i dont want to waffle on so i will keep it as short as possible.
MIB's loophole has appeared to be successful and jacob is dead, or so it would seem.
I'm not going into what Jacob's touches meant to the other losties but i believe that jacob is Locke's father.
if you remember back to when we first see Locke's mother ( Deus ex Machina), she tells Locke that he does not have a father and he is 'immaculately conceived'. This would appear to be lies as later we find out she was trying to make him feel special when his father came along for his kidney. Remember the doctor also said she's had mental problems but as long as she takes her medication she should be fine.
Then we see in season 4 (cabin fever) a young Emily Locke who is dating a man twice her age.... she gets run over? and the baby is 3 months early. she breaks down after birth saying she cannot handle the responsibility and sometime after has problems mentally.
my theory is that Locke was in fact immaculately conceived and this is what causes Emily Locke to have a mental breakdown. she cannot deal with what has appeared to have happened. i assume we will see jacob as the man who was seeing emily and cooper was just a user. he handed her money and told her to do what she said. what cooper didn't foresee was the persistance with john locke which forced him to try and kill him, throwing him 8 stories. The alternative is she was actually seeing cooper but jacob was the one who ran her over and when he touches emily locke this is the conception.
the reason for this is to counteract MIB's loophole. the reason jacob touches locke is to bring him back to life. i believe he is truly sorry for everything that locke has been through because of him. locke has been used as not only MIBs pawn but also jacobs pawn.
how does this counteract the loophole and why?
because jacob needed his own son to be reborn in. he knew what locke would go through but needed him once he died. this is why he asks Illana to bring Lockes body to the island. You can put together all the little things that link with this theory yourself...
but think about these things....
why young locke had drawn the smoker monster?
locke is a man of faith like his father
he lands on the island and has a connection. he is healed. he knows the terrain... he predicts the weather.
This clouds the line between good and evil because we assume jacob is good but what kind of person would do this.
MIB's loophole has appeared to be successful and jacob is dead, or so it would seem.
I'm not going into what Jacob's touches meant to the other losties but i believe that jacob is Locke's father.
if you remember back to when we first see Locke's mother ( Deus ex Machina), she tells Locke that he does not have a father and he is 'immaculately conceived'. This would appear to be lies as later we find out she was trying to make him feel special when his father came along for his kidney. Remember the doctor also said she's had mental problems but as long as she takes her medication she should be fine.
Then we see in season 4 (cabin fever) a young Emily Locke who is dating a man twice her age.... she gets run over? and the baby is 3 months early. she breaks down after birth saying she cannot handle the responsibility and sometime after has problems mentally.
my theory is that Locke was in fact immaculately conceived and this is what causes Emily Locke to have a mental breakdown. she cannot deal with what has appeared to have happened. i assume we will see jacob as the man who was seeing emily and cooper was just a user. he handed her money and told her to do what she said. what cooper didn't foresee was the persistance with john locke which forced him to try and kill him, throwing him 8 stories. The alternative is she was actually seeing cooper but jacob was the one who ran her over and when he touches emily locke this is the conception.
the reason for this is to counteract MIB's loophole. the reason jacob touches locke is to bring him back to life. i believe he is truly sorry for everything that locke has been through because of him. locke has been used as not only MIBs pawn but also jacobs pawn.
how does this counteract the loophole and why?
because jacob needed his own son to be reborn in. he knew what locke would go through but needed him once he died. this is why he asks Illana to bring Lockes body to the island. You can put together all the little things that link with this theory yourself...
but think about these things....
why young locke had drawn the smoker monster?
locke is a man of faith like his father
he lands on the island and has a connection. he is healed. he knows the terrain... he predicts the weather.
This clouds the line between good and evil because we assume jacob is good but what kind of person would do this.