Before I start, I must apologise if this all comes across as quite disjointed. It’s just that Lost is so complex that it’s impossible for me to structure this very well, but I’ll try my best.
The whole of Lost is one giant exercise on course correction.
Exactly WHAT has to be corrected is anyones guess at this point.
But in order for the universe to correct itself several paths of events HAD to happen and they had to happen in THIS order.
1 - Plane crashed
2 - Locke’s leg is HEALED
3 - In All the Best Cowboys have Daddy Issues Locke follows a GUT INSTINCT trying to find Claire and 4 - Charlie. He then throws a flashlight to Boone but he drops it and it makes a metallic clunking sound.
5 - This eventually leads them to the SWAN
6 - This HAD to eventually lead to the turning of the Failsafe key and the Implosion of the HATCH to cause Desmond’s strange affliction.
7 - This caused TWO things that HAD to happen:
a) Penny’s men notice an anomaly… this would eventually lead to Penny in being in the right place at the right time when the Oceanic 6 crash the helicopter.
b) Desmond can now predict Charlies death.
(This is CRUCIAL, because if Charlie had died when he was supposed to then he would never have swum down to the looking glass and made contact with the Freighter. PLUS the little exchange between Charlie and Penny HAD to happen to set the stage for the events of The Constant)
8 – Contact is indeed made with the Frieghter.
9a – This leads to freighter folk coming to the Island (which HAD to happen)
9b – It also led to Desmond and co going ONTO the freighter which led to the phone call in The Constant, which is VITAL in making sure Penny is in the right place when the O6 crash in the water.
Now here’s the juicy part.
Ben has been trying to STOP all of this from happening. He doesn’t want the island to achieve its goal. Unfortunately for him (as he was not even born on the Island and is not the TRUE leader of the Others) there is nothing he can do because the island keeps outwitting him.
Consider this:
*Michael had a whole path that began with the kidnapping of Walt. This led to Ben letting the two of them go home. This in turn led to TOM (obviously working for Ben) getting Michael to work on the freighter to try and sabotage the electronics… but the Island had different designs and simply caused Sayid to be on the freighter in order to be able to fix everything so that Desmond could make the oh-so-important phonecall.
If Ben is trying to sabotage the Island’s plans then Charles Widmore is trying to do everything he can to HELP the Island. Consider that is was he who sent Desmond on the Boat Race, knowing that he would end up on the Island. Widmore knew the importance of Desmond in the Island’s plans, so helped him on his way.
But when Desmond arrived on the Island, Ben merely chucked him in the Swan, told him it was too dangerous to go outside and would have left him there to rot… but the Island had other ideas, and the crash of 815 was part of its plans to set off a chain of events that would release Desmond from his Dharma duties, and do all the things I described above. Ben is losing, because although he is good at manipulating people, he cannot manipulate the Island.
The Island also seems to be using Ben as a Pawn. Ben turned the Frozen Donkey Wheel as an act of desperation because he didn’t want Widmore to find the Island. But this actually worked to the Island’s advantage because it meant that the Helicopter had nowhere to land when it was running out of fuel and this led the O6 straight into the arms of Penny, who, due to the events listed above, happened to be in the right place at the right time.
Remember, that is was Jacob himself who told Locke that the Island has to be moved, so it was certainly what the Island wanted. Ben thought, that by offering to turn the wheel himself he would be sabotaging the Island’s plans… but infact he was being USED again… Ben is not a true leader, that is why he failed at turning the wheel properly and ended up dislodging it and causing the Island to jump around in time. The Island needed Locke to remain on the Island a little longer, so that he could jump around to several different places in time and perform several tasks (talking to Richard, meeting a young Widmore), all of which had to be done to set off the desired chain of events for the future.
Then when Locke was ready, it was his turn to use the Wheel and the Island stopped jumping.
Now lets pick up the Oceanic 6 pathway again…
Consider Ajira 316. Ben seemed to be trying to get everyone back to the Island, but he was merely trying to get himself back to the Island, but in order to do that, he needed to cooperate with Ms Hawking. Whilst Widmore was trying to do everything in his power to get the O6 back to the Island, Ben was trying to sabotage the whole process, whilst making it look like he wanted the same thing.
**** Please take the time to read a previous theory of mine which explains WHY I think Ben was trying to keep the O6 (or at least most of them) from returning to the Island ****
This has been a bit of an “Ultimate Theory” in some respects, covering a lot of ground, and it all seems to fit into place. I hope you understand the main gist of this theory is that:
The whole of Lost is one big exercise in course correction – The Island (Or perhaps Jacob himself) is either trying to change something that has happened, or is trying to unchange something that shouldn’t have happened. Widmore is working to assist and encourage these changes, but Ben is working to sabotage them.
I’m sorry if this theory lends no discussion as to WHAT the Island’s ultimate goal IS. That needs some further thinking. However, I do think it goes right back to this ‘two-sides, light-dark’ thing. There’s a war coming, and I think it’s an OLD war. And Ben and Widmore are on opposing Armies.
Thanks for reading this.
Please comment, and even better please challenge me. This is a work in progress and will be finely tuned as the episodes progress… I haven’t even begun to explain how Charlotte, Daniel and Miles fit into all of this, so I’ll start with them when I update this in probably about two weeks time.
