When Ajira Flight 316 was making its crash landing, we heard the transmission of the numbers coming from the radio tower. A lot of people have speculated that this indicates a "reset" or "ALT", but I think that someone simply restarted the transmission after it had been disabled. Consider this: the numbers are vastly important to the show, fully entrenched in the mythology; why would you assume the transmission of the numbers to be unimportant, leftover, a useless thing? Why would you assume that no one on the island took notice when the transmission stopped? I posit that someone DID take notice, and they eventually went to the radio tower and restarted the transmission. So there was no reset or ALT in effect when 316 crash landed.
Regarding the barracks: many Lost fans offer the current state of the barracks along with the numbers transmission during the 316 crash as proof of ALT. My "theory" on the barracks is that they are exactly as they were after Keamy's men attacked the buildings with rocket-launchers and etc. The fact that there are signs of the Dharma Initiative (and by "signs" I mean literal signage, hanging on the buildings) is merely an indication of the fact that the "Others" never bothered to take the signs down from the administrative buildings; they only had use for the housing.
Let me give this its own paragraph: The others had NO USE for the administrative buildings, thus they were left "as is", all along.
If there is any doubt about the fact that the barracks are exactly as they were after Keamy and company attacked, go back and watch "Dead is Dead"; the GAME OF RISK that Hurly, Locke and Sawyer were playing is still there on the table, right where they left it, nothing is different.
I believe the Lost writers were assuming we'd get all that, I don't think it was their intention at all to make us think these barracks might be "different".