Many, including myself, have used records, CD's, and even 8 track tapes to explain Alt timelines, Alt universes, Concentric Time loops, along with other theories which do not exactly coincide with HH'd. The HH'ers do not want to have anything to do with these ideas and will point to paradox, Daniel Faraday, the producers, writers and particularly this week's episode, (What Happened-Happened) to let everyone else know ---well----What "Happened Happened god-dangit"!
Reading a few comments in a bunch of posts I believe there are a few of us who believe there may be a balance between both theories. Since I am tired of reading about records and other media to try to give us visuals, I will try to give my take on what may be happening by utilizing my favorite snack food; The "TWINKIE". (I think most of you will be able to draw parallels to other theories and to the show without the need for mentioning actual names or events).
Here we go:
Our TWINKIE "cake" is a batch of particular ingredients cooked to specifications by an exact recipe. It is filled with a creamy center which is also made according to an exact recipe. When it is baked and finally put together it completes the process of being a TWINKIE. It is then wrapped (encapsulated) , labeled and is considered finished. The HH'ers will should happy in knowing that I believe our Twinkie has been a Twinkie is a Twinkie, and will always be wrapped to be a Twinkie.
It wouldn't matter how the process in manufacturing said product may change---IT's a Fraking TWINKIE. Time traveling bakers could one time fill it from a different end, put a little extra stuffing or less. These Chrono-bakers could make the whole Twinkie somewhat smaller or bigger if they wished to. They could even take a little longer or shorter to prepare it. Fact is, the types of ingredients and the overall recipe can never change. When all is said and done, regardless of how they decided to package, size or fill, it will always been manufactured to be a TWINKIE.
For all intents and purposes "WHAT HAPPENED-HAPPENED" in completing this TWINKIE.
There is however something that is not finished with the whole process. It has to be shipped and unwrapped to be eaten to end it's cycle. I would like to propose, there is a special person or group of people who come into contact with it knowing full well it is a TWINKIE. They don't need to read the label which seperate them from
the TWINKIE. Nor do they need to know exactly how this particular TWINKIE was made. Whether this TWINKIE was stuffed from one end or the other. Whether this is a larger or smaller version of this snack food. Regardless of any of this, they don't much like TWINKIES. They actually loath them but they are very hungry.
In looking at this completed cake, they have an Epiphany. They see something about it because they are visionaries, they are special, different, and unique. They can see things that others failed to recognize about this TWINKIE. These special visionaries realize if they tear open the wrapper, they can do something that will ALTER
this TWINKIE. Re-invent it. Make it more palatable to those who wish/MUST have something different.
They can uncover the TWINKIE from it's wrapper very carefully to prevent damage. They can then proceed to dip it in a Chocolate coating which surrounds the TWINKIE. Inside this new Desert treat is the original LIGHT colored object which has now been surrounded by a DARK Color. They created something NEW without changing the core. It is now something like a YODEL (hopefully most of you know what that is).
In short, It has been ALTERED into a different product without changing it's core. YES, what HAPPENED-HAPPENED to make that TWINKIE. BUT...Depending on who possesses it at a particular point (after it is manufactured) will decide whether or not it will be ALTERED into something else. The question for me is: Will it get eaten or not?
Again, I hope this makes sense without spelling out the parallels to other theories and to the show.
Now I must get a Snack. For some reason, I am starving.
P.S. Please comment. Theory by I.M.godhere
Reading a few comments in a bunch of posts I believe there are a few of us who believe there may be a balance between both theories. Since I am tired of reading about records and other media to try to give us visuals, I will try to give my take on what may be happening by utilizing my favorite snack food; The "TWINKIE". (I think most of you will be able to draw parallels to other theories and to the show without the need for mentioning actual names or events).
Here we go:
Our TWINKIE "cake" is a batch of particular ingredients cooked to specifications by an exact recipe. It is filled with a creamy center which is also made according to an exact recipe. When it is baked and finally put together it completes the process of being a TWINKIE. It is then wrapped (encapsulated) , labeled and is considered finished. The HH'ers will should happy in knowing that I believe our Twinkie has been a Twinkie is a Twinkie, and will always be wrapped to be a Twinkie.
It wouldn't matter how the process in manufacturing said product may change---IT's a Fraking TWINKIE. Time traveling bakers could one time fill it from a different end, put a little extra stuffing or less. These Chrono-bakers could make the whole Twinkie somewhat smaller or bigger if they wished to. They could even take a little longer or shorter to prepare it. Fact is, the types of ingredients and the overall recipe can never change. When all is said and done, regardless of how they decided to package, size or fill, it will always been manufactured to be a TWINKIE.
For all intents and purposes "WHAT HAPPENED-HAPPENED" in completing this TWINKIE.
There is however something that is not finished with the whole process. It has to be shipped and unwrapped to be eaten to end it's cycle. I would like to propose, there is a special person or group of people who come into contact with it knowing full well it is a TWINKIE. They don't need to read the label which seperate them from
the TWINKIE. Nor do they need to know exactly how this particular TWINKIE was made. Whether this TWINKIE was stuffed from one end or the other. Whether this is a larger or smaller version of this snack food. Regardless of any of this, they don't much like TWINKIES. They actually loath them but they are very hungry.
In looking at this completed cake, they have an Epiphany. They see something about it because they are visionaries, they are special, different, and unique. They can see things that others failed to recognize about this TWINKIE. These special visionaries realize if they tear open the wrapper, they can do something that will ALTER
this TWINKIE. Re-invent it. Make it more palatable to those who wish/MUST have something different.
They can uncover the TWINKIE from it's wrapper very carefully to prevent damage. They can then proceed to dip it in a Chocolate coating which surrounds the TWINKIE. Inside this new Desert treat is the original LIGHT colored object which has now been surrounded by a DARK Color. They created something NEW without changing the core. It is now something like a YODEL (hopefully most of you know what that is).
In short, It has been ALTERED into a different product without changing it's core. YES, what HAPPENED-HAPPENED to make that TWINKIE. BUT...Depending on who possesses it at a particular point (after it is manufactured) will decide whether or not it will be ALTERED into something else. The question for me is: Will it get eaten or not?
Again, I hope this makes sense without spelling out the parallels to other theories and to the show.
Now I must get a Snack. For some reason, I am starving.
P.S. Please comment. Theory by I.M.godhere