There are two forces on the Island; Jacob and Christian or whatever Christian is and they have been feuding for thousands of years. (This goes back to the first episode where Locke is talking to Walt about the backgammon game and how it's the oldest game in the world. Even "older than Jesus Christ." He goes on describing the way the game is played, "Two players. Two sides. One is light. One is dark." This is a set up for the entire series.) When we first see the interior of Jacob's cabin in "The Man behind the curtain" the camera takes time to point out the mason jars on the windowsill, the dog painting and the rocking chair. When we see "Jacob's" cabin again in "Cabin Fever" none of those things are there but instead we get a big stuffed chair in which Claire is sitting in. Not only that, every time Jacob's cabin appears there is a circle of iron filings around it. However, when we see Locke go look for the cabi! n, he finds the circle but no cabin. And then in "Cabin Fever" Locke finds the cabin again but it has no circle.
There are two cabins.
It was the other force who said, "Help me" to Locke and not Jacob. Ben didn't hear it since he is with Jacob. In fact, Locke freed the other force by bringing in the flashlight in the cabin. Technology, or better yet, the electricity within the batteries of the flashlight disrupted the balance and put it in favor of Christian. Which is why Jacob freaked out the way he did. The other force, Christian escapes and imprisons Jacob. Or at least makes sure that Jacob won't get in the way of his plans.
Widmore is siding with Christian. That's the reason why he was kicked off of the Island. Not because Ben banished him but because Jacob banished him. He is the "him" that Widmore mentioned in "I was exiled by him." What I think happened was that Widmore had a deal with The Dharma Initiative to take over the Island from Jacob. (It was Widmore who set up "The Truce" that everyone was talking about in "LeFluer") In turn, not only would the other force of the Island help Widmore but with the DI, he would rule the outside world as well. Because who ever controls the Island has the power over space and time. Basically, you become a god. However, this backfired. Widmore and his followers were exiled with Hawking being one of his followers. And DI was cleansed from Island on Jacob's orders. Think of it like the renegade angels being banished from heaven after Lucifer became too big for his britches. The not-Jacob was imprisoned on the Island. Ben was spared because he was chosen by ! Jacob to be the new leader.
In the not too distance past, Jacob tells Ben that Locke will be coming to the Island. The man is actually an unknowing pawn of Widmore. The reason for this is future Widmore realizes that when he first met Locke, Locke said, "Jacob sent me." Only that since Locke was from the future, Jacob didn't send him but Christian did. However, to make sure that Locke gets to the Island, he sends Abaddon to make the arrangements for Locke. Because Locke is the tie between Widmore and the force on the Island, therefore, the Island, itself. Jacob tells Ben that the other force will try to take over and will get Locke to move the wheel. If Locke does this, the Island goes to Widmore. Jacob says that no matter what Ben has to prevent Locke from turning the wheel.
Even if it means Ben turning the wheel himself and being shoved into exile. What's even worse is that Ben has to do this alone. He can't ask Alpert for his help. (Jacob said no to this.) This is Ben's sacrifice. Alpert having been visited by Locke in the past thinks Locke is the leader. With Ben fooling around with side projects such as finding out why women can't give birth on the Island, Locke thinks Ben has turned his back to Jacob. (Little does he know.) That's why Alpert is so keen to get Locke into power. He believes that Locke will bring the Island back to the right path. And Ben's side projects are indeed him trying to steer away from the plan. (He hates Jacob's plan.) However, he ends up cancer, which is Jacob's way of saying, "You better listen to me, boy." Ben tries to kill Locke to prevent him from turning the wheel. But the other force who took the form of Walt saves Locke. Ben realizes that he has to tail Locke. He allows himself to become Locke's prisoner. Whi! ch is why Harper told Juilet that Ben is "exactly where he wants to be."
Then the mercenaries comes and Locke goes to the cabin. He's told to move the Island. Ben knows that this is exactly what Jacob told him would happen. Against his better desire, Ben tricks Locke into allowing him to turn the wheel. This is why Ben goes, "I hope you are happy now, Jacob." The Island goes "bloop".
