Michael Emerson said recently in an interview that if he had to sum up the overall theme for all of Season 5 it would be the word "children". At first, I thought this only entailed Aaron and Ji Yeon. But after seeing "Whatever Happened, Happened", I've realized something that makes Darlton and the writers look like geniuses.
Darlton has been very stealthy with their operation, but I think it's getting very hard to conceal now how terribly important the children are. Now when you think of children in LOST, who comes to mind first? For me, Aaron and Ji Yeon, and then Walt after some thought. All three are off-island, for reasons we're not entirely sure of. But now that I think about it, there are a ton of children who we have always known about connected to the survivors, but we hardly ever consider, if ever.
Why, we have Clementine, who we now see is quite the big girl in "Whatever Happened, Happened", who is Sawyer's daughter. There's Juliet nephew, who she saw on the Island when she was brought there by the Others. There's Charlie's niece, also (might not be important though). Plus we can't forget our new little addition, little Charlie Pace, Desmond's son. That, plus Aaron and Ji Yeon, who are IMO equally important to the Island mythology, create quite a cast of "important" or "connected" children. Plus there's Zach and Emma who we know are floating around with the Others, but lack any details about their strange conversion to Others.
(Side-note: I think the Others did the same thing to Emma and Zach to convert them into Others that they did to Ben when he was little, as seen in WHH.)
Anyway, back to the main theory. Michael Emerson said the Season 5 sum-up was "children". After seeing Clementine again, I realize now how sneakily the creators have crafted in all these seemingly passable children, having us focus on the mythology and the older Losties. They've played the children low-key on purpose, and are definitely planning to do something with ALL of them.
Final theory: Season 5 Finale Ending Scene / The Big Game-changer:
Are you sure...?
In some time or another, the children will return to the Island fully grown on a mission of their own to somehow rescue those on the Island, and they will be led by Walt. Walt's story is not over, and Darlton has set up Ji Yeon and Aaron too well to let them stay on the side-lines as children forever. With them, I believe, will be Clementine, Charlie Hume, and Juliet's nephew. I'm not sure if Charlie's niece will be included.
This will be the game-changer. Whether they appear in the 70's or the far future, I have no idea since all this time traveling can lead us to anywhere. However, I am betting right now we will see all of them together as adults, with either Walt as their leader.
That is the game changer. The children.
I'm sure I have plot-holes and stuff, but I thought I'd share. :) Theory by Daniel
Darlton has been very stealthy with their operation, but I think it's getting very hard to conceal now how terribly important the children are. Now when you think of children in LOST, who comes to mind first? For me, Aaron and Ji Yeon, and then Walt after some thought. All three are off-island, for reasons we're not entirely sure of. But now that I think about it, there are a ton of children who we have always known about connected to the survivors, but we hardly ever consider, if ever.
Why, we have Clementine, who we now see is quite the big girl in "Whatever Happened, Happened", who is Sawyer's daughter. There's Juliet nephew, who she saw on the Island when she was brought there by the Others. There's Charlie's niece, also (might not be important though). Plus we can't forget our new little addition, little Charlie Pace, Desmond's son. That, plus Aaron and Ji Yeon, who are IMO equally important to the Island mythology, create quite a cast of "important" or "connected" children. Plus there's Zach and Emma who we know are floating around with the Others, but lack any details about their strange conversion to Others.
(Side-note: I think the Others did the same thing to Emma and Zach to convert them into Others that they did to Ben when he was little, as seen in WHH.)
Anyway, back to the main theory. Michael Emerson said the Season 5 sum-up was "children". After seeing Clementine again, I realize now how sneakily the creators have crafted in all these seemingly passable children, having us focus on the mythology and the older Losties. They've played the children low-key on purpose, and are definitely planning to do something with ALL of them.
Final theory: Season 5 Finale Ending Scene / The Big Game-changer:
Are you sure...?
In some time or another, the children will return to the Island fully grown on a mission of their own to somehow rescue those on the Island, and they will be led by Walt. Walt's story is not over, and Darlton has set up Ji Yeon and Aaron too well to let them stay on the side-lines as children forever. With them, I believe, will be Clementine, Charlie Hume, and Juliet's nephew. I'm not sure if Charlie's niece will be included.
This will be the game-changer. Whether they appear in the 70's or the far future, I have no idea since all this time traveling can lead us to anywhere. However, I am betting right now we will see all of them together as adults, with either Walt as their leader.
That is the game changer. The children.
I'm sure I have plot-holes and stuff, but I thought I'd share. :) Theory by Daniel