Hi all. Was just skimming over Shawn's theory about the Island being a spaceship -- about a race of humanoid-type aliens from the "future". I like this. I'm a huge sci-fi fan, and while I'm not sure these wonderful ideas are REALLY what's happening, it's still fun to think about them. I like the idea about the Frozen Chamber being the cockpit of the ship, the Wheel being the controls. In addition to this, there was also a theory floating around a while ago that had to do with Jack; his destiny; that by the end of the show, he would be chosen to "pilot" the ship, take off into space, carrying the selected, enlightened few(the Losties) who had passed their respective "tests"(had been judged by Smokie) to join a higher race and start over.
There are subtle clues here and there that make it fun to ponder such a thing. For instance, season 1; episode 1; Jack and Kate talk by a fire -- it's Jack's assessment of how they crashed. Kate asks; "How do you know all that?" to which Jack replies: "I took a couple of flying lessons... It wasn't for me." Jack always deffied his destiny; he never wanted to be leader. Yet clearly he was supposed to. Flying wasn't for him... well... maybe it was!
Anyway, this was not what I wanted to come on here and talk about. In fact, I don't really have much of a theory to offer. But just one tiny idea to consider if you're going down the aliens from the "future" route. Now, we all know that Darlton are big Star Wars fans, and they've taken alot of inspiration from the films and injected it into the show -- father issues for example, reflecting Luke and Vadar. What I'm trying to say is, we know the writer's are taking inspiration from all kinds of literature and pop culture etc, and we're all constantly referring to it to try and figure out if it reveals anything about what's going on. And it wouldn't be entirely rediculous to think that the planned ending of the show; the big twist(coz we all know one's coming-- we can feel it...) might be pulled from one of these sources of literature/pop culture, like Stephen King's the Stand, Atlantis etc. BUT... if it is Star Wars, then consider these simple words:
"A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..."
In nearly every theory I've read that speculates on the big picture, the big answer to what's going on when considering an advanced race, they always seem to come from the future. Because the Frozen Donkey Wheel seems to speak to some kind of higher technology, everyone assumes that whoever it was built by MUST be from the future. Why? Consider the Universe. One civilizations highly advanced FUTURE, might be our ancient PAST. And vice versa.
I still believe, as do we all, that Egypt plays a serious role in the show. That it's in part about an ancient Egyptian civilization. It always strikes me as ironic. Maybe "Ancient" Eqypt is not so ancient. But in fact, just the opposite. Take the pyramids. One of the seven wonders of the world. We've all heard the crazy theories about some higher inteligent race of aliens building them. Heck, maybe Eqyptians were aliens themselves, who knows. But think of this; maybe the Egyptians were not the beginnings of our own race, but rather, the highest evolutionary grade of an extra-terrestrial species sent here to help populate our planet.
I know this one tiny contribution is turning into a long, rambling mess. But just some things to consider.
And my final contribution. I'm a huge fan of The X-Files, and although the phrasing of the following exact quote escapes me, I believe The Cigarette Smoking Man once said in an episode that, "what you call God... is only extra-terrestrial". The reason I bring this up is that Shawn, who's theory I'm basing this all on, mentioned that it seems crazy to think that there's anything MYSTICAL in the show, and yet, the show is very religious. Jacob himself appears to be a mystical figure. Well what if Shawn is right? What if what appears to be mystical, magic to us, is just simply a higher form of technology(Smoke Monster)?
Anyway, that's it from me. Just something to think about Shawn. Might help you out with your theory.
There are subtle clues here and there that make it fun to ponder such a thing. For instance, season 1; episode 1; Jack and Kate talk by a fire -- it's Jack's assessment of how they crashed. Kate asks; "How do you know all that?" to which Jack replies: "I took a couple of flying lessons... It wasn't for me." Jack always deffied his destiny; he never wanted to be leader. Yet clearly he was supposed to. Flying wasn't for him... well... maybe it was!
Anyway, this was not what I wanted to come on here and talk about. In fact, I don't really have much of a theory to offer. But just one tiny idea to consider if you're going down the aliens from the "future" route. Now, we all know that Darlton are big Star Wars fans, and they've taken alot of inspiration from the films and injected it into the show -- father issues for example, reflecting Luke and Vadar. What I'm trying to say is, we know the writer's are taking inspiration from all kinds of literature and pop culture etc, and we're all constantly referring to it to try and figure out if it reveals anything about what's going on. And it wouldn't be entirely rediculous to think that the planned ending of the show; the big twist(coz we all know one's coming-- we can feel it...) might be pulled from one of these sources of literature/pop culture, like Stephen King's the Stand, Atlantis etc. BUT... if it is Star Wars, then consider these simple words:
"A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..."
In nearly every theory I've read that speculates on the big picture, the big answer to what's going on when considering an advanced race, they always seem to come from the future. Because the Frozen Donkey Wheel seems to speak to some kind of higher technology, everyone assumes that whoever it was built by MUST be from the future. Why? Consider the Universe. One civilizations highly advanced FUTURE, might be our ancient PAST. And vice versa.
I still believe, as do we all, that Egypt plays a serious role in the show. That it's in part about an ancient Egyptian civilization. It always strikes me as ironic. Maybe "Ancient" Eqypt is not so ancient. But in fact, just the opposite. Take the pyramids. One of the seven wonders of the world. We've all heard the crazy theories about some higher inteligent race of aliens building them. Heck, maybe Eqyptians were aliens themselves, who knows. But think of this; maybe the Egyptians were not the beginnings of our own race, but rather, the highest evolutionary grade of an extra-terrestrial species sent here to help populate our planet.
I know this one tiny contribution is turning into a long, rambling mess. But just some things to consider.
And my final contribution. I'm a huge fan of The X-Files, and although the phrasing of the following exact quote escapes me, I believe The Cigarette Smoking Man once said in an episode that, "what you call God... is only extra-terrestrial". The reason I bring this up is that Shawn, who's theory I'm basing this all on, mentioned that it seems crazy to think that there's anything MYSTICAL in the show, and yet, the show is very religious. Jacob himself appears to be a mystical figure. Well what if Shawn is right? What if what appears to be mystical, magic to us, is just simply a higher form of technology(Smoke Monster)?
Anyway, that's it from me. Just something to think about Shawn. Might help you out with your theory.