Everyone is focusing on the rules of time travel and think that’s key to solving where Lost is going next. I don’t think it is important but if you have to pin me down I’d say it is WHH except for Des. I think it’s important to accept that Des has made a change. He allowed the Losties to leave the island which shouldn’t have happened. In fact that all of them leaving the island was probably brought about due to the desires of the Losties and hindered by the ones who wanted to stay. This time is different as explained by RH in the theory Everything happens for a reason. Whether you believe in WHH or not you must realise that there is a difference now caused by Desmond’s experience. IMO the Losties task in series 6 is to ensure ultimately WHH or at least ensure that there isn’t a paradox. They must ensure that events which lead up to them travelling back in time occurs again. This includes Des becommi! ng different of course.
I have a feeling that the Others are also being manipulated by these two entities and that’s why they are having problems with childbirth, it’s all being made into reality based on their fears. Alternatively they could be assisting both the MIB and the MIW in getting people to the island and assisting them in their game. Maybe they have to do any course correction which occurs as a result of the game. In fact I think that is what the Temple could be. It brings people back to life, so people who shouldn’t have died are brought back to life. Maybe the penalty for that is that they then become an Other. Ben was templed – more to that later.
Of course the Losties don’t know that they are stuck in a game and they are being manipulated. In series 6 they will be ensuring WHH so that they will prevent the paradox. Miles and Hurley are going to realise that they need to ensure that the future plays out as it should. WHH would have been true if it was not for Des. From this point onwards things could be different if they don’t keep it on track. They will not be able to correct everything but that doesn’t matter because as long as they prevent a paradox it will be OK.
The key to this is the conversation Miles and Hurley had in What Happened Happened:
HURLEY: But when we first captured Ben, and Sayid, like, tortured him, then why wouldn't he remember getting shot by that same guy when he was a kid?
[Miles blinks and looks around. Hurley raises his eyebrow.]
MILES: Huh. I hadn't thought of that.
HURLEY: Huh. [Crossing his arms.]
So Hurley was right they have made a change.
I think that having been exposed to the EM at the blast site the Losties will be sent to different time periods again and they will have the opportunity to course correct anything which might cause a paradox. Some things that they’ve done in the past might geopodise the future and will need to be changed as the time line plays out again. We’ve already had a hint or two that this is what Lost is going to go. One clip we saw in some of the Expanded Universe Multimedia was Faraday’s voice in the background while recording a video of Chang (I think it was San Diego Comic Con 2008). Now this is not canon of course but just because they couldn’t fit it into the show doesn’t mean that it isn’t relevant.
One definite change is that Hurley, Miles and Jin speak to Chang and tell them that they are from the future. I think that they will actually ensure that the numbers are inputted by telling Chang what needs to happen and the Hurley will actually record the numbers on the transmission. Maybe he always did but I don’t want to get too involved in the time travel loopy nonesense, it’s not important. But lets have a quick look at the idea. We know that the Losties didn’t hear the broadcast because Rousseau recorded over it so it could have always been Hurley’s voice, I mean in the idea of WHH before Des made a difference. So if the numbers are heard in 2007 when the Arija Flight 316 is landing then why are the numbers being played again? Something must have been changed by our time travelling Losties during their course correcting mission we are going to see in series 6.
In series 6 I think we’re going to see a few pivitol scenes replayed which allow us a brief overview of how the time line will be played out this time, up until the present day on the beach where MIW has just been killed and Locke is impersonated by MIB.
What I’m not sure of is whether most of Lost we have seen up to now is WHH before Des was different or whether it is involving the changes that our Losties are going to make. I will give you an example to think about if you’re following me. The building of the runway. I think this might be a part of the course correcting that needs to be done.
In the end the MIB and MIW could most likely win and it will have ended once again and they’ll be sat on the beach waiting for the next lot of people to come and play the game. The Losties might figure out what’s going on and could break against the trap they are in which has been created by the MIB and MIW. Unfortunately I think it most likely it will be the former of the two.
I have a feeling that the Others are also being manipulated by these two entities and that’s why they are having problems with childbirth, it’s all being made into reality based on their fears. Alternatively they could be assisting both the MIB and the MIW in getting people to the island and assisting them in their game. Maybe they have to do any course correction which occurs as a result of the game. In fact I think that is what the Temple could be. It brings people back to life, so people who shouldn’t have died are brought back to life. Maybe the penalty for that is that they then become an Other. Ben was templed – more to that later.
Of course the Losties don’t know that they are stuck in a game and they are being manipulated. In series 6 they will be ensuring WHH so that they will prevent the paradox. Miles and Hurley are going to realise that they need to ensure that the future plays out as it should. WHH would have been true if it was not for Des. From this point onwards things could be different if they don’t keep it on track. They will not be able to correct everything but that doesn’t matter because as long as they prevent a paradox it will be OK.
The key to this is the conversation Miles and Hurley had in What Happened Happened:
HURLEY: But when we first captured Ben, and Sayid, like, tortured him, then why wouldn't he remember getting shot by that same guy when he was a kid?
[Miles blinks and looks around. Hurley raises his eyebrow.]
MILES: Huh. I hadn't thought of that.
HURLEY: Huh. [Crossing his arms.]
So Hurley was right they have made a change.
I think that having been exposed to the EM at the blast site the Losties will be sent to different time periods again and they will have the opportunity to course correct anything which might cause a paradox. Some things that they’ve done in the past might geopodise the future and will need to be changed as the time line plays out again. We’ve already had a hint or two that this is what Lost is going to go. One clip we saw in some of the Expanded Universe Multimedia was Faraday’s voice in the background while recording a video of Chang (I think it was San Diego Comic Con 2008). Now this is not canon of course but just because they couldn’t fit it into the show doesn’t mean that it isn’t relevant.
One definite change is that Hurley, Miles and Jin speak to Chang and tell them that they are from the future. I think that they will actually ensure that the numbers are inputted by telling Chang what needs to happen and the Hurley will actually record the numbers on the transmission. Maybe he always did but I don’t want to get too involved in the time travel loopy nonesense, it’s not important. But lets have a quick look at the idea. We know that the Losties didn’t hear the broadcast because Rousseau recorded over it so it could have always been Hurley’s voice, I mean in the idea of WHH before Des made a difference. So if the numbers are heard in 2007 when the Arija Flight 316 is landing then why are the numbers being played again? Something must have been changed by our time travelling Losties during their course correcting mission we are going to see in series 6.
In series 6 I think we’re going to see a few pivitol scenes replayed which allow us a brief overview of how the time line will be played out this time, up until the present day on the beach where MIW has just been killed and Locke is impersonated by MIB.
What I’m not sure of is whether most of Lost we have seen up to now is WHH before Des was different or whether it is involving the changes that our Losties are going to make. I will give you an example to think about if you’re following me. The building of the runway. I think this might be a part of the course correcting that needs to be done.
In the end the MIB and MIW could most likely win and it will have ended once again and they’ll be sat on the beach waiting for the next lot of people to come and play the game. The Losties might figure out what’s going on and could break against the trap they are in which has been created by the MIB and MIW. Unfortunately I think it most likely it will be the former of the two.