In one of the latest episodes, John said:"I've a purpose now".
I think it's all a matter of purposes; everyone changes (or better, drives) the story, and has always an opposition; the last one, Jack, understands that his purpose is to put the bomb into the hole; Juliet understands hers, to detonate that bomb. John, to kill Jacob. Ben, a long time ago, to protect the Island. Charlie, to save Desmond.
Everyone has a purpose; clarified that, why bomb's detonation will not kill everybody? I think that "the Incident" that Pierre Chang / Marvin Candle explains in the Orchid's training video is the WHOLE event (the perforation of electromagnetic energy pocket AND the detonation of the hidrogen bomb); thanks to the detonation, he understands how to manifold the huge amount of energy into the pocket, which IMHO is such a gas, growing day after day, that has to be released a bit every 108 minutes to go under the safe level.
So, detonation won't change the future; instead it will confirm that.
Miles once said; you can't change the future; what happened happened. Faraday too was of this opinion; but he tried to do something to reset the future. The real question is: was he supposed to do that? I think yes; that was his purpose, to convince Jack that the bomb will reset things, in order to make the detonation happens.
Jacob vs Samuel... here is the split of the story; Jack, man of science, is in the "scientific" part of the story; John, man of faith, is in the "faithful" part of the story.
I think the duo Samuel/Locke will split off in the first episode... probably we won't understand what's happened to the 1974's losties for a while; I'm saying that just because this is the most tricky part of the season finale actions.
But, since this is the "new" part of the story (in realtime, I mean), I think that the next season finale will explain that.
We'll see...
I think it's all a matter of purposes; everyone changes (or better, drives) the story, and has always an opposition; the last one, Jack, understands that his purpose is to put the bomb into the hole; Juliet understands hers, to detonate that bomb. John, to kill Jacob. Ben, a long time ago, to protect the Island. Charlie, to save Desmond.
Everyone has a purpose; clarified that, why bomb's detonation will not kill everybody? I think that "the Incident" that Pierre Chang / Marvin Candle explains in the Orchid's training video is the WHOLE event (the perforation of electromagnetic energy pocket AND the detonation of the hidrogen bomb); thanks to the detonation, he understands how to manifold the huge amount of energy into the pocket, which IMHO is such a gas, growing day after day, that has to be released a bit every 108 minutes to go under the safe level.
So, detonation won't change the future; instead it will confirm that.
Miles once said; you can't change the future; what happened happened. Faraday too was of this opinion; but he tried to do something to reset the future. The real question is: was he supposed to do that? I think yes; that was his purpose, to convince Jack that the bomb will reset things, in order to make the detonation happens.
Jacob vs Samuel... here is the split of the story; Jack, man of science, is in the "scientific" part of the story; John, man of faith, is in the "faithful" part of the story.
I think the duo Samuel/Locke will split off in the first episode... probably we won't understand what's happened to the 1974's losties for a while; I'm saying that just because this is the most tricky part of the season finale actions.
But, since this is the "new" part of the story (in realtime, I mean), I think that the next season finale will explain that.
We'll see...