Here are several brief theories I have after watching "Whatever Happpened, Happened.
1) Richard said Ben would forget his past once he heals Ben. Therefore, he would not remember being shot by Sayid or even Sayid. He would not remember coming to the island and being born off it.
a) Correct me if I'm wrong, but in the "Man From Tallahassee", Ben tells Locke he was "born on this island", but we just assumed he was lying or made it easier for him to explain, cause we all knew he was born off island. Well, if whatever saves Young Ben's life, changes him forever and removes his innocense, than adult Ben really did think he was born on the island. Maybe Ben has been "brainwashed" all along. Maybe he's a good guy who's been lead down the wrong path all this time? What if Ben is the "Darth Vader" - evil until the end game. (Just an add on - Locke is totally Obi Wan and Sawyer is Han Solo, Yoda is Christian Sheppard; Jack is Luke; Kate is Leah, Hurley a Wookie)
b) Ben has been under a "spell" all this time. He has no emotion or remorse - he does what is needed to be done whether it involves murder, lying, deceit, evil...He is on a mission that no one else can explain or understand. I believe Ben will die in Season 6 - but as a hero; just like Darth Vader. Once people realize he had to do everything he did for a reason, Ben will be given a choice to live for himself or die so save everyone else (or the island) and i believe future Ben will die to save everyone else! He'll finally be given a chance to do the right thing and he will do it!
2) Old Ben treated Kate a little better than the rest (Season 3, I believe) because he's got her blood inside him from the blood transfusion as a kid. They have had a special bond with eachother. They both killed their fathers, Kate had a toy plane to remember her one true love and Ben had two wooden dolls to remember Annie; they both have had a bounty on them, they are always on the run and travelling and have several alias', etc...Old Ben doesn't know why he's connected to Kate because his memory was erased as a kid, but he can scense it because her blood is in him.
a) Jack refused to operate on young Ben and in the future Old Ben said he wanted Jack to "want" to operate on his spine.
1) I believe Old Ben got the tumor in his spine because he was shot as a kid.
b) Since Ben and Kate have very parallel stories - Ben must have killed Annie on accident; involving her in one of his evil Ben tirades. Kate accidently killed her "true love" by getting him involved in her shannanigans and then wrecked the car and killed him. She kept a toy plane as a momento. Ben keeps the two wooden dolls as a momento.
3) Now that Richard Alpert has young Ben and is going to heal him, we basically know 2 things are coming; 1) Young Ben and a young adult Widmore are going to meet and begin to know eachother 2) Ben probably becomes somewhat of a spy for the hostiles when a "healed" young Ben returns back to life in Dharmaville, living with his deadbeat dad. See, Old Ben was still a member when he killed his father and then gassed Dharmaville.
a) This is either fact or assumed fact that Ben was the reason for Widmore leaving the island. What if, somehow, a younger Widmore (mother)is pregnant with Penny "on island" and Ben tricks the Widmore's into leaving the island to save the unborn child (Penny).
b) what if the younger Charles Widmore also finds out that Old Ben is going to kill a grown up Penny. This is done in order to bring Desmond back to the island because he seems to be the only one that can truly change the past. Therefore, the whole battle of Widmore vs Ben is over this whole situation.
4) Hurley is kind of the character on the show the speaks for the dumb/simple viewer. Therefore, he asked Miles all of these basic time travelling questions (using Back to the Future as a reference). Miles did a great job explaining all of this time travel as simply as you could put it. Everything he said made sense until Hurley finally stumped him. He asked how Older Ben didn't recognize Sayid. This is intended to be a directors trick on the audience. Does this one question eliminate everything Miles just told us - NO! Whatever happened, happened - it's true.
a) Since young Ben's memory is about to be erased, he will not remember Sayid or even being shot - which keeps Miles explaination of time travel valid! Miles and Hurley just don't know (yet) that young Ben is about to be brainwashed into evil Ben.
