ok first time theory here, but i was rewatching the incident the other day and there was something that seemed out of place. it was the seen in which jacob went to see illana in the hospital and she had the bandages on her face. the entire two part episode was of jacob going to visit the major players before they had come to the island and basically touching them to bring them there right?.... then we get this seen out of the blue. i propose that this scene happens in the future after the war and that is how she was put into these facial bandages is because of what happened to her on the island. i have another problem with this seen... Jacob is dressed in black when he goes to see her, which kinda worries me if this proves to be true, "will you help me illana" just doesnt seem like something that jacob would say he has always leaven it up to choice. it seems more like something that "unlocke" would say and now! that jacob has died on the island well it seems feasable that "unlocke" would be able to take his form and try to go out and manipulate these people after being defeated so to speak. but here is the other question i have, has Illana ever seen jacob and would that matter so much in proving or disproving this theory that this secene actually happens in the future. i dont know im just hoping that someone can help me expand on this, maybe get some input and disprove it so i can get it outta my head but it just seems like something that the writters would do(show us a flashforward and not let us know until the final season ;)).. also hope i didnt take someone elses idea i appologize if i did