I would like to show you some of my musings in trying to figure out another theory. Here are my latest thoughts on the spiral that I brought up in one of my last theories.
Time loop 1 – WHH and no special Des
- Dharma have an accident when they drill into the EM pocket. There are no Losties there.
- Losties come to the island and press button every 108 minutes. Why? Because Dharma had a silly experiment going on in the Swan as well as the real job of the Swan which was to offset the EM while they were doing experiments at the Swan?
- Des not exposed to EM. Locke continued to press the button and his faith was not threatened by MIB. MIB hasn’t figured out this loophole yet. Locke kept pressing it and Des didn’t get exposed to EM.
- Locke goes to cabin and Jacob tells him to move the island so that he leaves the island because he’s realised that the MIB could influence Locke. In this event I think all the plane survivors are sent back to 1970..
- Losties are brought back to the future? Or are they stuck the 70’s and get old from that point in time. They know that they must ensure WHH so they keep out of the way.
Time loop 2 – WHH except for Des who’s special
- Dharma have an accident when they drill into the EM pocket. There are Losties there but no commotion because Kate, Jack, Hurley, were there all along
- Dharma has an accident when they drill into the EM pocket. There are no Losties there.
- Losties come to the island and press button every 108 minutes
- Locke turns the wheel, the Losties get sent back in time to 70’s. Locke is off island, how or why would he come back? But the island having to be moved was the result of Keamy’s team arriving which was a result of the Losties going off the island which they shouldn’t have done? But WHH except for Des but Des allowed them to go off island. Why would Locke turn the wheel the first time? Locke should have turned the wheel because Jacob wanted Locke to get away from MIB? If Locke was told to turn the wheel by Jacob then Jacob was being held prisoner in the cabin not MIB.
I’ve been tying myself up in knots with this idea of time travel and it doesn’t just fit. I was thinking that the idea of putting in the numbers every 108 minutes must have been a hoax and I think it was but for more than we realise, a whole lot more. The reason why Lost is called Lost and why it was going to be called the Circle is that the show is a never ending puzzle that cannot be solved like the shape of a circle; it has no beginning and no ending. It is designed to get you Lost. It’s a very clever device of storytelling!
I was thinking was the whole of Dharma an experiment? But then when the Losties have gone back in time which makes the time travel real and that must be as a result of the EM.... No it’s not, the truth about this island is that the MIB and MIW can make things come into reality. They are able to magic our Losties hopes, desires and fears into reality! Actually the whole thing is them messing with people’s brains who come to the island, like the show has been doing to us! It’s all an experiment on us too! It’s a circle there’s no answer to we are all being made fools of! It doesn’t work. The time travel is all made up, another apparition as a result of Dharma’s hopes. Just like MIB and MIW do for everyone. Like Hurley’s imaginary friend, Kate’s horse. The scary black monster, Locke being able to walk, Rose’s cancer. It’s all hopes and fears. Hurley’s obsession with food. Libby’s story is irrelevant to the end of Lost because it would just be another e! xample of hopes and fears. The progress Jacob mentioned when talking to the MIB on the beach is just how much imagination we have based on our progressing technology and what we can imagine into existence. That’s why Dharma were there in the first place. They thought they were there to try to solve the Valenzetti Equation and that’s why time travel came into existence. Even the plane crash was caused by people’s desires. Really though I wonder if the powers behind Dharma learned that this island can make apparitions become reality and sent people there to see what happens. They were copying the MIB and MIW in a way to test humanity.
So to the end of Lost, all the Losties kill themselves get destroyed and we will see those two men on the beach at the end. It only ends once, the rest is progress!
Time loop 1 – WHH and no special Des
- Dharma have an accident when they drill into the EM pocket. There are no Losties there.
- Losties come to the island and press button every 108 minutes. Why? Because Dharma had a silly experiment going on in the Swan as well as the real job of the Swan which was to offset the EM while they were doing experiments at the Swan?
- Des not exposed to EM. Locke continued to press the button and his faith was not threatened by MIB. MIB hasn’t figured out this loophole yet. Locke kept pressing it and Des didn’t get exposed to EM.
- Locke goes to cabin and Jacob tells him to move the island so that he leaves the island because he’s realised that the MIB could influence Locke. In this event I think all the plane survivors are sent back to 1970..
- Losties are brought back to the future? Or are they stuck the 70’s and get old from that point in time. They know that they must ensure WHH so they keep out of the way.
Time loop 2 – WHH except for Des who’s special
- Dharma have an accident when they drill into the EM pocket. There are Losties there but no commotion because Kate, Jack, Hurley, were there all along
- Dharma has an accident when they drill into the EM pocket. There are no Losties there.
- Losties come to the island and press button every 108 minutes
- Locke turns the wheel, the Losties get sent back in time to 70’s. Locke is off island, how or why would he come back? But the island having to be moved was the result of Keamy’s team arriving which was a result of the Losties going off the island which they shouldn’t have done? But WHH except for Des but Des allowed them to go off island. Why would Locke turn the wheel the first time? Locke should have turned the wheel because Jacob wanted Locke to get away from MIB? If Locke was told to turn the wheel by Jacob then Jacob was being held prisoner in the cabin not MIB.
I’ve been tying myself up in knots with this idea of time travel and it doesn’t just fit. I was thinking that the idea of putting in the numbers every 108 minutes must have been a hoax and I think it was but for more than we realise, a whole lot more. The reason why Lost is called Lost and why it was going to be called the Circle is that the show is a never ending puzzle that cannot be solved like the shape of a circle; it has no beginning and no ending. It is designed to get you Lost. It’s a very clever device of storytelling!
I was thinking was the whole of Dharma an experiment? But then when the Losties have gone back in time which makes the time travel real and that must be as a result of the EM.... No it’s not, the truth about this island is that the MIB and MIW can make things come into reality. They are able to magic our Losties hopes, desires and fears into reality! Actually the whole thing is them messing with people’s brains who come to the island, like the show has been doing to us! It’s all an experiment on us too! It’s a circle there’s no answer to we are all being made fools of! It doesn’t work. The time travel is all made up, another apparition as a result of Dharma’s hopes. Just like MIB and MIW do for everyone. Like Hurley’s imaginary friend, Kate’s horse. The scary black monster, Locke being able to walk, Rose’s cancer. It’s all hopes and fears. Hurley’s obsession with food. Libby’s story is irrelevant to the end of Lost because it would just be another e! xample of hopes and fears. The progress Jacob mentioned when talking to the MIB on the beach is just how much imagination we have based on our progressing technology and what we can imagine into existence. That’s why Dharma were there in the first place. They thought they were there to try to solve the Valenzetti Equation and that’s why time travel came into existence. Even the plane crash was caused by people’s desires. Really though I wonder if the powers behind Dharma learned that this island can make apparitions become reality and sent people there to see what happens. They were copying the MIB and MIW in a way to test humanity.
So to the end of Lost, all the Losties kill themselves get destroyed and we will see those two men on the beach at the end. It only ends once, the rest is progress!