This theory builds on another theory, but in a more speculative manner, I have entitled “Whatever was supposed to happen, didn’t happen”.
In that theory, in a nutshell, I posited that when Eloise Hawking sent the Losties back to the Island, she did so under the assumption that the Island moves simultaneously in Time and Space under a certain pattern. When Ben turned the wheel, he jacked that pattern up so that the Island started jumping around in its pattern. The explanation for it is more detailed in the theory with some VERY good comments that help to explain it further and fine tune the theory.
But anyway, what I’m attempting here is to figure out how the Losties all get on the same Time. As with the last theory, I depend on the comments because they help to fill holes.
To get there, first you have to look at another more subtle pattern employed at Lost. They don’t do make very many mistakes. Everything that they do is intentional and for the most part, they’ve established their own patterns just like the Island. The last we saw of Hawking, Richard had just clocked her in the back of the head. I think it’s very possible that one of the things we will learn in Season Six is that when Eloise Hawking woke up, after being extremely ticked off at Richard, she’ll come to the decision that what’s going down is contrary to the Island’s will. How she gets there, I don’t know, but I have a guess.
I think she’ll draw upon her personal experiences with the Losties in that they would pop up, tell her about different things that they’ve experienced, and then pop off presumably due to the wheel being turned. She’s a true leader of the Island, so she knows how to get to the wheel and what happens when the wheel is turned as opposed to Ben who we’ve observed has been winging it for quite awhile. So, she realizes that the only way to stop them from blowing up the Island with a hydrogen bomb core will be to turn the wheel, even if that means that she has to sacrifice leaving the island. Therefore, I believe that the white light that we saw at the end of Season Five was not Juliet detonating the bomb, but the result of Eloise Hawking turning the wheel.
What this then does is sync the Losties into the same Time pattern as 2008 Island Time and perhaps brings us to the war we’ve been hearing about and may in fact be the meaning behind Jacob’s “last” words, “They’re coming”. He somehow knows that Eloise would be turning the wheel and that the Losties would be coming back presumably to fight in the war.
In that theory, in a nutshell, I posited that when Eloise Hawking sent the Losties back to the Island, she did so under the assumption that the Island moves simultaneously in Time and Space under a certain pattern. When Ben turned the wheel, he jacked that pattern up so that the Island started jumping around in its pattern. The explanation for it is more detailed in the theory with some VERY good comments that help to explain it further and fine tune the theory.
But anyway, what I’m attempting here is to figure out how the Losties all get on the same Time. As with the last theory, I depend on the comments because they help to fill holes.
To get there, first you have to look at another more subtle pattern employed at Lost. They don’t do make very many mistakes. Everything that they do is intentional and for the most part, they’ve established their own patterns just like the Island. The last we saw of Hawking, Richard had just clocked her in the back of the head. I think it’s very possible that one of the things we will learn in Season Six is that when Eloise Hawking woke up, after being extremely ticked off at Richard, she’ll come to the decision that what’s going down is contrary to the Island’s will. How she gets there, I don’t know, but I have a guess.
I think she’ll draw upon her personal experiences with the Losties in that they would pop up, tell her about different things that they’ve experienced, and then pop off presumably due to the wheel being turned. She’s a true leader of the Island, so she knows how to get to the wheel and what happens when the wheel is turned as opposed to Ben who we’ve observed has been winging it for quite awhile. So, she realizes that the only way to stop them from blowing up the Island with a hydrogen bomb core will be to turn the wheel, even if that means that she has to sacrifice leaving the island. Therefore, I believe that the white light that we saw at the end of Season Five was not Juliet detonating the bomb, but the result of Eloise Hawking turning the wheel.
What this then does is sync the Losties into the same Time pattern as 2008 Island Time and perhaps brings us to the war we’ve been hearing about and may in fact be the meaning behind Jacob’s “last” words, “They’re coming”. He somehow knows that Eloise would be turning the wheel and that the Losties would be coming back presumably to fight in the war.