Hey guys, thought about some clues, that can be debatable. Therories are thoughts not facts that are always true, but of course comment on what you think!
Sorry if any have been posted as well.
Richard, talking to Jack about John being "Special" He had gone back off island to see john on many occasions, and John failed the test, should I be so interested in John Lock?
NOPE!!!! John Lock is NOT special. Sure Christan told him he was, but only cause it was not Christan but someone else who had taken form of his dead body, to lead John on a Journey to kill Jacob in the end. Like the previous wheelchair John, he was once again gulable!!! His father asked for his Kidney he gave it, Christan told him to turn the wheel he did it. He listened to Ben...Ben killed him. John has not learned from his previous mistakes, on trust. He is Naive. Not Special. He is exactly what the Island needs to create a "Loop hole" Ya ya he was in a wheelcahir and can now walk and that makes people believe in him. But its all a effect, to yet again use him so other people such as Jacobs Nemises can get what he wants.
Jacob's Cabin and Elana - So no one was in there, just a peice of the Tapesty where Jacob actually is woven with a knife stuck in it on the wall. Jacob was never in the cabin, The ash surrounding it, was broken cause again his Enemy, was there in form of a dead Christan. Placing the tapestry with the knife as a clue of how to kill him, and where to find him. The broken ash was to signal Elana that someone was there.
Judgement and the Smoke Monster & Ben - Hmmmm John Lock dissapeared when Ben went to get judgement from the monster to only have Alex appear, and tell her to listen to everything John Lock has to say and follow him. I'm sure you know where I am going with this, Alex was actually Jacobs Enemey again ensuring that Ben would follow through with Killing Jacob in the end.
The Magic Box... Notice how in season 2 when the episode where John Lock's Father appears and Ben tells John he has to kill him, the pain John feels then, feels so similar to the pain Ben feels on his speach to Jacob, prior to killing him. "what about me Jacob?" John or John in form of someone else, told Ben on the way to kill Jacob that he was like a cancer to the island. Basically saying everything he did was wrong was sick. Including John Locks father getting killed by Sawyer, who Lock gets to kill.
Jacob travelling off Island/and gutair case... Nope I don't think its Jacob. It the other guy. Christan can travel off Island, so he takes form of Jacob, and then convinces the others to come back so he can complete in killing Jacob. That why he apologises to Lock when he is thrown out the window, and when he sees Hurley in the cab and leaves the gutair case, Hurley believes it has to do with Charlie, and goes back. Which is not the case, it was just to keep things as familar as the 1st plain crash so he could take form as John.
Ellie, and the Timepost - SHE KNOWS!!!!!!!!! She knows exactly, how things are meant to be. I am sure Jacob or who ever he is went to see her to fill her in. We just have not seen that part yet.
Loophole.... Juilette is the loophole, cause she fell, sad scene her and Sawyer crying saying I love you. Falls to the bottom of the Swan see's the bomb starts beating it till it goes off..... BOOM!!!!! It never happened before, so it sent off a seris of events, in allowing Jacob to be killed. DO they end up at LAX??? Hell no!!! Seriously, you can't erase a part of your life that happened. "oh Whoops!!! I guess that was all a dream" NO, as much of fiction as lost is, it is not going to happen. They will end up in another time flash, where they are all together, and I'm betting 1992 before the purge, but this time, it will be different, cause the loophole.
My end result to lost... and how it ends is this.....
Its just a Island where many weird things can happen. You can heal, you can take form of people you can create crazy stations, or live your life with a book club. It is a place where people will eventually learn to get along and not fight for something they all believe in. Everyone has a story a sad one too. But here at the Island you can escape your current life of reality and form new bonds without judgement, you just need to find it within each other to do so. Like Rose and Bernard. Why kill??? WHy not live together and Die together. EVeryone wants a place to retire. Is'nt the ISland a perfect place to do so?
