The opening scene of this episode, The Incident, is probably one of the most crucial scenes of all LOST. It shows Jacob (Dressed in white robes) and his enemy or Nemesis (Dressed in dark robes). Jacob, wanting to prove to the Nemesis that people can transform, from bad to good, has brought a ship to the island (presumably the Black Rock). The Nemesis just says that it always ends the same, that the people Jacob brings to the island just corrupt the island and do bad things. Jacob thinks that people have the ability to redeem themselves of there past lives on the island and become better people. This is why Jacob brings the Losties to the island, to redeem themselves. All of the Losties have done something they wish they didn’t. Sawyer killed a man, Kate also killed a man, Sun cheated on Jin and slept with another man, Jin was a killer for Mr. Paik, Charlie was a drug addict, Eko killed people and pretended to b! e a priest, Sayid was a torturer, and Locke, well he had terrible dad issues, much like Jack. Jacob brought all of these people to the island to rid them of there past sins and make them whole again, to prove to his Nemesis that it was possible for humans to change. This proves that the true winner of the overall “game” would be the goodness of human nature and not the badness. This game, one side light and one side dark (Locke in the Pilot Episode), is the outcome of the entire island, possibly the world. This game has gone on and on for years and years, with each side continuing to bring new players onto the board. These players are the Losties (brought in by Jacob) as well as others such as the mercenaries (brought in by the Nemesis) who almost wiped out the Losties. The Nemesis is also trying to prevent Jacob of bringing new players to the game by attempting to kill them before Jacob can bring them to the island (Locke out of the building, Michael being hit by a car! , etc.) This Nemesis is quite possibly the smoke monster, able! to comm unicate with the Losties through visions, some of which ultimately kill them (Shannon seeing Walt before being shot, Hurley seeing Dave and almost committing suicide, etc.). Jacob believes that this cycle, or loop, of continuing to bring people to the island will continue to correct itself overtime until the outcome is revealed. He knows there is only one end and anything that leads up to that end is just progress. “It only ends one. Anything that happens before that? It’s just progress.” –Jacob. Now, how does Jacob bring these people to the island? Touch. In every situation where Jacob has met with the Losties, he has, in one-way or another, touched them physically (Kate on the nose, Sawyer on the hand whilst giving him the pen, Locke on the shoulder, Jack on the hand while giving him the Apollo bar, Jin and Sun at their wedding, etc.). This is quite possibly the reason that they are drawn to the island in some strange way.
On a completely different note, lets talk about ancient Egypt and the Island. As we all know, there is a strong Egyptian influence on the show (e.g. The Statue, Hieroglyphs in the hatch and in the Temple, etc.). The amount of Egyptian mythology is vast in this show. I think that Island is part of a lost continent, Mu. Now, Mu was a continent that was supposedly in one of the oceans but disappeared before it could be recorded, much like other “lost continents” and cities such as Lemuria and Atlantis. Augustus Le Plongeon proposed this idea of Mu in the 19th century. He claimed that refugees of Mu created ancient civilizations, such as Egypt and Mesoamerica. My theory is that the people of Mu originally started the Egyptian style architecture on the island (The statue, the Temple, etc.) but left once the continent sank. However, some parts of Mu were still in tact and above water, such as Easter Island and the Island. So, is the Island part of the ancient continent of Mu? ! Another part of this Egyptian topic is the Statue. The statue is of the Egyptian god named Taweret. She is the god of fertility and birth and she was the wife of Apep, the god of evil. Apep lives beneath the horizon (representing evil) and Taweret resides above the horizon (representing good). So, this brings us back to the good vs. evil, black vs. white, Jacob vs. The Nemesis. Another theory that I have with the statue has to do with Jughead. I believe when Juliet detonates the bomb it destroys the statue, leaving only the foot. Before the Incident, the statue was whole, not destroyed. This is why Juliet was able to deliver Amy’s baby but in the future, Juliet is not able to deliver the baby. Once Taweret (the god of fertility) is destroyed, the gods (somehow) prevent babies from being born.
This is my theory on the season finale of Season 5.
On a completely different note, lets talk about ancient Egypt and the Island. As we all know, there is a strong Egyptian influence on the show (e.g. The Statue, Hieroglyphs in the hatch and in the Temple, etc.). The amount of Egyptian mythology is vast in this show. I think that Island is part of a lost continent, Mu. Now, Mu was a continent that was supposedly in one of the oceans but disappeared before it could be recorded, much like other “lost continents” and cities such as Lemuria and Atlantis. Augustus Le Plongeon proposed this idea of Mu in the 19th century. He claimed that refugees of Mu created ancient civilizations, such as Egypt and Mesoamerica. My theory is that the people of Mu originally started the Egyptian style architecture on the island (The statue, the Temple, etc.) but left once the continent sank. However, some parts of Mu were still in tact and above water, such as Easter Island and the Island. So, is the Island part of the ancient continent of Mu? ! Another part of this Egyptian topic is the Statue. The statue is of the Egyptian god named Taweret. She is the god of fertility and birth and she was the wife of Apep, the god of evil. Apep lives beneath the horizon (representing evil) and Taweret resides above the horizon (representing good). So, this brings us back to the good vs. evil, black vs. white, Jacob vs. The Nemesis. Another theory that I have with the statue has to do with Jughead. I believe when Juliet detonates the bomb it destroys the statue, leaving only the foot. Before the Incident, the statue was whole, not destroyed. This is why Juliet was able to deliver Amy’s baby but in the future, Juliet is not able to deliver the baby. Once Taweret (the god of fertility) is destroyed, the gods (somehow) prevent babies from being born.
This is my theory on the season finale of Season 5.