As we saw in Whatever Happened, Happened, Jack refusing to treat Ben (thereby violating his Hippocratic oath btw) caused Kate and Sawyer to take Ben to Richard.
As Richard said, if he is able to save Ben, he would lose his innocence, and become 'one of us, forever'. I think we're getting closer to the Whatever Happened, Happened, being true, because if Jack had treated Ben, then he wouldn't have gone to Richard, and therefore wouldn't have 'lost his innocence', probably stopping all of the immoral things Ben does in the future.
Think of the irony. Sayid shot Ben to try to change the future, and Jack refused to treat him because he thought he could do the same. Yet both these actions did more to make Ben Linus who he is today than any slap from daddy Linus or offer from Richard ever could have.
Jack always said no, and Kate always took Ben to Richard, where he was saved, but his soul was corrupted forever.
As we saw with Montand, et al, going into the Temple can change you, in a major way. I think this is what is happening to Ben right now. With Montand, he seemed to be taken over after entering, by Smokey, or some other force. Maybe this is how people are resurrected on the Island.
If all of this is true, it would mean Ben, and Locke, are essentially the same as Christian, Ben maybe not as much because he wasn't dead, he was just dying. He could have died within the Temple, but of course that's all speculation until we see more unfold. The one thing we know for sure from what Richard said, is that going into that Temple and saving Ben's life would change him forever. Could he have stomached killing hundreds of DI members without 'losing his innocence'? Me thinks not...
I wasn't on the Alternate timelines or WH,H side before this ep, as I thought there wasn't enough evidence either way. After this ep though, I'm fully on the WH,H side, as our Losties are proving rather integral to how the DI era of the Island unfolded, and many of the things we saw in 2004 and onward would not have happened without their actions in 1977.
There is one caveat here, and that was Hurley and Miles conversation about how Ben didn't recognize Sayid when he came to torture him in the storage closet of the Swan. I think he did recognize him though, and did remember.
I haven't gone and re-watched that ep (that's coming later tonight) but if memory serves, when that door was being closed, and Sayid was about to do his thing, Ben had this creepy, almost smile on his face, almost like he was saying, yes Mr, Jarrah, I know exactly what kind of man you are. I remember this so clearly because it was the moment I saw the man we knew as Henry Gale had a helluva lot more going on than a balloon crash.
Just as a final random note, that look on Ben's face, waking up and seeing Locke sitting by his bedside was about all I needed to see to know Ben wasn't trying to help John, he was simply trying to kill him and steal his place. Ben did not expect to ever see Locke again, which is why he said he was going to miss him.
Whatever Happened, Happened, and that's the story I'm sticking to. Theory by Red
As Richard said, if he is able to save Ben, he would lose his innocence, and become 'one of us, forever'. I think we're getting closer to the Whatever Happened, Happened, being true, because if Jack had treated Ben, then he wouldn't have gone to Richard, and therefore wouldn't have 'lost his innocence', probably stopping all of the immoral things Ben does in the future.
Think of the irony. Sayid shot Ben to try to change the future, and Jack refused to treat him because he thought he could do the same. Yet both these actions did more to make Ben Linus who he is today than any slap from daddy Linus or offer from Richard ever could have.
Jack always said no, and Kate always took Ben to Richard, where he was saved, but his soul was corrupted forever.
As we saw with Montand, et al, going into the Temple can change you, in a major way. I think this is what is happening to Ben right now. With Montand, he seemed to be taken over after entering, by Smokey, or some other force. Maybe this is how people are resurrected on the Island.
If all of this is true, it would mean Ben, and Locke, are essentially the same as Christian, Ben maybe not as much because he wasn't dead, he was just dying. He could have died within the Temple, but of course that's all speculation until we see more unfold. The one thing we know for sure from what Richard said, is that going into that Temple and saving Ben's life would change him forever. Could he have stomached killing hundreds of DI members without 'losing his innocence'? Me thinks not...
I wasn't on the Alternate timelines or WH,H side before this ep, as I thought there wasn't enough evidence either way. After this ep though, I'm fully on the WH,H side, as our Losties are proving rather integral to how the DI era of the Island unfolded, and many of the things we saw in 2004 and onward would not have happened without their actions in 1977.
There is one caveat here, and that was Hurley and Miles conversation about how Ben didn't recognize Sayid when he came to torture him in the storage closet of the Swan. I think he did recognize him though, and did remember.
I haven't gone and re-watched that ep (that's coming later tonight) but if memory serves, when that door was being closed, and Sayid was about to do his thing, Ben had this creepy, almost smile on his face, almost like he was saying, yes Mr, Jarrah, I know exactly what kind of man you are. I remember this so clearly because it was the moment I saw the man we knew as Henry Gale had a helluva lot more going on than a balloon crash.
Just as a final random note, that look on Ben's face, waking up and seeing Locke sitting by his bedside was about all I needed to see to know Ben wasn't trying to help John, he was simply trying to kill him and steal his place. Ben did not expect to ever see Locke again, which is why he said he was going to miss him.
Whatever Happened, Happened, and that's the story I'm sticking to. Theory by Red