Ok, I have been trying to find some way to make this into some sort of theory, and it seems no matter where I try and find any sort of evidence or back up, I come up emptyhanded...so I will simply ask the question outright to see if anyone else thinks that this is even remotely possible.
The premise is there from the beginning of and throughout the show. Major character problems/issues (almost everyone on the island). The allusions to mythological/historic places consisting of kingdoms and royalty. The subtle titles such as "All the best Cowboys have Daddy issues" and "The Little Prince". The corny Star Wars references.
Is there any chance, that after all the God/Satan, Jacob/Esau, blah, blah blah, that Jacob and his "Nemesis" may actually be a father and son...maybe even a king and a prince?
I understand there are not similarities in the physical appearance, but after all we have seen who knows if the two men we saw at the beginning of the finale were actually even the true form of the beings. And regardless, do they really have to be that similar for this to make sense.
The show has, for better or worse, revolved around characters making life changing decisions based on their parents, specifically their fathers, words and actions.
What would make more sense than the two men we see as rivals...or one anothers nemesis, in the long run actually be child and father, much like almost all the other characters who grace us with their back story on Lost.
As I said, I dont really have a leg to stand on with this, other than the major issues of the Losties that we have come to know and love/hate.
On that note, I would love to hear feedback on if this could be a possibility, and if not...why?
I know without proper backup it is almost sinful to place this in the theories section, but I am looking for a new approach to the situation, and help from anyone who may have anything to add.
This is a thought I have been sitting on since about a week after the finale, and feel that it may be something that has a shot at being one of those “how didnt we catch that” twists that could be thrown our way in the final season.
The premise is there from the beginning of and throughout the show. Major character problems/issues (almost everyone on the island). The allusions to mythological/historic places consisting of kingdoms and royalty. The subtle titles such as "All the best Cowboys have Daddy issues" and "The Little Prince". The corny Star Wars references.
Is there any chance, that after all the God/Satan, Jacob/Esau, blah, blah blah, that Jacob and his "Nemesis" may actually be a father and son...maybe even a king and a prince?
I understand there are not similarities in the physical appearance, but after all we have seen who knows if the two men we saw at the beginning of the finale were actually even the true form of the beings. And regardless, do they really have to be that similar for this to make sense.
The show has, for better or worse, revolved around characters making life changing decisions based on their parents, specifically their fathers, words and actions.
What would make more sense than the two men we see as rivals...or one anothers nemesis, in the long run actually be child and father, much like almost all the other characters who grace us with their back story on Lost.
As I said, I dont really have a leg to stand on with this, other than the major issues of the Losties that we have come to know and love/hate.
On that note, I would love to hear feedback on if this could be a possibility, and if not...why?
I know without proper backup it is almost sinful to place this in the theories section, but I am looking for a new approach to the situation, and help from anyone who may have anything to add.
This is a thought I have been sitting on since about a week after the finale, and feel that it may be something that has a shot at being one of those “how didnt we catch that” twists that could be thrown our way in the final season.