Time travel is fictional, we all know that and the writers can make it work anyway they like. They have created time travel fiction around the idea of the Casmir Effect. Unlike Lost, in Back to The Future II, when one goes back in time, your other self, the one who is in that time frame is still going about their business doing what they did last time they went through time. As Doc Brown said they had to be careful not to interfere with the other you, “Remember Marty, there are now two of me here, and there are two of you here…”. Lost has proved that this is not the case by showing us Desmond’s experience. When Des went into the past to 1996 in Flashes Before You Eyes, he was unconscious in 2004. When Des left the island in the helicopter in The Constant, his 1996 counterpart came into the future. When Des visited Dan in Oxford his 1966 self went forward in time and his body in 1996 had passed out. Where ! did the 2004 consciousness go? The conclusion you must draw from this is that one’s consciousness can only be in one body at one time, either occupying your body which is in the past or the future.
Ah, you say, but we saw Ben go to Tunisia and Ben was still on the island doing what we saw him to in the show until he went turn the wheel. Well one was being occupied by MIB/Jacob. I think it was MIB but Ben thought it was Jacob. I think after the Dharma experiments went wrong time reset from the beginning and does every time the time line gets to the point when the world ended. As a result time is repeating and starting again and again. What they can do in Lost is go back in time but when you go back it is not into the past that you had experienced it is the next time line which started after yours had ended. So yes it is an alternate reality in a way but think about it being exactly the same as the last loop unless someone was to make changes. Here’s an example.
Charlie A is born and then he goes to the island then he dies.
In the meanwhile when time started again Charlie B has grown up. In Lost if Charlie A goes back in time it is Charlie B that he would see not himself.
So when Ben turned the wheel there was essentially two Ben’s, one living on the island in the same time fame and another Ben who was transported off island. I think it was found74 who said that the reason the person turning the wheel leaves the island might be to ensure that the two bodies do not have the possibility of occupying the same space. Ben’s consciousness could only occupy one of the Ben’s either the one in the past on the island or the one which was sent away to Tunisia. That gave the MIB an opportunity to become Ben. I think that the Ben who went off island was the MIB while the Ben we know and love was off trying to get Locke away from the hatch because he thought that the MIB wanted him for some other reason.
The real reason he wanted Locke was so that he could get him to turn the wheel. Ben didn’t realise that the MIB could occupy his body while he was doing this job in fact Ben thought that he was taking order from Jacob. So while Ben was off back in his own mind reliving the past on the island this time he was getting John, he didn’t go to the hatch and try to get John to come back with the Others the first time the time line was acted out from start to finish. Go back to the example of Charlie above, Ben A from the first time line goes back in time and when he does that his mind is transported into Ben B and this time he can change what Ben B does because he is doing things with future knowledge. In the meanwhile MIB has occupied the Ben who was transported off the island. Now I think that they must have been swapping back and forth like we saw Desmond do. Sometimes the Ben we saw off island was Ben and other times it was the MIB controlling Ben.
Then Locke is finally subjected to the same. When he turns the wheel he goes back in time and is trying to bring his friends back in time. Following the rules of his consciousness only being able to occupy one of his bodies, the Locke on the island should be unconscious but we know we saw him doing all the things we saw him do and that’s because MIB took over his other body while his consciousness was away. I think Jacob knew about Locke but the idea that MIB had was that Jacob didn’t know about Ben and he hadn’t seen that coming. He had though and has already prepared our Losties for the task. He rigged the FDW to malfunction and then they would be sent into the past. So while we are seeing our Losties bodies and their consciousnesses back in the 70’s their other bodies, the ones which are off the island, the ones we’ve seen flashbacks for should be vacant if you follow the example set by Desmond. Well they would have been if Jacob hadn’t touched them. So I donâ! �™t know whether Jacob is able to occupy more than one person at once maybe all he needs to do is to go from one to the other and in the meanwhile some of the Losties in the past in the next iteration are going to be unconscious for a while when Jacob is not occupying them and their consciousnesses are of course in the 70’s. So the MIB mustn’t know about our Losties coming, he doesn’t know that Jacob rigged the FDW to send them about in time first before they got to the 70’s. That way Jacob has been able to make changes along the way. Each time the Losties jumped to another time frame Jacob could occupy their other self. So when we saw Sawyer in the jungle looking on at Kate helping Clare give birth, Jacob was acting on behalf of the other Sawyer whenever and wherever he was at the time. I wonder if we can work out at which points Jacob became Sawyer? If you could work out the date you could maybe see if there was a change in Sawyer in the earlier episodes. Could it! be to do with the Valenzetti Equation itself? That each time ! the Lost ies skipped in time it was a date, ah Ricky I see what you were doing with adding the numbers and the years that the Losties were jumping to! I think he must have given them a trip to the future for a short time when he touched them all?
