The show LOST is based on the writings of Carl Jung, especially his Pisces 1 and 2 Theory and his studies of Kabbalah. Essentially, at the end of the Age of Pisces and the beginning of the Age of Aquarius, there will be a huge disruption in the spiritual realm, a battle of good vs. evil. Whoever wins the war dominates the entire New Age. The signs that the Age of Aquarius is coming are biblical signs which we've seen on the show - pregnant women suffer, the mountain and island disappear, and a woman will give birth to a male child that demons want to kill (Claire and Aaron in danger).
The Island is the portal into Heaven and Hell. Anyone who was "doubtful" or did wrong goes there when they die. "The Righteous" live in tents at the foot of the holy mountain and are saintly persons who don't age (Richard and The Others). The Righteous (the good guys) make judgements and take the good persons who were merely doubtful and escort them to Heaven. That explains "the lists" and abductions.
Other people who did evil in their lifetime are given chances to redeem themselves at each level working up to Heaven. Each level has an archangel and a demon there to influence the person. First level has the archangel Sandalphon who is the tallest angel who carries a staff that symbolizes wisdom and power - this archangel's name means "brother". Sandalphon is Mr. Echo. Sandalphon has a twin brother who is named Metatron whose names means "to take". Metatron is also seen by persons whenever a big transition is taking place in their life. Metatron's nicknamed "the Youth"-that's Walt. The demon at first level is Nahemoth who experiences and creates misery and grief. That's Anna Lucia. The color associated with Metatron is white.
The next level has the archangel Gabriel whose name means "God is my strength". Gabriel often heralds the births of babies-Gabriel is Juliet. (color-violet). The demon at this level is Lillith who is typically pictured as a beautiful woman with long, red hair. That's Charlotte.
The next level has the archangel Raphael whose name means "God heals". (color-gold). Raphael is Libby-she was always trying to help heal everyone. The demon at that level is Adrammelech who is about "a high precipice from which the scapegoat falls". That's Dave-he tried to make Hurley jump off the cliff but Libby saved Hurley. Raphael is known to have defeated Adrammelech.
The next level has the archangel Haniel, The Grace of God, who is all about relationships, love and uniting persons in love. That's Bernard. (color-green). Haniel is also the angel who trys to dissuade Moses (Jack) from trying to help in the war but later changes his mind. The demon at this level is Baal who is a false god (Ben).
The next level has the archangel Michael whose name means "Who is as God" and is a warrior. That's Michael who fights to get Walt back. The archangel Michael is known as "the one who escaped" and Michael escaped the Island. (color-orange). The demon at this level is Belpheger who grants the power of inventions and discovery to men, known for sloth and is the "disputer" (not sure if this is one of the scientists).
The next level has the archangel Khamel-the severity of God who has the knowledge of karma (cause and effect). That's Eloise-she knew she would eventually kill her own son, Daniel. (color-scarlet). the demon at this level is Asmodeus, the demon of lust who is sometimes shown as humorous and hates birds and water. That may be Frogert-not sure.
The next level has the archangel Tradqiel (color-blue)- the Justice of God who is old with white hair and is the energy force behind wealth or poverty. That's Charles Widmore. The demon at this level is Ashtaroth who is the prince of accusers and inquisitions, who teaches math, answers questions and tells of the past and future (Daniel Faraday?)
The next level has the archangel Taphqiel (color-black)- the feminine aspect of unconditional love and forgiveness whose name means Knowledge or Contemplation of God. That's Rose. The demon at this level is Lucifuge who is also called "the hairy one". Lucifuge kills men, drowns them and overcomes warships and is in charge of the government in Hell. That's Keamy.
The next level has the archangel Ratziel (color-grey) whose name means "Secrets of God" who comes when an individual's wisdom has grown (Ilana). The demon at this level is Beelzebub-the lord of things that fly who brings on war. (Lapidus?) There's a demon who works by being too helpful-that may be him.
The last level before Heaven has the archangel Metatron (Walt). The demon at last level is Satan (the mystery man) who wants all lost souls to go to Hell.
Archangel Uriel guards the gates to Heaven. He is the "fire of God". That's Jacob. We first saw Jacob in his cabin as an actual fire, then we saw him at the Flame Station as a cat (cat's are domesticated form of lion. Leo is fire sign), and at the base of the statute where he was wounded and thrown into a fire. Writings indicate that the archangel Uriel is called Jacob when on earth per The Prayer of Josephus.
During the war, there will be 3 Messiahs: Moses (Jack) who will lead the people; Messiah ben David (Hurley) who is the son of David (Hurley's dad named David) who works peacefully and Messiah ben Joseph (Locke) who is the son of Joseph (could Locke's real dad be Joe Inman?). Messiah ben Joseph was crippled and then cured, came from obscurity and will be killed by someone evil (Locke killed by Ben).
The Age of Aquarius is all about groups working together. People from each direction have to join together in order to win the war: North(Kate), South(Sawyer), East(Sun) and Far West(Sayid).
