For a show that I seem to spend more time thinking about than watching, I am just now starting to put the pieces together. For the first time this season seems to make complete sense, it probably wont last long and thats only considering my theory even is correct.
In the episode whatever happened, happened there is a scene with miles and hurley talking about the time paradox, when this conversation was going on it imediatly grab my attention and I tried to put it together but I became very confused like hurley did. It wasn't till the scene at the end when kate and james gave little dying ben to Richard. In the episode where the purge took place we saw richard telling little ben to be patient. I think that this is why, kate and james where always going to bring ben to the others that why in the purge episode it jumped past everything and never showed how planned the whole purge with them.
This has always been what happened like miles said the time line is in segments and they are experienceing them out of order. Miles said that sayid has always shot little ben they just never saw how it played out, this is because this segment was never lived before although it is in the past, its a present time segment to them. I think that when ben is captured in the net, it is on purpose and he knows sayid becuase he shot him when he was little. He can remember because for him when he was shot that was a past segment meaning he will have a memory of it and when he is being held in the hatch that was a present momemt for him. Its hard to explain everything that im thinking so it might have gotten alittle confusing sorry. So as we know now the ones that are in 1977 now have always been apart of it but becasue the wheel was stuck they didn't experience it until it was unstuck. I think ever since the first season they were told that they are meant to be on the island! and the plane crashed because this was the start and when the flashes begin and the wheel was turned by ben. with out the events leading up to ben turning the wheel everyone would never of ended up in dharmaville for ben to get shot and become an other. there are still alot of questions and missing links but for the time being i think the whole time line paradox is at least partially understood. Theory by Dwg
In the episode whatever happened, happened there is a scene with miles and hurley talking about the time paradox, when this conversation was going on it imediatly grab my attention and I tried to put it together but I became very confused like hurley did. It wasn't till the scene at the end when kate and james gave little dying ben to Richard. In the episode where the purge took place we saw richard telling little ben to be patient. I think that this is why, kate and james where always going to bring ben to the others that why in the purge episode it jumped past everything and never showed how planned the whole purge with them.
This has always been what happened like miles said the time line is in segments and they are experienceing them out of order. Miles said that sayid has always shot little ben they just never saw how it played out, this is because this segment was never lived before although it is in the past, its a present time segment to them. I think that when ben is captured in the net, it is on purpose and he knows sayid becuase he shot him when he was little. He can remember because for him when he was shot that was a past segment meaning he will have a memory of it and when he is being held in the hatch that was a present momemt for him. Its hard to explain everything that im thinking so it might have gotten alittle confusing sorry. So as we know now the ones that are in 1977 now have always been apart of it but becasue the wheel was stuck they didn't experience it until it was unstuck. I think ever since the first season they were told that they are meant to be on the island! and the plane crashed because this was the start and when the flashes begin and the wheel was turned by ben. with out the events leading up to ben turning the wheel everyone would never of ended up in dharmaville for ben to get shot and become an other. there are still alot of questions and missing links but for the time being i think the whole time line paradox is at least partially understood. Theory by Dwg