Now off the Island, Ben keeps an eye on the 06 to make sure Widmore doesn't hurt them or use them as a way to get back on the Island. Ben believes because he turned the wheel Jacob is back in charge. Locke is the leader of the Others. The Island is safe from Widmore. Up to now Ben did not have any plans to return to the Island. As we've seen there are Others throughout the globe doing missions on the Island's behalf. Ben becomes one of these people.
Then Locke comes back to the regular world. Widmore is the first to find him. Widmore thinks that Locke knows exactly what is going on and that Christian told him everything. Which is why he said that "him" remark. However, after Locke said that he wasn't in exile, Widmore realizes that Locke is still a pawn in the dark and plays along. You see this when Locke said, "Richard told me I was supposed to die." Widmore answer, "I don't know why he said that." Out of all the people on this show, I think it's a safe bet to say whatever Jacob wants Richard wants. So if Widmore is against Richard's words, he is against Jacob.
When Ben finds out Locke is in the regular world, he is at first in awe. He thinks since Jacob is in control of the Island, he can return home. But then he hears that Jin survive. Ben knows that Jin was not supposed to have survived the freighter blow-up. Time which is supposed to be fix is unraveling. And if time is unraveling so is space. And if that is happening, we are all screwed. But Ben knows that Locke can somehow fix things. He is the key to everything. (I know, Locke and key. Bad pun.)
But then Locke tells Ben that he is suppose to find Hawking. It is then that Ben realizes that Jacob is not in charge of the Island but Christian is. And Locke has returned to be used as a bridge between Widmore and Christian. This is why Ben kills Locke. To prevent the man from meeting Hawking, who Ben is sure is still in cahoots with Widmore. Ben knows that once Locke returns to the Island he will come alive again. This is why he took the body from the funeral parlor and placed it in the care of an Other. He needed someone to guard Locke so that Widmore and Hawking could not tamper with the body.
However, this backfires. Hawking is indeed in cahoots with Widmore. She tells Jack to put something of his father's on Locke's body so that Locke can be "a proxy for Christian." This is why Hawking didn't want Ben to hear the conversation.
Now Ben knows that he has to return to the Island. His turning of the wheel was in vain. He has to help Jacob gain control of the Island before Widmore gets it. Theory by mekkio
There are two cabins.
It was the other force who said, "Help me" to Locke and not Jacob. Ben didn't hear it since he is with Jacob. In fact, Locke freed the other force by bringing in the flashlight in the cabin. Technology, or better yet, the electricity within the batteries of the flashlight disrupted the balance and put it in favor of Christian. Which is why Jacob freaked out the way he did. The other force, Christian escapes and imprisons Jacob. Or at least makes sure that Jacob won't get in the way of his plans.
Widmore is siding with Christian. That's the reason why he was kicked off of the Island. Not because Ben banished him but because Jacob banished him. He is the "him" that Widmore mentioned in "I was exiled by him." What I think happened was that Widmore had a deal with The Dharma Initiative to take over the Island from Jacob. (It was Widmore who set up "The Truce" that everyone was talking about in "LeFluer") In turn, not only would the other force of the Island help Widmore but with the DI, he would rule the outside world as well. Because who ever controls the Island has the power over space and time. Basically, you become a god. However, this backfired. Widmore and his followers were exiled with Hawking being one of his followers. And DI was cleansed from Island on Jacob's orders. Think of it like the renegade angels being banished from heaven after Lucifer became too big for his britches. The not-Jacob was imprisoned on the Island. Ben was spared because he was chosen by ! Jacob to be the new leader.
