OK, this is not a fully formed theory really, but hopefully you guys can help me whip it into shape, or discredit it into oblivion. The idea that Ben somehow = Aaron has been put forth by other people, although I'm not sure I've heard anyone say that he is a literal reincarnation. As others have pointed out, Ben's presence on Ajira 316 went seemingly approved by Eloise Hawking, even though he wasn't on 815. Plus Ben claimed to have been born on the Island, which we later learned he wasn't. But Aaron was. And Ben claimed to be able to read "because his mother taught him," even though his mother died in childbirth. But we saw Kate teaching Aaron? Hmm...
In season 1 you guys may remember that Claire was worried when she hadn't felt the baby kick in 2 days... then, it did. Could this mean that the baby was "dead" and then re-inhabited by some unknown force? (Ben, perhaps?)
Anyway the whole idea that some characters might be the reincarnated versions of other characters set me thinking about who might be who, and the Michael/Mikhail thing presented itself based on the name. However when you start to think about, there are other factors in common:
Both characters do the bidding of Ben Linus
Both characters kill 2 women
Michael longs for the release of death: Mikhail says "thank you" when tossed into the sonic fence and doesn't seem to mind dying. Both seem to enjoy an uncanny resistance to death, even when inflicted with potentially life-threatening injuries
Mikhail keeps a cow, the sometimes-symbol for reincarnation. Theory by Mrs. Nusbaum's Credit Card
In season 1 you guys may remember that Claire was worried when she hadn't felt the baby kick in 2 days... then, it did. Could this mean that the baby was "dead" and then re-inhabited by some unknown force? (Ben, perhaps?)
Anyway the whole idea that some characters might be the reincarnated versions of other characters set me thinking about who might be who, and the Michael/Mikhail thing presented itself based on the name. However when you start to think about, there are other factors in common:
Both characters do the bidding of Ben Linus
Both characters kill 2 women
Michael longs for the release of death: Mikhail says "thank you" when tossed into the sonic fence and doesn't seem to mind dying. Both seem to enjoy an uncanny resistance to death, even when inflicted with potentially life-threatening injuries
Mikhail keeps a cow, the sometimes-symbol for reincarnation. Theory by Mrs. Nusbaum's Credit Card