In the myth, Messiah ben David (Hurley) brings Messiah ben Joseph (Locke) back to life and Moses (Jack) does the final things to win the war. Since Locke is still dead, I'm not sure LOST will end that way, but that's my prediction.
The Island is the portal into Heaven and Hell. Anyone who was "doubtful" or did wrong goes there when they die. "The Righteous" live in tents at the foot of the holy mountain and are saintly persons who don't age (Richard and The Others). The Righteous (the good guys) make judgements and take the good persons who were merely doubtful and escort them to Heaven. That explains "the lists" and abductions.
Other people who did evil in their lifetime are given chances to redeem themselves at each level working up to Heaven. Each level has an archangel and a demon there to influence the person. First level has the archangel Sandalphon who is the tallest angel who carries a staff that symbolizes wisdom and power - this archangel's name means "brother". Sandalphon is Mr. Echo. Sandalphon has a twin brother who is named Metatron whose names means "to take". Metatron is also seen by persons whenever a big transition is taking place in their life. Metatron's nicknamed "the Youth"-that's Walt. The demon at first level is Nahemoth who experiences and creates misery and grief. That's Anna Lucia. The color associated with Metatron is white.
The next level has the archangel Gabriel whose name means "God is my strength". Gabriel often heralds the births of babies-Gabriel is Juliet. (color-violet). The demon at this level is Lillith who is typically pictured as a beautiful woman with long, red hair. That's Charlotte.
The next level has the archangel Raphael whose name means "God heals". (color-gold). Raphael is Libby-she was always trying to help heal everyone. The demon at that level is Adrammelech who is about "a high precipice from which the scapegoat falls". That's Dave-he tried to make Hurley jump off the cliff but Libby saved Hurley. Raphael is known to have defeated Adrammelech.
The next level has the archangel Haniel, The Grace of God, who is all about relationships, love and uniting persons in love. That's Bernard. (color-green). Haniel is also the angel who trys to dissuade Moses (Jack) from trying to help in the war but later changes his mind. The demon at this level is Baal who is a false god (Ben).
The next level has the archangel Michael whose name means "Who is as God" and is a warrior. That's Michael who fights to get Walt back. The archangel Michael is known as "the one who escaped" and Michael escaped the Island. (color-orange). The demon at this level is Belpheger who grants the power of inventions and discovery to men, known for sloth and is the "disputer" (not sure if this is one of the scientists).
The next level has the archangel Khamel-the severity of God who has the knowledge of karma (cause and effect). That's Eloise-she knew she would eventually kill her own son, Daniel. (color-scarlet). the demon at this level is Asmodeus, the demon of lust who is sometimes shown as humorous and hates birds and water. That may be Frogert-not sure.
The next level has the archangel Tradqiel (color-blue)- the Justice of God who is old with white hair and is the energy force behind wealth or poverty. That's Charles Widmore. The demon at this level is Ashtaroth who is the prince of accusers and inquisitions, who teaches math, answers questions and tells of the past and future (Daniel Faraday?)
The next level has the archangel Taphqiel (color-black)- the feminine aspect of unconditional love and forgiveness whose name means Knowledge or Contemplation of God. That's Rose. The demon at this level is Lucifuge who is also called "the hairy one". Lucifuge kills men, drowns them and overcomes warships and is in charge of the government in Hell. That's Keamy.
The next level has the archangel Ratziel (color-grey) whose name means "Secrets of God" who comes when an individual's wisdom has grown (Ilana). The demon at this level is Beelzebub-the lord of things that fly who brings on war. (Lapidus?) There's a demon who works by being too helpful-that may be him.
The last level before Heaven has the archangel Metatron (Walt). The demon at last level is Satan (the mystery man) who wants all lost souls to go to Hell.
Archangel Uriel guards the gates to Heaven. He is the "fire of God". That's Jacob. We first saw Jacob in his cabin as an actual fire, then we saw him at the Flame Station as a cat (cat's are domesticated form of lion. Leo is fire sign), and at the base of the statute where he was wounded and thrown into a fire. Writings indicate that the archangel Uriel is called Jacob when on earth per The Prayer of Josephus.
During the war, there will be 3 Messiahs: Moses (Jack) who will lead the people; Messiah ben David (Hurley) who is the son of David (Hurley's dad named David) who works peacefully and Messiah ben Joseph (Locke) who is the son of Joseph (could Locke's real dad be Joe Inman?). Messiah ben Joseph was crippled and then cured, came from obscurity and will be killed by someone evil (Locke killed by Ben).
The Age of Aquarius is all about groups working together. People from each direction have to join together in order to win the war: North(Kate), South(Sawyer), East(Sun) and Far West(Sayid).
In the myth, Messiah ben David (Hurley) brings Messiah ben Joseph (Locke) back to life and Moses (Jack) does the final things to win the war. Since Locke is still dead, I'm not sure LOST will end that way, but that's my prediction.