I'm going to start this theory off with my idea of the cerberus.
-First off what I believe the Cerberus/smokey
*Cerberus chambers- When the Cerberus project started there where 3 people appointed "realease chambers" one of them possibly being horace the controllers of the cerberus(atleast the original ones) where also given computers that would recieve any of the information the cerberus recieved from surroundings.
Breaking it down
*The "Black rock" in lost is not only a ship I Believe there are big chunks of literal "BLACK ROCKS" burried throughout the island maybe a Meteorite hit maybe its some manifestation of electromagnitism who knows anyways I believe that Dharma found this substance and began to test on it only to findout that it absorbs & Reacts to Movement,sound and even feelings
*Soon after that they began to break the rock up and discovered they could manipulate the particles of rock due to the electromagnitism all over the island.
*Thus the Cerberus was created,being named Cerberus for the purpose of only 3 people having access to realeasing it,it almost looks as if horace was one of the original 3 in control of the cerberus also hinting that possibley the cabin is another realease chamber for smokey?
*Anyways IMO I'm pretty sure that the appointed leader of the others gets control of the chamber in the dharma house,who knows where the other 2 are the cabin, maybe even the foot statue?
*Also I'm not sure when the "Cerberus Malfunctioning" occured exactly but I think it said 1985 so anyways the Cerberus was not messing up I believe this was when the other guy on the beach was realeased from the cabin, thinking that this was the work of "the others" they began looking for explanations but they just couldn't explain what had happened.
*The Malfuntion was cause By MIB after being realeased from the cabin its possible that he is either in another cerberus chamber or possibly causing smokey to do this somehow with his mind(I believe Jacob and MIB both can manipulate smokey on a whole new level beyond just realeasing it and letting it do its thing)
*i don't believe there Gods/Aliens
They where probably special people like walt who didn't get lucky and get away.
*The others with the help of Jacob/MIB They began to experiment on "Special" children such as walt I'm not sure exactly what walts deal is yet but from the looks of things he can manipulate birds or he is atleast working on it.
-The Temple-
I believe that we are looking at 2 totally different Dharma projects as the same Cerberus & The re-animated bodies
Heres how it works,the smoke monster Drags the bodies to the temple but it has nothing to do with "REBIRTH"
I don't have the details but I believe it works like this
If the body has no Vital wounds and is capeible of living on its own they can give it enough energy to bring itself back to life and live for aslong as needed
I can't explain this all right now sorry post it ASAP
-First off what I believe the Cerberus/smokey
*Cerberus chambers- When the Cerberus project started there where 3 people appointed "realease chambers" one of them possibly being horace the controllers of the cerberus(atleast the original ones) where also given computers that would recieve any of the information the cerberus recieved from surroundings.
Breaking it down
*The "Black rock" in lost is not only a ship I Believe there are big chunks of literal "BLACK ROCKS" burried throughout the island maybe a Meteorite hit maybe its some manifestation of electromagnitism who knows anyways I believe that Dharma found this substance and began to test on it only to findout that it absorbs & Reacts to Movement,sound and even feelings
*Soon after that they began to break the rock up and discovered they could manipulate the particles of rock due to the electromagnitism all over the island.
*Thus the Cerberus was created,being named Cerberus for the purpose of only 3 people having access to realeasing it,it almost looks as if horace was one of the original 3 in control of the cerberus also hinting that possibley the cabin is another realease chamber for smokey?
*Anyways IMO I'm pretty sure that the appointed leader of the others gets control of the chamber in the dharma house,who knows where the other 2 are the cabin, maybe even the foot statue?
*Also I'm not sure when the "Cerberus Malfunctioning" occured exactly but I think it said 1985 so anyways the Cerberus was not messing up I believe this was when the other guy on the beach was realeased from the cabin, thinking that this was the work of "the others" they began looking for explanations but they just couldn't explain what had happened.
*The Malfuntion was cause By MIB after being realeased from the cabin its possible that he is either in another cerberus chamber or possibly causing smokey to do this somehow with his mind(I believe Jacob and MIB both can manipulate smokey on a whole new level beyond just realeasing it and letting it do its thing)
*i don't believe there Gods/Aliens
They where probably special people like walt who didn't get lucky and get away.
*The others with the help of Jacob/MIB They began to experiment on "Special" children such as walt I'm not sure exactly what walts deal is yet but from the looks of things he can manipulate birds or he is atleast working on it.
-The Temple-
I believe that we are looking at 2 totally different Dharma projects as the same Cerberus & The re-animated bodies
Heres how it works,the smoke monster Drags the bodies to the temple but it has nothing to do with "REBIRTH"
I don't have the details but I believe it works like this
If the body has no Vital wounds and is capeible of living on its own they can give it enough energy to bring itself back to life and live for aslong as needed
I can't explain this all right now sorry post it ASAP