"nice talking to you Jacob." Jacob responds, "Nice talking to you too."
I believe we may find out that Jacob and MIB are different sides of the same coin; they are in fact the same person! How did this occur? Consequence of time travel, or the properties of the island perhaps? Who knows, but we’ve been given enough hints over the years to know that this is possible. What if the past version of you wanted to kill a future version of yourself? What if somehow you knew that you would be responsible for an event that just should not occur (be it good or bad) and the only way to prevent it was to stop yourself by killing yourself before it could happen. What if the future you came to the past you and told you what you would be responsible for and the past you just could not bear it occurring. How could the past version of you possibly kill the future version of you, since the future version would have all the knowledge of anything the past you would have tried (since you are both the same individual). The past you will have always faile! d since the future you still exists (whatever happened, happened right?). So for a very long time the Jacob’s have played a game, using the island and its properties past Jacob has been trying to figure out how to destroy future Jacob, with future Jacob confident that past Jacob was powerless as whatever happened, happened. The only way would be to find a loophole. The loophole would be to utilize the time travel qualities of the island in such a way as to create an alternate tangent time-line so that your future self could not possibly be aware of what was going to occur anymore. When the whole frozen donkey wheel got turned and the skipping started eventually resulting in the detonation of Jughead the time-line split into two concurrent time-lines; a WHH time-line and an ALT time-line. MIB was then able to kill Jacob (himself) in the ALT time-line. I believe we will initially see a play out of this new ALT time-line in season 6. However future Jacob knowing ! what his past self tried, has prepped all those he has touched! to forc e the ALT time-line to converge back with the WHH time-line thwarting himself. When Jack and company, wake up post 815 crash this time they will have all the memories of the alternate time-line. Unknowingly as they try to correct mistakes, they will be helping future Jacob against past Jacob. What remains to be seen is if converging the time-line back to WHH is a good move or a bad move. Jack will likely have the ultimate decision and decide the ending of LOST.
I believe we may find out that Jacob and MIB are different sides of the same coin; they are in fact the same person! How did this occur? Consequence of time travel, or the properties of the island perhaps? Who knows, but we’ve been given enough hints over the years to know that this is possible. What if the past version of you wanted to kill a future version of yourself? What if somehow you knew that you would be responsible for an event that just should not occur (be it good or bad) and the only way to prevent it was to stop yourself by killing yourself before it could happen. What if the future you came to the past you and told you what you would be responsible for and the past you just could not bear it occurring. How could the past version of you possibly kill the future version of you, since the future version would have all the knowledge of anything the past you would have tried (since you are both the same individual). The past you will have always faile! d since the future you still exists (whatever happened, happened right?). So for a very long time the Jacob’s have played a game, using the island and its properties past Jacob has been trying to figure out how to destroy future Jacob, with future Jacob confident that past Jacob was powerless as whatever happened, happened. The only way would be to find a loophole. The loophole would be to utilize the time travel qualities of the island in such a way as to create an alternate tangent time-line so that your future self could not possibly be aware of what was going to occur anymore. When the whole frozen donkey wheel got turned and the skipping started eventually resulting in the detonation of Jughead the time-line split into two concurrent time-lines; a WHH time-line and an ALT time-line. MIB was then able to kill Jacob (himself) in the ALT time-line. I believe we will initially see a play out of this new ALT time-line in season 6. However future Jacob knowing ! what his past self tried, has prepped all those he has touched! to forc e the ALT time-line to converge back with the WHH time-line thwarting himself. When Jack and company, wake up post 815 crash this time they will have all the memories of the alternate time-line. Unknowingly as they try to correct mistakes, they will be helping future Jacob against past Jacob. What remains to be seen is if converging the time-line back to WHH is a good move or a bad move. Jack will likely have the ultimate decision and decide the ending of LOST.