First of all I have not been reading any theories for many months, so if the topic is dead or if any one has already posted something similar then I apologize. Anyway, a while back I would see a lot of theories posted about time loops and the Losties being stuck and doomed to repeat everything etc... Now I'll admit, I am not a big reader, I wish I was, I guess I'm too lazy or whatever. So all these great books that are referenced on and partially inspire LOST, most of them I have not read. My friend does not watch LOST, but is a big reader and a big Stephen King fan, so recently when I spoke to him I mentioned how Darlton are big fans of the Dark Tower series, and I asked him what it was about, he gave me a quick rundown of the stories. some of the things he was saying did remind me of LOST, then he says at the end the main character reaches the top of the dark tower and it takes him back to the beginning of the! story. Now I don't know if that's exactly correct, buts that seemed to be the idea he was trying to convey to me, that it was a big time loop. SO with that being said, although Darlton have drawn inspiration from these books, I very much doubt that they would use the same type of ending for LOST, it would be too easy. anyway that's why I don't think season six or the end of the show will revolve around the characters being stuck in a time loop. If I am way off base as to the tower books, please let me know, cause like I said I have not read them.