Thanks again. I hope at least SOMETHING I have said here has given you something to chew on. Theory by Stupot
The whole of Lost is one giant exercise on course correction.
Exactly WHAT has to be corrected is anyones guess at this point.
But in order for the universe to correct itself several paths of events HAD to happen and they had to happen in THIS order.
1 - Plane crashed
2 - Locke’s leg is HEALED
3 - In All the Best Cowboys have Daddy Issues Locke follows a GUT INSTINCT trying to find Claire and 4 - Charlie. He then throws a flashlight to Boone but he drops it and it makes a metallic clunking sound.
5 - This eventually leads them to the SWAN
6 - This HAD to eventually lead to the turning of the Failsafe key and the Implosion of the HATCH to cause Desmond’s strange affliction.
7 - This caused TWO things that HAD to happen:
a) Penny’s men notice an anomaly… this would eventually lead to Penny in being in the right place at the right time when the Oceanic 6 crash the helicopter.
b) Desmond can now predict Charlies death.
(This is CRUCIAL, because if Charlie had died when he was supposed to then he would never have swum down to the looking glass and made contact with the Freighter. PLUS the little exchange between Charlie and Penny HAD to happen to set the stage for the events of The Constant)
8 – Contact is indeed made with the Frieghter.
9a – This leads to freighter folk coming to the Island (which HAD to happen)
9b – It also led to Desmond and co going ONTO the freighter which led to the phone call in The Constant, which is VITAL in making sure Penny is in the right place when the O6 crash in the water.
Now here’s the juicy part.
Ben has been trying to STOP all of this from happening. He doesn’t want the island to achieve its goal. Unfortunately for him (as he was not even born on the Island and is not the TRUE leader of the Others) there is nothing he can do because the island keeps outwitting him.
Consider this:
*Michael had a whole path that began with the kidnapping of Walt. This led to Ben letting the two of them go home. This in turn led to TOM (obviously working for Ben) getting Michael to work on the freighter to try and sabotage the electronics… but the Island had different designs and simply caused Sayid to be on the freighter in order to be able to fix everything so that Desmond could make the oh-so-important phonecall.
If Ben is trying to sabotage the Island’s plans then Charles Widmore is trying to do everything he can to HELP the Island. Consider that is was he who sent Desmond on the Boat Race, knowing that he would end up on the Island. Widmore knew the importance of Desmond in the Island’s plans, so helped him on his way.
But when Desmond arrived on the Island, Ben merely chucked him in the Swan, told him it was too dangerous to go outside and would have left him there to rot… but the Island had other ideas, and the crash of 815 was part of its plans to set off a chain of events that would release Desmond from his Dharma duties, and do all the things I described above. Ben is losing, because although he is good at manipulating people, he cannot manipulate the Island.
The Island also seems to be using Ben as a Pawn. Ben turned the Frozen Donkey Wheel as an act of desperation because he didn’t want Widmore to find the Island. But this actually worked to the Island’s advantage because it meant that the Helicopter had nowhere to land when it was running out of fuel and this led the O6 straight into the arms of Penny, who, due to the events listed above, happened to be in the right place at the right time.
Remember, that is was Jacob himself who told Locke that the Island has to be moved, so it was certainly what the Island wanted. Ben thought, that by offering to turn the wheel himself he would be sabotaging the Island’s plans… but infact he was being USED again… Ben is not a true leader, that is why he failed at turning the wheel properly and ended up dislodging it and causing the Island to jump around in time. The Island needed Locke to remain on the Island a little longer, so that he could jump around to several different places in time and perform several tasks (talking to Richard, meeting a young Widmore), all of which had to be done to set off the desired chain of events for the future.
Then when Locke was ready, it was his turn to use the Wheel and the Island stopped jumping.
Now lets pick up the Oceanic 6 pathway again…
Consider Ajira 316. Ben seemed to be trying to get everyone back to the Island, but he was merely trying to get himself back to the Island, but in order to do that, he needed to cooperate with Ms Hawking. Whilst Widmore was trying to do everything in his power to get the O6 back to the Island, Ben was trying to sabotage the whole process, whilst making it look like he wanted the same thing.
**** Please take the time to read a previous theory of mine which explains WHY I think Ben was trying to keep the O6 (or at least most of them) from returning to the Island ****
This has been a bit of an “Ultimate Theory” in some respects, covering a lot of ground, and it all seems to fit into place. I hope you understand the main gist of this theory is that:
The whole of Lost is one big exercise in course correction – The Island (Or perhaps Jacob himself) is either trying to change something that has happened, or is trying to unchange something that shouldn’t have happened. Widmore is working to assist and encourage these changes, but Ben is working to sabotage them.
I’m sorry if this theory lends no discussion as to WHAT the Island’s ultimate goal IS. That needs some further thinking. However, I do think it goes right back to this ‘two-sides, light-dark’ thing. There’s a war coming, and I think it’s an OLD war. And Ben and Widmore are on opposing Armies.
Thanks for reading this.
Please comment, and even better please challenge me. This is a work in progress and will be finely tuned as the episodes progress… I haven’t even begun to explain how Charlotte, Daniel and Miles fit into all of this, so I’ll start with them when I update this in probably about two weeks time.
Thanks again. I hope at least SOMETHING I have said here has given you something to chew on. Theory by Stupot