeping me on this island!" and he even pulls the trigger. Man of science wants Man of faith dead. Jack wanted John dead. MIB wanted Jacob dead. But then Jacob said : They are coming...I guess they are either Illana and Bram or 815ers. I guess 815ers. And that's a hint to MIB that everything is about to repeat. He failed, again.
Richard is working for both Jacob and MIB. He is sort of a referee.
What is the final goal of the game. I have no idea.
After the purge, MIB was somehow contained in that cabin and he was the one Locke heard in 2004.
I also believe the final scene of Lost would be Jack waking up in the jungle, in 2004. In that moment we will realize nothing can be changed and they will stay in this loop forever.
And I wonder, why would Richard and the rest of his people leave the barracks? Why would they start wearing Those ancient cloths again, once Ben left? Have everyone noticed this? I mean once purge happened they became civilized. Living in the houses, with electricity, eating food from fridge, having bathrooms etc. And then once Ben left they moved to a camp on the beach..what happened to their old cloths? Books? Why this sudden change?
At the end..I know I was on and on about how there is no good or bad guys..but if I had to chose somehow I think I would choose MIB and Locke.
I know this is not a theory..this is more a way of thinking. I want to know what you think. I wanted to sum certain things up. I am almost positive I left many things out, things I wanted to say..hell I will do it in another one...;)
Thanks for reading