Here's a little something that occured to me while mulling over Michael's last moments of life for another theory. here goes:
There's a crap ton of C4 on the boat. It's connected to 2 things, a battery that's going to trigger the explosion, and a constantly incoming transmission from Keamy's armband, which keeps it from going off. As long as the transmissions keep coming, everything's cool.
Unfortunately, they stop coming (when Keamy is killed) thus triggering the explosion. But a stopgap plan is formed at the last minute: keep the power source frozen, and we can delay the explosion, at least for a while. Not forever, though.
Back at the Swan, we had a lot of similar elements, a "transmission" of sorts (entering the numbers) that must remain constant- when it stops, something bad is going to happen. Also we have the donkey wheel and buried nuke, I'm not sure which is the battery and which is the C4 here. But something has to remain frozen to prevent ...well, something. So if entering the numbers is the equivalent of Keamy's armband, then once they've stopped coming, is turning the failsafe key the equivalent of freezing the battery? It buys you some time, but can't last forever... does that mean the exploding nuke has been sent into the future, but the losties are eventually going to catch up to it? I don't know, but I just thought there are so many common elements to both scenarios, its worth thinking about. Theory by Mrs. Nusbaum's Credit Card
There's a crap ton of C4 on the boat. It's connected to 2 things, a battery that's going to trigger the explosion, and a constantly incoming transmission from Keamy's armband, which keeps it from going off. As long as the transmissions keep coming, everything's cool.
Unfortunately, they stop coming (when Keamy is killed) thus triggering the explosion. But a stopgap plan is formed at the last minute: keep the power source frozen, and we can delay the explosion, at least for a while. Not forever, though.
Back at the Swan, we had a lot of similar elements, a "transmission" of sorts (entering the numbers) that must remain constant- when it stops, something bad is going to happen. Also we have the donkey wheel and buried nuke, I'm not sure which is the battery and which is the C4 here. But something has to remain frozen to prevent ...well, something. So if entering the numbers is the equivalent of Keamy's armband, then once they've stopped coming, is turning the failsafe key the equivalent of freezing the battery? It buys you some time, but can't last forever... does that mean the exploding nuke has been sent into the future, but the losties are eventually going to catch up to it? I don't know, but I just thought there are so many common elements to both scenarios, its worth thinking about. Theory by Mrs. Nusbaum's Credit Card