A special station constructed to exist in "fake space" this space is in our own timespace dimension, but it the station itself does not exist in timespace like everything else. It has the ability to remain 100% hidden from the world with absolutely no way to find it. The station has the ability to move through the dimension of timespace and thus be in anytime and anyplace anywhere. It's not a time travel machine, it's a timespace traveling station.
Inside the station are is real Dharma iniative, the inner circle. Manipulating events and people throughout time to save the world. They sit in this station and watch time play itself out over and over, in a sense watching everything be created then destroyed. Each time changing the variables trying to fix it.
Now here is the weird part. The people inside the Jacob station have only been doing it for a short time. Because they exist outside of timespace but in our dimension they can literly watch all of time pass in a matter of seconds, hours, days, they control it. Thousands of experiments have run, time has played itself out with subtle changes here and there.
Course correction is the result of the people in this station changing things to make them the way they need it to be, because ultimatly they are the masters of the equation.
They have to manipulate things by brining specific people to the station.
Some people need to be removed from the equation, but they can't know about the station, so smokey is sent out to take care of this, either through killing them (hey it dont matter next time round they will live again) or by taking them to a sorta of jail.
Some people are brought back in less hostile ways, such as Claire, Christian is with the inner cirlce of the Dharma people, he brought Claire there to remove her from the equation. Once she was captured she was shown the truth and this is why she is so calm when we see her in Jacobs Cabin.
About Jacob's cabin, it's not a cabin, it's an entrace to the Jacob Station, the people in the station control when, where and how the entrace can appear. Sometimes it appears as Jacobs Cabin. Who would suspect that "Jacob" who hates technology so bad he will throw scary tantrums and make the area shake, fires, etc... It's a show Who would think "Jacob" is actually who hates technolgy is actually using the most advanced technolgy man ever created. Theory by touzoku
Inside the station are is real Dharma iniative, the inner circle. Manipulating events and people throughout time to save the world. They sit in this station and watch time play itself out over and over, in a sense watching everything be created then destroyed. Each time changing the variables trying to fix it.
Now here is the weird part. The people inside the Jacob station have only been doing it for a short time. Because they exist outside of timespace but in our dimension they can literly watch all of time pass in a matter of seconds, hours, days, they control it. Thousands of experiments have run, time has played itself out with subtle changes here and there.
Course correction is the result of the people in this station changing things to make them the way they need it to be, because ultimatly they are the masters of the equation.
They have to manipulate things by brining specific people to the station.
Some people need to be removed from the equation, but they can't know about the station, so smokey is sent out to take care of this, either through killing them (hey it dont matter next time round they will live again) or by taking them to a sorta of jail.
Some people are brought back in less hostile ways, such as Claire, Christian is with the inner cirlce of the Dharma people, he brought Claire there to remove her from the equation. Once she was captured she was shown the truth and this is why she is so calm when we see her in Jacobs Cabin.
About Jacob's cabin, it's not a cabin, it's an entrace to the Jacob Station, the people in the station control when, where and how the entrace can appear. Sometimes it appears as Jacobs Cabin. Who would suspect that "Jacob" who hates technology so bad he will throw scary tantrums and make the area shake, fires, etc... It's a show Who would think "Jacob" is actually who hates technolgy is actually using the most advanced technolgy man ever created. Theory by touzoku