This is a sort of extension on my previous theory titled “Jacob’s Thread” which was about Jacob’s tapestry and how it symbolises his “weaving” of time and events by meeting Losties in the past.
I believe Jacob is playing the MIB at his own game, after re-watching “The Incident” I think it’s become clear that Jacob knows exactly what he is doing. Here are the clues that I believe were in the finale
The first clue is obviously the tapestry, and the significance of Jacob Weaving through time and changing events in our Losties lives.
I believe another clue is when Jacob is present as Locke falls to his “should be” death, he is reading “what rises must converge”. I believe this alludes to Jacob knowing he has to die. I could go one way and say the white back drop that appears when Juliet detonates Jughead is Jacob’s chance to converge with the light. It seems coincidental that the events of our Losties in 77’ coincides with Jacob being killed in present time.
Jacob doesn’t seem phased by MIB and his Loophole idea when he mentions it on the beach. I believe Jacob has been covering his tracks, and has actually made himself a loophole out of the MIB’s loophole.
You’ll have to bear with me here it gets a little technical, some bits won‘t make sense until you get to the end…….. But I believe this is why Jacob had to die.
Thinking back to when Jacob visits Illana in hospital, he asks for her help to which she obliges, then she arrives with impeccable timing with the original Locke’s body just as Jacob is being stabbed and burnt to death. Seems a bit strange….. I’m sure Ilanna could’ve prevented Jacob’s death by bringing dead Locke to Richard sooner. She seems to know the Island as she searches for the cabin before going to the statue. Why not just chuck a blanket over dead Locke and shoulder carry him to Jacob right away? She must’ve known all along that the Locke on the beach wasn’t actually Locke at all. I believe Locke had to brought to the statue at the precise moment Jacob was killed.
Jacob seems pretty chilled when Ben arrives and he tells Ben that “he has a choice”, I think Jacob knew he was going to die regardless and this was a subtle hint. You can see from the way Jacob looks to the fire that he knows he’s doomed. (another opposing point is that Jacob could be alluding to Faraday’s theory of people as variables). But I believe this could’ve just been a façade to stop MIB thinking that Jacob is actually playing him at his own game.
I believe Locke is evil and always has been, or has at least always been manipulated unknowingly by the MIB. I think this because Locke was the one that demanded the button in the hatch was not pressed, which I believe was the start of MIB’s loophole. I personally believe that Valenzetti was right and those numbers were a calculation of the end of humanity. It was only Desmond turning the fail safe that prevented this, well temporarily anyway.
Now Christian, I actually believe Christian to be good, I think this because of his white shoes, I believe that Christian was doing exactly the same as Jacob was, when MIB killed him, he knew that Locke would be resurrected as the MIB when he turned the wheel, and this was all part of Jacob’s plan.
A similar situation is Eloise, I believe she’s good (due to her picture with brother Campbell) and she played a major part in getting Locke resurrected as MIB, mostly by telling Jack to get something of Christian’s to give to Locke to act as a proxy. I know she had has no plausible way of knowing they’d be black shoes, but I believe in some roundabout way she knew that Jack would choose these, maybe via Ray or Jacob. I believe this was her chance to change shooting Faraday but she declined to help Jacob and humanity.
Ok, now I think when the hatch imploded and the massive amounts of EM were emitted this was the MIB’s chance to sort of converge with the Islands spirit. I believe that was the cause of events in the cabin in “Man behind the curtain” it was sort of like the MIB in a form of energy, and what does he say to Locke that Ben doesn’t hear? Yes, that’s it “HELP ME” and that’s exactly what Locke does.
But I believe Jacob has had a plan all along, Ilanna and Bram are part of a very secret sect that is shrouded in mystery. They could have been formed years ago by Jacob with the plan in mind, Eloise seems to be a major part of this.
When Jughead was detonated I think that Jacob was able to converge with the light in someway the same as MIB did, and now he has become formless, I believe Jacob will be back much in the way that the MIB is back as Locke. I believe this is what a Candidate is for, to be honest it could be anyone, even dead Locke. But I think something greater will happen.
I believe that Jack will awake as he does in the “Pilot” in the jungle as a resurrected Jacob, I believe that because the past has been changed before 815 crashed (obliterated by Jughead), by course correction, 815 will have to crash simply because it would be impossible for Sun and Locke to be there on the Island, maybe Lapidus couldn’t have been the pilot for 815 originally because when 815 was supposed to crash (now the timeline has been altered) he was already on the island. Could this be what is meant by Jacob when he says “they’re coming”, could it be Jack and the Losties returning? Could this be why MIB kicks Jacob into the fire, simply because of frustration because he knows Jacob has foiled his plan? Could this be the great war that’s coming, The Losties led by Jack (Jacob) and the Others led by Locke (MIB)?
Jack and Locke are central to the entire storyline of LOST and I believe that will not change for Season 6.