5) I believe that a younger Widmore eventually turns the Donkey Wheel in the 80's to get off the island and that is how Sun, Locke, Old Ben and Lapidus join back up with Jack, Sawyer, Hurley, Kate, Juliet, Miles, Daniel and Sayid. In what time they join back up, I'm not sure....maybe that is when Desmond comes back into the picture! Theory by Matt S
1) Richard said Ben would forget his past once he heals Ben. Therefore, he would not remember being shot by Sayid or even Sayid. He would not remember coming to the island and being born off it.
a) Correct me if I'm wrong, but in the "Man From Tallahassee", Ben tells Locke he was "born on this island", but we just assumed he was lying or made it easier for him to explain, cause we all knew he was born off island. Well, if whatever saves Young Ben's life, changes him forever and removes his innocense, than adult Ben really did think he was born on the island. Maybe Ben has been "brainwashed" all along. Maybe he's a good guy who's been lead down the wrong path all this time? What if Ben is the "Darth Vader" - evil until the end game. (Just an add on - Locke is totally Obi Wan and Sawyer is Han Solo, Yoda is Christian Sheppard; Jack is Luke; Kate is Leah, Hurley a Wookie)
b) Ben has been under a "spell" all this time. He has no emotion or remorse - he does what is needed to be done whether it involves murder, lying, deceit, evil...He is on a mission that no one else can explain or understand. I believe Ben will die in Season 6 - but as a hero; just like Darth Vader. Once people realize he had to do everything he did for a reason, Ben will be given a choice to live for himself or die so save everyone else (or the island) and i believe future Ben will die to save everyone else! He'll finally be given a chance to do the right thing and he will do it!
2) Old Ben treated Kate a little better than the rest (Season 3, I believe) because he's got her blood inside him from the blood transfusion as a kid. They have had a special bond with eachother. They both killed their fathers, Kate had a toy plane to remember her one true love and Ben had two wooden dolls to remember Annie; they both have had a bounty on them, they are always on the run and travelling and have several alias', etc...Old Ben doesn't know why he's connected to Kate because his memory was erased as a kid, but he can scense it because her blood is in him.
a) Jack refused to operate on young Ben and in the future Old Ben said he wanted Jack to "want" to operate on his spine.
1) I believe Old Ben got the tumor in his spine because he was shot as a kid.
b) Since Ben and Kate have very parallel stories - Ben must have killed Annie on accident; involving her in one of his evil Ben tirades. Kate accidently killed her "true love" by getting him involved in her shannanigans and then wrecked the car and killed him. She kept a toy plane as a momento. Ben keeps the two wooden dolls as a momento.
3) Now that Richard Alpert has young Ben and is going to heal him, we basically know 2 things are coming; 1) Young Ben and a young adult Widmore are going to meet and begin to know eachother 2) Ben probably becomes somewhat of a spy for the hostiles when a "healed" young Ben returns back to life in Dharmaville, living with his deadbeat dad. See, Old Ben was still a member when he killed his father and then gassed Dharmaville.
a) This is either fact or assumed fact that Ben was the reason for Widmore leaving the island. What if, somehow, a younger Widmore (mother)is pregnant with Penny "on island" and Ben tricks the Widmore's into leaving the island to save the unborn child (Penny).
b) what if the younger Charles Widmore also finds out that Old Ben is going to kill a grown up Penny. This is done in order to bring Desmond back to the island because he seems to be the only one that can truly change the past. Therefore, the whole battle of Widmore vs Ben is over this whole situation.
4) Hurley is kind of the character on the show the speaks for the dumb/simple viewer. Therefore, he asked Miles all of these basic time travelling questions (using Back to the Future as a reference). Miles did a great job explaining all of this time travel as simply as you could put it. Everything he said made sense until Hurley finally stumped him. He asked how Older Ben didn't recognize Sayid. This is intended to be a directors trick on the audience. Does this one question eliminate everything Miles just told us - NO! Whatever happened, happened - it's true.
a) Since young Ben's memory is about to be erased, he will not remember Sayid or even being shot - which keeps Miles explaination of time travel valid! Miles and Hurley just don't know (yet) that young Ben is about to be brainwashed into evil Ben.
5) I believe that a younger Widmore eventually turns the Donkey Wheel in the 80's to get off the island and that is how Sun, Locke, Old Ben and Lapidus join back up with Jack, Sawyer, Hurley, Kate, Juliet, Miles, Daniel and Sayid. In what time they join back up, I'm not sure....maybe that is when Desmond comes back into the picture! Theory by Matt S