Its gonna take alot of fighting killing etc... before they see that. But end result I believe they will. What are they all missing back home anyways....
Sorry if any have been posted as well.
Richard, talking to Jack about John being "Special" He had gone back off island to see john on many occasions, and John failed the test, should I be so interested in John Lock?
NOPE!!!! John Lock is NOT special. Sure Christan told him he was, but only cause it was not Christan but someone else who had taken form of his dead body, to lead John on a Journey to kill Jacob in the end. Like the previous wheelchair John, he was once again gulable!!! His father asked for his Kidney he gave it, Christan told him to turn the wheel he did it. He listened to Ben...Ben killed him. John has not learned from his previous mistakes, on trust. He is Naive. Not Special. He is exactly what the Island needs to create a "Loop hole" Ya ya he was in a wheelcahir and can now walk and that makes people believe in him. But its all a effect, to yet again use him so other people such as Jacobs Nemises can get what he wants.
Jacob's Cabin and Elana - So no one was in there, just a peice of the Tapesty where Jacob actually is woven with a knife stuck in it on the wall. Jacob was never in the cabin, The ash surrounding it, was broken cause again his Enemy, was there in form of a dead Christan. Placing the tapestry with the knife as a clue of how to kill him, and where to find him. The broken ash was to signal Elana that someone was there.
Judgement and the Smoke Monster & Ben - Hmmmm John Lock dissapeared when Ben went to get judgement from the monster to only have Alex appear, and tell her to listen to everything John Lock has to say and follow him. I'm sure you know where I am going with this, Alex was actually Jacobs Enemey again ensuring that Ben would follow through with Killing Jacob in the end.
The Magic Box... Notice how in season 2 when the episode where John Lock's Father appears and Ben tells John he has to kill him, the pain John feels then, feels so similar to the pain Ben feels on his speach to Jacob, prior to killing him. "what about me Jacob?" John or John in form of someone else, told Ben on the way to kill Jacob that he was like a cancer to the island. Basically saying everything he did was wrong was sick. Including John Locks father getting killed by Sawyer, who Lock gets to kill.
Jacob travelling off Island/and gutair case... Nope I don't think its Jacob. It the other guy. Christan can travel off Island, so he takes form of Jacob, and then convinces the others to come back so he can complete in killing Jacob. That why he apologises to Lock when he is thrown out the window, and when he sees Hurley in the cab and leaves the gutair case, Hurley believes it has to do with Charlie, and goes back. Which is not the case, it was just to keep things as familar as the 1st plain crash so he could take form as John.
Ellie, and the Timepost - SHE KNOWS!!!!!!!!! She knows exactly, how things are meant to be. I am sure Jacob or who ever he is went to see her to fill her in. We just have not seen that part yet.
Loophole.... Juilette is the loophole, cause she fell, sad scene her and Sawyer crying saying I love you. Falls to the bottom of the Swan see's the bomb starts beating it till it goes off..... BOOM!!!!! It never happened before, so it sent off a seris of events, in allowing Jacob to be killed. DO they end up at LAX??? Hell no!!! Seriously, you can't erase a part of your life that happened. "oh Whoops!!! I guess that was all a dream" NO, as much of fiction as lost is, it is not going to happen. They will end up in another time flash, where they are all together, and I'm betting 1992 before the purge, but this time, it will be different, cause the loophole.
My end result to lost... and how it ends is this.....
Its just a Island where many weird things can happen. You can heal, you can take form of people you can create crazy stations, or live your life with a book club. It is a place where people will eventually learn to get along and not fight for something they all believe in. Everyone has a story a sad one too. But here at the Island you can escape your current life of reality and form new bonds without judgement, you just need to find it within each other to do so. Like Rose and Bernard. Why kill??? WHy not live together and Die together. EVeryone wants a place to retire. Is'nt the ISland a perfect place to do so?
Its gonna take alot of fighting killing etc... before they see that. But end result I believe they will. What are they all missing back home anyways....