Only time will tell, but I hope you found this interesting, thanks for your time. If you have any questions or anything else please comment :)
I believe Jacob is playing the MIB at his own game, after re-watching “The Incident” I think it’s become clear that Jacob knows exactly what he is doing. Here are the clues that I believe were in the finale
The first clue is obviously the tapestry, and the significance of Jacob Weaving through time and changing events in our Losties lives.
I believe another clue is when Jacob is present as Locke falls to his “should be” death, he is reading “what rises must converge”. I believe this alludes to Jacob knowing he has to die. I could go one way and say the white back drop that appears when Juliet detonates Jughead is Jacob’s chance to converge with the light. It seems coincidental that the events of our Losties in 77’ coincides with Jacob being killed in present time.
Jacob doesn’t seem phased by MIB and his Loophole idea when he mentions it on the beach. I believe Jacob has been covering his tracks, and has actually made himself a loophole out of the MIB’s loophole.
You’ll have to bear with me here it gets a little technical, some bits won‘t make sense until you get to the end…….. But I believe this is why Jacob had to die.
Thinking back to when Jacob visits Illana in hospital, he asks for her help to which she obliges, then she arrives with impeccable timing with the original Locke’s body just as Jacob is being stabbed and burnt to death. Seems a bit strange….. I’m sure Ilanna could’ve prevented Jacob’s death by bringing dead Locke to Richard sooner. She seems to know the Island as she searches for the cabin before going to the statue. Why not just chuck a blanket over dead Locke and shoulder carry him to Jacob right away? She must’ve known all along that the Locke on the beach wasn’t actually Locke at all. I believe Locke had to brought to the statue at the precise moment Jacob was killed.
Jacob seems pretty chilled when Ben arrives and he tells Ben that “he has a choice”, I think Jacob knew he was going to die regardless and this was a subtle hint. You can see from the way Jacob looks to the fire that he knows he’s doomed. (another opposing point is that Jacob could be alluding to Faraday’s theory of people as variables). But I believe this could’ve just been a façade to stop MIB thinking that Jacob is actually playing him at his own game.
I believe Locke is evil and always has been, or has at least always been manipulated unknowingly by the MIB. I think this because Locke was the one that demanded the button in the hatch was not pressed, which I believe was the start of MIB’s loophole. I personally believe that Valenzetti was right and those numbers were a calculation of the end of humanity. It was only Desmond turning the fail safe that prevented this, well temporarily anyway.
Now Christian, I actually believe Christian to be good, I think this because of his white shoes, I believe that Christian was doing exactly the same as Jacob was, when MIB killed him, he knew that Locke would be resurrected as the MIB when he turned the wheel, and this was all part of Jacob’s plan.
A similar situation is Eloise, I believe she’s good (due to her picture with brother Campbell) and she played a major part in getting Locke resurrected as MIB, mostly by telling Jack to get something of Christian’s to give to Locke to act as a proxy. I know she had has no plausible way of knowing they’d be black shoes, but I believe in some roundabout way she knew that Jack would choose these, maybe via Ray or Jacob. I believe this was her chance to change shooting Faraday but she declined to help Jacob and humanity.
Ok, now I think when the hatch imploded and the massive amounts of EM were emitted this was the MIB’s chance to sort of converge with the Islands spirit. I believe that was the cause of events in the cabin in “Man behind the curtain” it was sort of like the MIB in a form of energy, and what does he say to Locke that Ben doesn’t hear? Yes, that’s it “HELP ME” and that’s exactly what Locke does.
But I believe Jacob has had a plan all along, Ilanna and Bram are part of a very secret sect that is shrouded in mystery. They could have been formed years ago by Jacob with the plan in mind, Eloise seems to be a major part of this.
When Jughead was detonated I think that Jacob was able to converge with the light in someway the same as MIB did, and now he has become formless, I believe Jacob will be back much in the way that the MIB is back as Locke. I believe this is what a Candidate is for, to be honest it could be anyone, even dead Locke. But I think something greater will happen.
I believe that Jack will awake as he does in the “Pilot” in the jungle as a resurrected Jacob, I believe that because the past has been changed before 815 crashed (obliterated by Jughead), by course correction, 815 will have to crash simply because it would be impossible for Sun and Locke to be there on the Island, maybe Lapidus couldn’t have been the pilot for 815 originally because when 815 was supposed to crash (now the timeline has been altered) he was already on the island. Could this be what is meant by Jacob when he says “they’re coming”, could it be Jack and the Losties returning? Could this be why MIB kicks Jacob into the fire, simply because of frustration because he knows Jacob has foiled his plan? Could this be the great war that’s coming, The Losties led by Jack (Jacob) and the Others led by Locke (MIB)?
Jack and Locke are central to the entire storyline of LOST and I believe that will not change for Season 6.
Only time will tell, but I hope you found this interesting, thanks for your time. If you have any questions or anything else please comment :)