Ok I just spotted something interesting when I was looking at the lostpedia notations about the blast door map and how it states that a bunch of the entries are in Latin...and what happened the other week with a certain young Charles Widmore and Juliet? It was revealed that the Other's could speak latin...anyone else find it interesting that the notations are in latin and that Radzinsky was killed with a shotgun...then I started thinking back to Danielle and her crew and how they seemed to know about the smoke monster and the temple...and then you have all the notations about the CV'S (Cerberus Vents) and I started thinking...how the hell does he even know this? I'm thinking that maybe Radzinsky was turned by the Monster but didn't become an other and instead still lived and was sent back to the Swan to make sure the "Course Correction" still happened. Maybe Kalvin killed him instead of him committing suicide cau! se he started acting like the French Team. Or maybe there were OTHER people in the hatch that we aren't aware of who were making the map. But just found it interesting because Radzinsky seems smart, but to be writing so much stuff in Latin seems a little odd...maybe there's an OTHER reason all together :)Theory by Chase