All that being said I did think that either MIB or Jacob knew about Des being special and Dan’s plan is to change something else to stop both of them. I remember someone else theory now that they were saying that Des becoming special was orchestrated by the MIB. The thing is in this last iteration we saw when Des has his time travel experience he was unconscious in one point in time where as his other self was out of time so I don’t think either of them do know. That’s how Des off island has suddenly remembered his past experiences and with some help from Hawking he will know what to do. I wonder if Dan in the past was able to give him the information he needed from the last iteration because of the diary.
Ah, you say, but we saw Ben go to Tunisia and Ben was still on the island doing what we saw him to in the show until he went turn the wheel. Well one was being occupied by MIB/Jacob. I think it was MIB but Ben thought it was Jacob. I think after the Dharma experiments went wrong time reset from the beginning and does every time the time line gets to the point when the world ended. As a result time is repeating and starting again and again. What they can do in Lost is go back in time but when you go back it is not into the past that you had experienced it is the next time line which started after yours had ended. So yes it is an alternate reality in a way but think about it being exactly the same as the last loop unless someone was to make changes. Here’s an example.
Charlie A is born and then he goes to the island then he dies.
In the meanwhile when time started again Charlie B has grown up. In Lost if Charlie A goes back in time it is Charlie B that he would see not himself.
So when Ben turned the wheel there was essentially two Ben’s, one living on the island in the same time fame and another Ben who was transported off island. I think it was found74 who said that the reason the person turning the wheel leaves the island might be to ensure that the two bodies do not have the possibility of occupying the same space. Ben’s consciousness could only occupy one of the Ben’s either the one in the past on the island or the one which was sent away to Tunisia. That gave the MIB an opportunity to become Ben. I think that the Ben who went off island was the MIB while the Ben we know and love was off trying to get Locke away from the hatch because he thought that the MIB wanted him for some other reason.
The real reason he wanted Locke was so that he could get him to turn the wheel. Ben didn’t realise that the MIB could occupy his body while he was doing this job in fact Ben thought that he was taking order from Jacob. So while Ben was off back in his own mind reliving the past on the island this time he was getting John, he didn’t go to the hatch and try to get John to come back with the Others the first time the time line was acted out from start to finish. Go back to the example of Charlie above, Ben A from the first time line goes back in time and when he does that his mind is transported into Ben B and this time he can change what Ben B does because he is doing things with future knowledge. In the meanwhile MIB has occupied the Ben who was transported off the island. Now I think that they must have been swapping back and forth like we saw Desmond do. Sometimes the Ben we saw off island was Ben and other times it was the MIB controlling Ben.
Then Locke is finally subjected to the same. When he turns the wheel he goes back in time and is trying to bring his friends back in time. Following the rules of his consciousness only being able to occupy one of his bodies, the Locke on the island should be unconscious but we know we saw him doing all the things we saw him do and that’s because MIB took over his other body while his consciousness was away. I think Jacob knew about Locke but the idea that MIB had was that Jacob didn’t know about Ben and he hadn’t seen that coming. He had though and has already prepared our Losties for the task. He rigged the FDW to malfunction and then they would be sent into the past. So while we are seeing our Losties bodies and their consciousnesses back in the 70’s their other bodies, the ones which are off the island, the ones we’ve seen flashbacks for should be vacant if you follow the example set by Desmond. Well they would have been if Jacob hadn’t touched them. So I donâ! �™t know whether Jacob is able to occupy more than one person at once maybe all he needs to do is to go from one to the other and in the meanwhile some of the Losties in the past in the next iteration are going to be unconscious for a while when Jacob is not occupying them and their consciousnesses are of course in the 70’s. So the MIB mustn’t know about our Losties coming, he doesn’t know that Jacob rigged the FDW to send them about in time first before they got to the 70’s. That way Jacob has been able to make changes along the way. Each time the Losties jumped to another time frame Jacob could occupy their other self. So when we saw Sawyer in the jungle looking on at Kate helping Clare give birth, Jacob was acting on behalf of the other Sawyer whenever and wherever he was at the time. I wonder if we can work out at which points Jacob became Sawyer? If you could work out the date you could maybe see if there was a change in Sawyer in the earlier episodes. Could it! be to do with the Valenzetti Equation itself? That each time ! the Lost ies skipped in time it was a date, ah Ricky I see what you were doing with adding the numbers and the years that the Losties were jumping to! I think he must have given them a trip to the future for a short time when he touched them all?
All that being said I did think that either MIB or Jacob knew about Des being special and Dan’s plan is to change something else to stop both of them. I remember someone else theory now that they were saying that Des becoming special was orchestrated by the MIB. The thing is in this last iteration we saw when Des has his time travel experience he was unconscious in one point in time where as his other self was out of time so I don’t think either of them do know. That’s how Des off island has suddenly remembered his past experiences and with some help from Hawking he will know what to do. I wonder if Dan in the past was able to give him the information he needed from the last iteration because of the diary.