*For this theory I am assuming that Jacob’s nemesis is his brother (in the bible), Esau*
In the bible, Jacob and Esau were brothers, twins to be exact. They were born of Isaac and Rebekah and Esau was the first born. However, before the birth of her sons, Rebekah was told by the Lord that her oldest son would serve her younger son.
The LORD said to her, "Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples from within you will be separated; one people will be stronger than the other, and the older will serve the younger.
But, the oldest son would be the one to inherit the heir of their father. Jacob was not happy that he would not receive the heir. One day, Esau, being famished after an unsuccessful hunting trip, begged Jacob for some food that he was cooking. Jacob said that he would only give him the food if Esau gave up his birthright. Esau immediately gave it up for the food.
And Jacob said, Swear to me this day; and he sware unto him: and he sold his birthright unto Jacob.
Later on, Jacob and his mother, Rebekah, tricked Isaac into giving Jacob the blessing, instead of Esau (Note: Jacob’s father liked Esau more than Jacob). After Jacob received the blessing, Esau vowed to kill Jacob. (Much like in LOST)
Jacob had 12 children. This is where it is very similar to LOST. His last child, who killed his mother in childbirth, was named Benjamin. This pays homage back to Ben killing his mother in childbirth. This gives me the idea that Jacob didn’t like Ben, as much because he was his “last son” This is why Ben hadn’t met him until the season 5 finale, The Incident.
In the bible, Jacob lived 147 years (Assuming that he is killed by Ben when he is 147). This would place his birth (in LOST) around 1860. This would mean that he would be somewhere around the age of 21 when the Black Rock comes to the island (The Black Rock sailed in 1881). I believe that this timeframe is completely believable. As for the fact that he doesn’t seem to age, well, I have no clue.
Jacob, on LOST, seems to be this wonderful person. However the more I look at it, the worse he actually is. His name, “he who supplants”, means he who supersedes by treachery and force. This means that he achieves something that he wants by force and treachery. That doesn’t sound like a very good guy. Other than that, he tricked his own father into doing what he wanted. He also “stole” his brother’s birthright. Jacob seems more and more like a mean and nasty person.
Let me know what you think. Thanks.
In the bible, Jacob and Esau were brothers, twins to be exact. They were born of Isaac and Rebekah and Esau was the first born. However, before the birth of her sons, Rebekah was told by the Lord that her oldest son would serve her younger son.
The LORD said to her, "Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples from within you will be separated; one people will be stronger than the other, and the older will serve the younger.
But, the oldest son would be the one to inherit the heir of their father. Jacob was not happy that he would not receive the heir. One day, Esau, being famished after an unsuccessful hunting trip, begged Jacob for some food that he was cooking. Jacob said that he would only give him the food if Esau gave up his birthright. Esau immediately gave it up for the food.
And Jacob said, Swear to me this day; and he sware unto him: and he sold his birthright unto Jacob.
Later on, Jacob and his mother, Rebekah, tricked Isaac into giving Jacob the blessing, instead of Esau (Note: Jacob’s father liked Esau more than Jacob). After Jacob received the blessing, Esau vowed to kill Jacob. (Much like in LOST)
Jacob had 12 children. This is where it is very similar to LOST. His last child, who killed his mother in childbirth, was named Benjamin. This pays homage back to Ben killing his mother in childbirth. This gives me the idea that Jacob didn’t like Ben, as much because he was his “last son” This is why Ben hadn’t met him until the season 5 finale, The Incident.
In the bible, Jacob lived 147 years (Assuming that he is killed by Ben when he is 147). This would place his birth (in LOST) around 1860. This would mean that he would be somewhere around the age of 21 when the Black Rock comes to the island (The Black Rock sailed in 1881). I believe that this timeframe is completely believable. As for the fact that he doesn’t seem to age, well, I have no clue.
Jacob, on LOST, seems to be this wonderful person. However the more I look at it, the worse he actually is. His name, “he who supplants”, means he who supersedes by treachery and force. This means that he achieves something that he wants by force and treachery. That doesn’t sound like a very good guy. Other than that, he tricked his own father into doing what he wanted. He also “stole” his brother’s birthright. Jacob seems more and more like a mean and nasty person.
Let me know what you think. Thanks.