My take is that Jacob wanted the button to NOT be pushed. This would lead to presenting a BIG variable to counter Mr. X's loophole: Desmond. This would also explain the "Locke as Eko" dream, as it being an instruction by Jacob to "wake up" and stop pushing the stupid button (stop blindly believing or else someone will take advantage. Although, if you want to argue that both sides knew this was supposed to happen, then Jacob wanted Locke to cause Desmond to use the failsafe. This scenario would work out better for Eko [as his belief wasn't necessarily wrong], who if was able to continue pushing the button, then everything would be fine. No loop-hole. No loop whatsoever [maybe]. What Mr. X didn't count on, if there was no changing the failsafe event, was Desmond [note: who was brought to the island by Widmore]).
This also brings Widmore's boat to the island. Widmore, I think, is on Jacob's side (though I could be completely wrong, and with his demeanor in certain scenes, I would be happy to be). This is because I'm led to believe one of his relatives was from the Black Rock (British slave ship), which Jacob "summoned." (Not a very good argument, I know, and, again, I could be wrong, but what if Widmore is Jacob's "iron fist" against Mr. X?) I think Widmore and Abaddon knew that Locke was VERY special, but his huge amount of faith in things he didn't fully understand made him susceptible to both sides ("amenable to coercion"). This is why Widmore claimed he didn't know why Richard would say Locke was going to die (which we now know was because of False Locke instructing Richard to do so). Locke was going to be a huge asset in this "war," and the wrong side was able to secure him by causing events that led to his death and eventual apparition-ing :)
The button was pretty much the big turning point. Not pushing it allowed for another loop-de-loop, which means another "progressive" way to this "one ending," as Jacob put it. Only now, the counter-strike will be Jacob's variables (and Desmond, whose ability to see the possible future(s) will be shared by certain losties. I can see this as a product of the Incident, and everyone would be conscious shifting, like Desmond, except now, they'll have Jacob as their constant).
One more thought on Widmore. A lot of people agree that Jacob caused Nadia's death by stopping Sayid before crossing the street. I suppose he did and I guess it was because there would have been no way Sayid would have gone back to the island otherwise. But not only that, Ben (if he wasn't lying again) said the driver of the jeep (which sped off) worked for Widmore. Widmore and Jacob still on the same side?
Rip away.
This also brings Widmore's boat to the island. Widmore, I think, is on Jacob's side (though I could be completely wrong, and with his demeanor in certain scenes, I would be happy to be). This is because I'm led to believe one of his relatives was from the Black Rock (British slave ship), which Jacob "summoned." (Not a very good argument, I know, and, again, I could be wrong, but what if Widmore is Jacob's "iron fist" against Mr. X?) I think Widmore and Abaddon knew that Locke was VERY special, but his huge amount of faith in things he didn't fully understand made him susceptible to both sides ("amenable to coercion"). This is why Widmore claimed he didn't know why Richard would say Locke was going to die (which we now know was because of False Locke instructing Richard to do so). Locke was going to be a huge asset in this "war," and the wrong side was able to secure him by causing events that led to his death and eventual apparition-ing :)
The button was pretty much the big turning point. Not pushing it allowed for another loop-de-loop, which means another "progressive" way to this "one ending," as Jacob put it. Only now, the counter-strike will be Jacob's variables (and Desmond, whose ability to see the possible future(s) will be shared by certain losties. I can see this as a product of the Incident, and everyone would be conscious shifting, like Desmond, except now, they'll have Jacob as their constant).
One more thought on Widmore. A lot of people agree that Jacob caused Nadia's death by stopping Sayid before crossing the street. I suppose he did and I guess it was because there would have been no way Sayid would have gone back to the island otherwise. But not only that, Ben (if he wasn't lying again) said the driver of the jeep (which sped off) worked for Widmore. Widmore and Jacob still on the same side?
Rip away.