In the not too distance past, Jacob tells Ben that Locke will be coming to the Island. The man is actually an unknowing pawn of Widmore. The reason for this is future Widmore realizes that when he first met Locke, Locke said, "Jacob sent me." Only that since Locke was from the future, Jacob didn't send him but Christian did. However, to make sure that Locke gets to the Island, he sends Abaddon to make the arrangements for Locke. Because Locke is the tie between Widmore and the force on the Island, therefore, the Island, itself. Jacob tells Ben that the other force will try to take over and will get Locke to move the wheel. If Locke does this, the Island goes to Widmore. Jacob says that no matter what Ben has to prevent Locke from turning the wheel.
Even if it means Ben turning the wheel himself and being shoved into exile. What's even worse is that Ben has to do this alone. He can't ask Alpert for his help. (Jacob said no to this.) This is Ben's sacrifice. Alpert having been visited by Locke in the past thinks Locke is the leader. With Ben fooling around with side projects such as finding out why women can't give birth on the Island, Locke thinks Ben has turned his back to Jacob. (Little does he know.) That's why Alpert is so keen to get Locke into power. He believes that Locke will bring the Island back to the right path. And Ben's side projects are indeed him trying to steer away from the plan. (He hates Jacob's plan.) However, he ends up cancer, which is Jacob's way of saying, "You better listen to me, boy." Ben tries to kill Locke to prevent him from turning the wheel. But the other force who took the form of Walt saves Locke. Ben realizes that he has to tail Locke. He allows himself to become Locke's prisoner. Whi! ch is why Harper told Juilet that Ben is "exactly where he wants to be."
Then the mercenaries comes and Locke goes to the cabin. He's told to move the Island. Ben knows that this is exactly what Jacob told him would happen. Against his better desire, Ben tricks Locke into allowing him to turn the wheel. This is why Ben goes, "I hope you are happy now, Jacob." The Island goes "bloop".
Now off the Island, Ben keeps an eye on the 06 to make sure Widmore doesn't hurt them or use them as a way to get back on the Island. Ben believes because he turned the wheel Jacob is back in charge. Locke is the leader of the Others. The Island is safe from Widmore. Up to now Ben did not have any plans to return to the Island. As we've seen there are Others throughout the globe doing missions on the Island's behalf. Ben becomes one of these people.
Then Locke comes back to the regular world. Widmore is the first to find him. Widmore thinks that Locke knows exactly what is going on and that Christian told him everything. Which is why he said that "him" remark. However, after Locke said that he wasn't in exile, Widmore realizes that Locke is still a pawn in the dark and plays along. You see this when Locke said, "Richard told me I was supposed to die." Widmore answer, "I don't know why he said that." Out of all the people on this show, I think it's a safe bet to say whatever Jacob wants Richard wants. So if Widmore is against Richard's words, he is against Jacob.
When Ben finds out Locke is in the regular world, he is at first in awe. He thinks since Jacob is in control of the Island, he can return home. But then he hears that Jin survive. Ben knows that Jin was not supposed to have survived the freighter blow-up. Time which is supposed to be fix is unraveling. And if time is unraveling so is space. And if that is happening, we are all screwed. But Ben knows that Locke can somehow fix things. He is the key to everything. (I know, Locke and key. Bad pun.)
But then Locke tells Ben that he is suppose to find Hawking. It is then that Ben realizes that Jacob is not in charge of the Island but Christian is. And Locke has returned to be used as a bridge between Widmore and Christian. This is why Ben kills Locke. To prevent the man from meeting Hawking, who Ben is sure is still in cahoots with Widmore. Ben knows that once Locke returns to the Island he will come alive again. This is why he took the body from the funeral parlor and placed it in the care of an Other. He needed someone to guard Locke so that Widmore and Hawking could not tamper with the body.
However, this backfires. Hawking is indeed in cahoots with Widmore. She tells Jack to put something of his father's on Locke's body so that Locke can be "a proxy for Christian." This is why Hawking didn't want Ben to hear the conversation.
Now Ben knows that he has to return to the Island. His turning of the wheel was in vain. He has to help Jacob gain control of the Island before Widmore gets it. Theory by mekkio